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When I say tea imagine a British milk tea, a morning tea.

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@Heph came through with the useful gear. I have a lot of love for useful, once I’m done with my current project I’m going to run the dds and make some seed stock for overgrow with it. Still one of the most impressive strains I grew. Imagine I knew what I was doing then.
Again thank you Heph for doing something that you didn’t have to at all!
Not only that but he sent a bunch of seed stock. Some cool stuff in there!
Still having issues with my camera or I’d take a picture :laughing:


Moved 1 of each nfsheeesh pheno clone into flower with the golden graham cut and the bakhl hash plant. Gave them a much needed top dressing of Gaia green bloom mix and some great white to help break the nutrients down! These should be done in time for the next strains are ready to go into flower.
I’ll harvest this stuff and move the clones in here while we hunt their moms.
All seedling are doing good! I think I know how to take new pictures in a lower resolution now so I can put it on here!


Finally some pictures!!! These are the girls I’m putting into flower now! 2 nfsheesh, 1 golden graham, 1 bakhl hash plant!

Different seedlings and clones!
The last one is the mother plants on nfsheeesh still deciding on which one is better. They were VERY similar.
Everything is a bit droopy in the tent because they just got their neem oil spray. Like are only on 10%


Few more things!
Thank you to @Heph for going more than above and beyond. Definitely some seeds I’m going to have to resist popping today :yum:
I forgot about those branches a couple months back in my drying tent. I went to pull the buds off today and they were still perfect! Pulled the rest down and smoked some… I realized it was the last of my mindflayer selection… and now I’m sad I killed her!


Right before I went to bed and I mean right before I had an Epiphany about my grow. I had taken the flowering plants out of the tent and left the other plants in the tent. When it should be reversed because when things are ready to flower I can just throw them in the tent!
So I crawler out of bed like a zombie and did it right then and there. So now the flowering girls are in the tent and the veg is out side.
Also… looked at my first grow and got to remembering useful gear… so I’m going to pop his double dipped and start the selfing project!


Came home to a phyllotaxy straw berry bubbles. A gift from the weed gods for my searches! Lol


Up potting the vanilla berries into 1 gallon pots then they will go into the flower room. I will take cuts when they get big enough as they are in there.
Trying to get the to the flower stage as fast as possible so I can see which is male and female on the vanilla berries.
Also up potting some clones into 5 gals tonight.
Next week I’ll up pot the popscotti and game times in 3 gals and give them 2 more weeks then flower!


Good night OG


All the strawberry bubbles are happy. Going to mix some more soil this weekend for the game time and popscottis. Then about a week after I will put them in the flower tent and take a clone of each!
50% hp pro mix
25% worm casting
25% perlite


That’s a nice mix! I’m about the same but I switched out the perlite for rice hills. The Brew shop down the road sells rice hills for around $3 a pound so it’s a sweet deal

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Whats a rice hill?

Autocorrect got them. They mean rice hulls.


@PatHealy Ah thank you!
@Loggershands do they degrade? Do they help water retention?

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Haha! It is rice hulls, they degrade into silica

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Haha autocorrect and I don’t have my glasse :fire::beers::+1::star_struck::rofl:

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2 of the strawberry bubbles seedling died. What could it have been from… the whole head of the seedlings gone… bugs…? No… to much water… no…
It was my cat, I did more investigating and found puncture holes on my other plants in the room. This is what I get for vegging outside the tent! My stoned ass needs to remember to shut and lock that door!


For some reason, Cats love seedlings :joy_cat::paw_prints::seedling::skull_and_crossbones::crying_cat_face::see_no_evil:
Can’t blame them, really, I mean… who doesn’t love seedlings??? :sweat_smile:


They’ll take the tops of seedlings quickly. That’s their favorite part. Then they chew the tips of lower fans when the plants get bigger. Monsters.

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Got the hp pro mix and worm casting will be up potting at least 9 plants today and getting ready to clone them and the vanilla berries!

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