CSI Humboldt Seeds

Good for him.

He has damn near perfected shotgunning great genetics, if he really refines his selection and takes a sniper approach, I think the sky is the limit. Not dismissing his approach or knocking the quality, just from the sheer volume of freebies he’s pumping out, he’s letting pollen fly lol


So has anyone grown the trainwreck x chemd or durban x trainwreck? I mentioned something back, and no responses. Ii feel like these 2 could really have terp potential. I love funky herb, just curious. Thinking the trainwreck x durban would match great together being satova dom plants. Chemd x trainwreck might be good one to search through.


OMG that is a sexy looking cultivar! Back to the CSI website I go ,so many to choose from,my wish list was a page long the other day (from CSI alone) ,it does take some skills to make them look that nice tho, beautiful work ! Would love to hear a smoke report when they are cured up! Cheers

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Durban x Zkittles at 6 weeks of flowering :blossom:
Both of these are super sweet tangy fruit on the nose. Has to be the zkittles, right?

*I’m out of likes again, I’ll be back here tomorrow to like all the previous I’ve just read :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


He’s my favorite podcaster who does breeder interviews, he’s gotten a lot smoother too as the years go on, all those 2-6 hour interviews really polished up his ability to let the intervieweee actually talk, unlike a lot of guys. I like that it’s just him and not a whole posse or guest hosts either, seems more focused and tighter. If I pay for any podcast (I haven’t yet) it’ll be his, for access to the archives and new interviews. I’ve probably learned more from those than anywhere else except here, every time I would trim a crop the first few times I grew I would listen to a couple interviews and they are great education, I think.


I’m interested in this also. Should reek by rights!

This and the AE77 Cali-O are on my radar.


For all interested in the episode, The Potcast just released it publicly! (Grabs popcorn)


Going to take a dab load some bong bowls put on a pot of coffee and start it up @NorthNorthNugs thanks for the heads up :call_me_hand:


Do you have a link for it?


https://on.soundcloud.com/No2QjigK9ZgvBaaU8 @CaptainNemo


Thanks man! :green_heart:


Guess not? You would think all the packs this guy sells someone would have an idea. I’m not about to pull the trigger on an untested reversed hybrid unless I see something online. Not trying to start shit, but does anyone breed with stud males anymore?

Every pack I’ve bought the ĺast few times have been reversed fems. Hard to find good regs besides what bodhi?


The man pops more seeds and tests his stuff more then most runs beds with large plant numbers of his stuff :sweat_smile: there are plenty of people doing quality work with male selections he even does regular stuff under his pirates of the emerald triangle


Chem -D x Trainwreck is definitely some fire! Good call


Just found it, appreciate the link brother! Yeah! Peace


I do ,I make my own males ,I just don’t sell my seeds,be happy to share,I know there are plenty,you just might not find anyone on a csi devoted thread, peace


Why do people need to be convinced to buy something they aren’t interested in? There’s no shortage of places to get seeds from these days and CSI isn’t going to care that you don’t buy seeds from him. But, hey search out the places that make fems people enjoy and ask about males. Makes sense. At least we know he’s a “real” grower though now. Also, weird how it seems he has no control over what packs he purchases. Maybe don’t buy reversed fems if that’s not what you’re into. Crazy logic. Do a tiny bit of research and you’ll find plenty of good regs out there.


Well you see those are “fake” seeds and these other seeds on this OTHER website are real. Source? Just trust me, I’m an old dog that’s been around a while and I know what I know…therefore just trust me…and give me money as well. Trust me


Got a few csi beans in today thanks to a very generous og member got some g-1000(gg4 x t-1000) and fire purps(fire og x mendo purps) stoked to see what his gear is about after drooling over his stuff for awhile now!


Saw someone’s G-1000 and fell in love. A bit pricey for me. Hoping you make beans and share some. Good luck with them. They look like :fire: