Deathstar crosses

Looking good man Im psyched to meet up with you and do a trade.


Update. I topped and transplanted the Deathstar and Ecsd yesterday. 3 deathstar in the front and 3 ecsd in the back. The Deathstar have been annoyingly slow veggers but have been pretty maintence free. These plants reek of fuel already. Gonna veg em a few more weeks then flip em. After all the bugs and deficiency issues, this is my last grow in soil.


Death Star?
I gotta have it just for the name.
Death Star 183?

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It’s devastating and the smell you just can’t hide unless you have smell proof bags. I want her bad


what is this:

43% THC I smell a scam.


Half joke, half scam, I guess. You can’t even attempt to buy from them; if you try to add anything to your cart, it takes you to a page saying they’re out of stock and to “visit our friends below to order your seeds from a reliable seed bank with stock that can serve you today.” Of course, then they give a link to Crop King, which isn’t exactly well-known for being reliable. It’s halfway a scam itself, from what I’ve read. But yeah, this site is pretty famous for descriptions that sound way too good to be true.


100%. The OH Deathstar I got consistently from 2010-2012 was the rankest, foulest smelling stuff Ive ever come across. Its hard to explain, but the smell alone was almost intoxicating. The deathstar bud by todays standards was pretty mids in apperance, very leafy, semi dence buds with dark brown pistils. I dont remember it being overly frosty, but smell, taste, and effect were on point. Im having real bad issues this run. I believe its an overwatering issue so im leaving them alone to do their thing. I flipped them to 12/12 about a week ago. Not seeing much strech yet, but had to flip my filters on. They absolutely reek to high hell already… I can almost see why people moved on from her though. Very slow vegger and very tiny plants. Defiantly doesnt seem like they will yield much. Next round ill hopefully have her dialed in. Me and my partner are in discussions to have tissue cultures done to help clean up and revitalize the cut. Im not very familiar with the process and cost, but if we can get a group together, cuts of it would be distributed to any and all involved. I want to flower out the first round of plants to 100% confirm this is the real deal, but I truly feel it is. Im defiantly getting the same earthy, coffee, fuel smells early in veg that I remember from years past.


This is the Deathstar cut I sourced from GMO House of Clones at 21 days. Already reeks of tennis balls and trash lol. I’ve seen awesome grows of this cut. It reminds me a lot more of the legit cut I received back in 2009. Grows very similar, maybe a bit stretchier than I remember though. The first Deathstar cut I grew from Beserker didn’t grow like this one. I’ll know for sure when it’s dried. The last cut I ran just didn’t fully convince me, even though it was really good smoke.


Just went down and snapped some pictures of mine. They are only about 1.5 week after flip though. Ill be honest, mine are growing like shit. Im having major gnat issues and think they were heavily overwatered. I havent watered them since flipping and they seem to be straightening out, but this is my last run in soil im over the bugs and mess. The ecsd in the back are already shooting pistils and are streching way more than the deathstar. Cannot wait until we have finished flower to compare the two. As of right now, my tent reeks of straight fuel.


Finally seeing baby " deathstar buds"
I havent watered these girls in almost 3 weeks and they’re really starting to turn around. Defiantly was an overwatering issue i believe. Going to hit em with a compost tea here in the next day or two.


Things are starting to take off. Between having upper respiratory infection and these big ass filters going I cant smell much but did a little rub last night and getting that distinct hashy smell that i got at the beginning from the reveg cut i recieved. The ecsd are doing awful and ive been debating about chopping them to give all the room and light to the Deathstar. Doesnt look like these plants are going to yield shit, but that probably my fault. Between work, kids, and the stresses of life in general these plants been neglected big time. For anyone thats had experience with the deathstar in the past id like some opinons on how theyre looking so far.


Cleaned up my deathstar babies and cut the ecsd I had going. They were growing like complete shit. Really starting to see the zigzag now. They are throwing off some musky funk


Its really looking like we are both growing the same exact cut. Mine are growing exactly the same way


They are putting on the frost quick. Sticky, stinky, silver golfballs.


Update on the deathstar. They are frosting up nicely and starting to bulk up in size. One major issue im having with this plant is the branches are so thin and whispy its causing the buds to hang so im trying to tie them up the best i can. These plants will defiantly benefit from a longer veg next round.


The Deathstar is starting to flush herself. It wont be long now. Im going to let them go as long as I can. I want that body melting high that I remember so well. Going to pull a few tester nugs off this week.


Is any info known about the SS that was used in the Deathstar? An incredible Sensi Star cutting was in NE OH around 02-03, wondering if that’s what they used.


I beleive its called the Ogre cut or something, but not 100% sure. Theres a deathstar thread on icmag that goes back from the the early 2000’s. Lots of history about the strain and how it originated.


Deathstar lookin hella sexy. Shes getting very close. This is where my anxiety starts building!!!