Deathstar crosses

Who knows, never kept count lol.


Just pulled another tester nug. I took this one from closer to the top of the canopy. Still got a bit to go from the looks of things. This stuff is just reeking up a storm.


It is a massive yielder for me.


I call it Skunk/diesel. @douggyfresh420 is on point with burnt rubber too. I found strong burnt rubber phenos in the s1.


I took that tester nug back downstairs to my grow room 2 hrs ago and my entire upstairs just completly reeeks of funk. The smell just penetrates and sticks to everything


Sounds perfect.

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I believe this weekend sometime they’ll be getting chopped. Starting to see quite a few amber heads.


There is a trick to growing her. If you know what she likes she is amazing

The cut I have looks identical @douggyfresh420 and smells very funky, like garlic and mothballs!

My descriptions come with a disclaimer, I tend to link weird things to smells lol.

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Been a minute since i updated this thread.
I chopped my first round of the deathstar last Saturday, so theyve been drying out just over a week now. I was so excited after finally getting ahold of this cut that I did a real short veg on the 3 cuttings i was given. Probably only did around a 1 month veg so these ended up being tiny little plants that wont yield shit, but…o well, atleast ill have some head stash until the next round is finished.


Looks DANK my friend!

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Hopefully it turns out good. I feel i can grow some decent plants. Its the drying and curing part im still trying to improve on. Bought a small 2x2 to hang plants in to dry. So far temps and rh been good and stable. I always get paronoid when your plants reek like crazy when they growing then after a week of drying they lose that funk.
I just took a tester nug and rubbed it in my fingers. Right now the nugs smell like straight vics vapor rub and some kind of hot rubber / asphalt thing.
Took a nug upstair to see how bad i stink out the place. LoL



So i ran a test with this nug while my woman was out running around with my daughter. I took the nug upstairs and hid it in my kitchen. The goal of this test was to see how quickly my woman complained about the smell when she walked in the house. So i set my stopwatch and got ready for her to get home.
She just walked in the door and said she could smell it as soon as she got out of the car. :rofl: Guess i did pretty good. My old DS girl holding up pretty good these days.


But have you tried it?..smoke report?..

A buddy gave me a bowl to hit… he said it was deathstar… bout 4,- 5 years ago… I hit it and walked outside… I couldn’t even speak!:rofl::woozy_face::crazy_face:… hardest hitting single bowl I’ve ever had… Been looking for it ever since… been lurking this thread too… I don’t remember what it smelled or tasted like… That’s all I know…ran into him recently… he never came across it again…


OoooOOOoo yes ive defiantly been drying out and smoking on some tester nugs. The high for me is pure euphoric relaxation. Probably the best strain ive ever had for pain relief. I always called this stuff organic Xanax. Its hard to explain, but the effects are incredible.
As far as tastes goes, obviously right now these plants are uncured and drying, so its mostly a dank green cannabis taste, but after curing it should turn into a nice earthy / hash taste with some fuley funk mixed in. I dont know who grew the stuff i got years ago, but it was done to perfection. There was no hiding the smell. This next round im going to run some in coco and see how far I can push them.


Are you still holding onto this by chance?

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Plants have now been drying for 10 days, and the fuely skunk smell is returning. Just took two small puffs of that tester nug i trimmed up the other day and i am blasted… Ill probably let them go another day or two then going to trim and cure it up. Havent used grove bags yet, but have one laying around so going to do half in that andc other half in jars. Im really kicking myself in the ass for rushing these and not doing a full veg. Ill be lucky to get a couple oz’s off these 3 plants. I have a feeling its gonna be killer weed after the cure though. Ive always said, Deathstar is pretty mids in appearance, by todays standards, but the pure funk and incredible effects more than make up for her appearance.


This looks similar to some golden triangle s1 i am growing. wow.

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Trim day. Trying grove bags for the first time. Despite the pitiful yield, this stuff is gonna be incredbile.