Deathstar crosses

You running dry amendements with her?


The leaves on the Trizzlers I got from @Mr.Sparkle, are so purple, when I crush it between my fingers, they are Staind beet purple the rest of the day. Itā€™s awesome. I wanna dye some stuff with it. :+1:


Yes I reuse my soil, mixing in dry amendments after each round. Water only, 3 gal fabric pots. This cut is vigorous and just plowed through the mix. I didnā€™t give her any extras. Same size plant in a 5 gal should be just perfect though.

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Niiiice, thats how ive been growing the last couple of years. Soil gets better every time you use it. Im trying to convince my buddy to make the switch. What type are you using? Weā€™ve been using earthdust on all of our grows and everything turns out fire.


Iā€™ll check that out. Iā€™ve been using KiS Nutrient Pack but just switched to Build A Soil nutrient pack.


Why did you switch?
Iā€™m asking because I have a big KIS nutrimentā€¦ :thinking:




No good reason. Just to try something different.

Edit: Here she is at 9+ weeks. Iā€™ll keep her going as long as the bud stays healthy looking. Probably wonā€™t make it much past 10 weeks.


I can smell that picture from here


Yeah sheā€™s definitely stinking up a storm now. Funny you mentioned the smell of coffee grounds in diesel, but I donā€™t remember much coffee smells from the bud. But sure enough now at 66 days I am definitely getting some Bubba Kush-like coffee smells of her, along with diesel and earth and just dank stank. Canā€™t wait to sample!

I also got GrowHardā€™s Death Star (RePhresh) beans and will be running them very soon. If this cut smokes well and seems legit, then I might try finding a good male in his beans and crossing them back (AJ Sour Diesel x Sensi Star F3) x (ECSD x Sensi Star).


Sounds like a great plan. Iā€™m really hoping there is some fuego in there. Now I just need to come up with a name for the Rephresh. I think this should be a good starting point Category:Death Stars | Wookieepedia | Fandom.

@douggyfresh420 has started some of those seeds as well.

Thank you to both of you.



I just had an early, 1 week dried sample and it RIPPPSSS! Already its a head smashing stone and tastes great and stinks. I couldnā€™t be happier. Iā€™m feeling like this is the real cut.

Ironically she grew much better and greener when I first had her and was just starting growing. I was using bottled nutes back then and have since moved to organics. But I can already tell this is going to be a better end product. Iā€™ve got my dry room dialed in now and a slow 2 week dry and good cure will make all the difference.

I just got 6 of these beans wet and 4 are already showing tails.
After looking at that list, I feel like Darth Star would be a perfect name. If Death Star = ECSD, then AJSD could naturally be Darth Star.

And LOL at the sex doll-style Darth Maul head.


I ended up starting 9 seeds of @GrowHardā€™s Deathstar Rephresh because I noticed in the first attempt that some seeds were duds. I now have 6 seedlings growing nicely. My plan is to grow out the girls for smoke and use the boys to make seeds with my Death Star clone. The resulting cross would be Death Star x (AJ Sour Diesel x Sensi Star F3). Would anyone be interested in receiving such beans? Iā€™d probably dust a few Rephresh girls to make Rephresh F2 just for safe keeping.


My Favorite Strainā€¦
My DeathStar Girl fro Michigan.


That sounds like a killer cross, i miss deathstar and sensi star


Yup. Is this the Ohio deathstar clone?

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Yes I believe it to be. I grew the original 10 years ago this reminds of it in every way.


If you decide to hit it w pollen Iā€™m definitely interested. Small clone produce good bit of seeds. Worth hunting through.

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Inkognyto genetics has some death star crosses.

Feel free to follow along in my Death Star seed making over at the Bank of Stank:


On my way!

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