Deathstar crosses

Its not a massive yielder, but a very easy strain to grow that will reward you with some crazy loud flowers. I’ve spent 10+ years hunting this girl down and its been 100% worth it.


Anything else you can tell me? Does she stretch a lot? Heavy or light feeder? I’m running MOB right now and she’s super easy too. And her smell was on point at like 21 days of 12/12, which was impressive. I’m hoping the same for deathstar.

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Thats gotta be the one. I was talking with the guys behind the Deathstar and they said a lot of the fake cuts have a lot of citrus / fruit smell in them. This one has zero fruit smell. All fuel and straight funk on mine.


Not much stretch at all. I grow strictly in living soil using organic dry amendments. Ive heard / read in multiple forums that organic soil is the best way to bring deathstar to its full potential. The only issue i had was the branches are very thin and whispy so when the buds started packing on weight, i had to tie them up. Ill have them way more dialed in the next round. I was soo excited when i recieved the cut i didnt want to wait around for a longer veg. Shes very easy to grow and ill never get rid of her.


I’m not going to talk about the people who gave it to my friend because it is not my story / business to tell, but I know it was widely circulated. It came to me just as “Sensi Star” with the note that it won a Cannabis Cup, among a few other cuttings over time. My buddy and I called it “diaper” because it smelled weird, almost like baby shit or something. Fuelly, skunky, and insanely loud. I’d definitely recognize it if I smelled it again so someday I may try to source a Deathstar cut to see if it’s the same thing.


Just google Ogre, cone only strain…

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That’s for that! I too grow in organic living soil, so that’s great, I typically flower in 7 gal pots. Do you think extra silica in veg help? It’s seemed to have helped my growing. I do have a realy pain in the ass cut that has thun branches and needs help, the only reason she sticks around is she’s been helpful to my wife for when she gets migraines.

If it has baby shit smell it’s going straight into the wood stove. Imo


I think I know a couple folks with a cut they got as deathstar… @syzygy

Let me poke around and I will let y’all know.

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Ive been smoking fire ohio weed since the early 00’s and more recently all this hyped up dispensary weed. To this day, nothing has come close to touching the Deathstar as far as stench goes. My buddy met me at a local park to play some disc golf. When he pulled up he was probably a good 80 yards upwind of me. He had like a half oz of deathstar on him and I could smell it before he even opened his car door.


My descriptive capabilities may be failing. It smells really offensive, but in a good way to cannabis consumers. 15~ years of growing seeds later I haven’t come across the same smell yet. To me it would be an effective marker, but I’ve never had deathstar to know if we’re talking about the same thing haha.

Well that would beg the question - have you released cuttings 20~ years ago? I know the people my buddy got it from often brought a lot of beans back from Amsterdam and assumed they popped the SS that was circulating in OH, but I have no firsthand knowledge. Ironically the friend convinced me to buy a phototron 20 years ago and I kept a SS mom in it for a year or so before tearing down and selling the phototron.

Hows the Ogre smell also?

Nice! That’s around when I started gardening. I’ve actually never had the well known Ohio strains because I stopped consuming other people’s cannabis after I started growing. Lemon G , Deathstar , Wheelchair(?) , Dumpster etc… I’d definitely try growing them out though given the chance…


I pass the cuttings throughout the USA…I even got a big Phototron from a grower on the east coast because he wanted the Ogre clone so badly…btw, he couldn’t make his Phototron to work so he just traded a $700 Phototron for several cuttings of Ogre and UW both strains were clone only strains of course…

Hows the Ogre smell also?

It had a lemony smell to it…


Yes, i think ill try some silica as well to help stengthen those branches up. I honestly think i should of just been more pateint and vegged em for a few months instead of rushing them, but o well. Atleast ill have a killer headstash for a while. Also, these days i really smoke strictly for back pain relief. Been dealing with degenerative disc issues in my back and had to have surgery before i turned 30. The deathstar is one of the most euphoric, pain killing buzzes ive ever experienced. Its up there with the God bud for me.


Oh that’s great, I’ve been looking at romulan and crosses for that. I have some shoulder and other joint pain.

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Pulled this off the deathstar thread on icmag. Defiantly looking like it was the ogre used


Seems unclear or inconsistent when it comes to the previous quotes about aroma if it is. Or is lemon the predominant smell in Deathstar?

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No lemon on mine. Straight fuel and burnt rubber. When i used to get deathstar back in the day the aroma was exactly the same, but when cured there’s a real strong earthy / spent coffee ground note.


Had a 9 gram bud I bought had one seed in it. Wonderful soaring stuff. Like the rush you get when you left the plugs house high with and oz in your sock and someone pulls out behind you in the rearview.

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Starting to drool uncontrollably over here. Like a dog watching a streak cook!!! Shes soo close. Probably pull another tester tonight.


Oooooh yeah! Longer still looks like. You coming up on week 10 now?