Deathstar crosses

How much longer yallz thinkin? This is the part im bad at.


at least 2 weeks. take a tester to get you by thats what i always end up doing :smile:


LoL i actually just took a big ole bong rip from a tester nug i had drying. Still pretty green tasting, but hella dank and one of the best buzzes ive had in years. Pure body melting bliss!!! I want to go take another rip, but i kinda dont wanna get off the couch lol.


63 to 67 days is where the sweet spot was for me. The last week the aroma really comes on.


Dude, I really liked your Deathstar bx and the ISS x Deathstar bx. All sorts of stuff hit me this summer and I hardly get on here lately. I want to still post the pics. I still have a few big buds of the BlueStar I’ve been smoking on. I took clones to run them outdoor but, like I said I’ve been sidetracked a lot.

I did cause a few late nanners with the ISS x DSbx. I left the space heater going in the grow room all night long. I went in the next morning and it was 93º with the humidifier running, too.

It was nothing bad but I did find a few seeds when curing and smoking it. The DSbx never threw anything. And, the other one wasn’t bad at all. Both were fire smoke.

Have you heard of anyone growing them outdoors? I’ll pop the other seeds to search them. My clones are tall and woody in solo cups, ha. I may just chuck them for the seeds. I bet they would do well outdoors.

Thanks again for the chance to run them. Hit me up anytime.

Excuse me for hijacking your thread @douggyfresh420! I haven’t been in touch with Josh so much, so I just wanted to give him a shout. Your DS nugs look really good. They look a lot like my pheno that stayed sort of short/small like and indica, compared to the sister. It shot up early so I topped her. Also, my smaller one had beautiful leaf fade in the end. Very pretty.

:pray: :v:


Took another tester nug last night. Still lots of clear and cloudy trichs. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.


Getting very close to the choppy choppy. I completly forgot to write down when i flipped em. Maby next time ill take some better notes lol. I took a quick dried tester nug to a friends kids birthday party yesterday and I was told it reeked as soon as I opened my car door lol. This shit is obnoxiously loud. Smells of fuel spilled on some hot asphalt with some burnt rubber mixed in. Im hoping after a good cure more of that earthy / coffee funk that I remember comes out. Besides a couple of fuck ups by me at the beginning this plant has been an absolute pleasure to grow. They were very content in my living soil and besides some re-amending along the way, they just got straight well water and the occasional compost tea.


hmm i’m not sure either but the Ogre cut of SensiStar was found by @PhilCuisine so maybe he knows?

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O yes please, id love a history lesson


Ogre is a mutant strain/clone of Sensi Star and is/was a clone only strain…I’ve made my own crosses with Ogre…


So ogre is a pheno of one of the death star parents? Am I getting that right?

quite possibly :thinking:


Gotta say tho, that might be the first mention of “UW Pre-98 Bubba Kush” I’ve ever heard :joy:

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It really sucks how the plant has been treated, there so much history we are in the dark on.


Can thank the feds really :cry:

Not only is there so much we’re in the dark on, there’s been a lot of genetics lost forever.


Someones uncle has had them in their freezer the last 40+ years.

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Never grew death star…Ogre is a mutant strain of Sensi Star and was available in the bay area 20 yrs. ago.


I know the SensiStar circulating in NE Ohio in 2002~ had no fruity / tropical notes like later cuttings of SensiStar that I encountered. No clue if it was the ‘ogre’ cutting or not. Very unique, strong and offensive smell. Still chasing it to this day…


Thanks for the tips guys I should have the death star clone in my possession by end of year and I am very excited for it.