Deathstar crosses

You a buckeye guy

I remember Pureknowledge made Sour Bubble bx3 x DeathBubble s1s. If anyone ever has any stashed away for some reason Iā€™m always here :sunglasses::raising_hand_man:.

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For now a buckeye. One day a yooper hopefully lol

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Blue star seed company has his flagship blue star ā€¦. Which is Death Star x DJs 1994 blueberry male.

Currently they have a Grape Diesel Kush which iirc is Blue star x Blue star.

You might find some nice death star leaners there :cowboy_hat_face:


Ayyy :joy::raising_hand_man:.

I was once a yooper. Itā€™s so different up there. Itā€™s like mini Alaskaā€¦ I loved it.

Now Iā€™m just a pure Michigander sadly :upside_down_face:. Maybe one day Iā€™ll go back. Families down here though.

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we went to the UP for vaca a few years ago. I didnā€™t have high expectations, but ended up falling madly in love.

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I didnā€™t live exactly in the up but I went on work jobs up there a lot. Like I said it was like mini Alaska, I loved it.

I lived in petoskey which was beautiful on its own. Very close to the bay. Miss it.

Just wanted to mention, I was able to reverse the Deathstar clone and will have some S1 seeds in a couple of weeks. I wonā€™t have a lot, but would be willing to share a few if someone can run them reasonably soon to test them out. If they work out, Iā€™ll run another batch and make more this time.


I can run them guerrilla style this Spring if you want to see how they do put through the ringer outdoors.


very cool! good luck with the testing

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I just found a lone seed I had been saving from some dispensary Deathstar. It was from the first year I was here, so almost 6 years. I still remember that bud, too, because it lit me up good. I was driving and all of the sudden couldnā€™t figure out where i was at. It was a funny story.

I just put it into a Jiffy puck. I soaked it and put it into a paper towel in the dome, and it cracked and the root looked great. I hope itā€™s worth it. peace


I kinda had my doubts about this being the real Deathstar, because of all the reviews and people talking about it, the subject of its odor comes up. Like impossible to hide the odor. And I had some Sensi star back around 2000 that sounds like the same. I had to let it go because I couldnā€™t contain the odor. Even triple bagged in ziplocks, you couldnā€™t carry it anywhere because it just reeked. This clone doesnā€™t have that odor. But the potency is just unbelievable. Itā€™s actually too much for me. One hit gives me anxiety. I had another clone that fit the same profile. It was something that a friend found in a bag of weed in 1980. It had no odor at all while growing, and had a slight catpiss odor if you bushed up against it. Very stealth for growing, and the potency and taste was incredible. Sadly it lost its taste and potency over the years. This clone reminds me a lot of that one. Actually itā€™s almost exactly like it was. Kinda leafy buds and not really a lot of ā€œfrostā€ on it. But the smoke is off the hook. After sending pictures and talking to people who have had Deathstar in the past, Iā€™m convinced this is the real deal, but something has happened that made it lose its uncontrollable dank odor. Itā€™s still worthy of being preserved somehow. It might be a good candidate to maybe get a preservation group together and maybe share the cost of doing a tissue culture to try bringing it back to its original state. Just wanted to be up front with anyone wanting to try these S1s. This is some wicked strong smoke for sure.


Here is a pic at day 57 of 12/12.


My son had a similar experience last week after smoking a full bowl of this. Heā€™s a pretty heavy toker, and he said it was too much for him to handle. He had to pull over and get his bearings.


:joy: :joy: :rofl: Awesome! Maybe I actually have the same one! ha. Sure sounds like it. Thatā€™s all you have to say. Man, it was like I had been in a coma for about 15 min and woke upā€¦ on the highwayā€¦ going 80mph. :confounded: Then it took me a while to figure out how I actually got there and not my destination. lmao


Where did you source your clone from? I got mine from Bezerker who got it at the NY Gene Trader convention. A few others here have the same cut. Mine reeks like it should, but it doesnā€™t really get smelling strong until like 6 weeks in.


Huh, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had that happen to me. sounds like a strain I should try sometime lol.


I love the dank, please put me on your list if one exists!

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I got it from the same source. I have massive amount of ventilation in my tents sucking around out through an upstairs window, so it could be all the odor is being sucked out of my tents. And most of my stuff doesnā€™t really have much odor until during the cure. Also, I have lost most of my sense of smell over the years for some reason. So I rely on my wife to let me know if things are reeking. This never had much odor while growing, but once itā€™s jarred up it has a nice smell to it. But not overpowering like Iā€™ve heard mentioned about Deathstar. This last Deathstar I grew, I tried using dry amendments, much like youā€™re using. Still didnā€™t notice any odor until after I chopped it and started the drying and curing process.


Definitely has my attention. Only have backed off on a joint from potency once, when I ran and smoked a strain from the local Amish. Had my friends and I laughing our socks off and putting it out half way through. I never do that lol. When I tried the DS the smell of the dried flower had a skunky gassy smell and it was strong in terms of potency, but not make you scared strong. A lot of the quality factor comes down to the grower obviously.