Deathstar crosses

Let us know how grove bags work out. I just ordered some. :beers:


A few people i know swear by them. Defiantly a big ole bag of happiness lol.


Can’t make me go back to jars! Grove bags all the way from now on if I can.


Too much head space problems with jars

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Ill know for sure in a few months, but as of now, im completely sold on them. RH hasn’t moved at all since bagging. No burping and checking on jars multiple times a day is a major win in my book.


plain mylar bags are way cheaper. i got 25 1-gallon bags for a 16bucks. you can suck out the air and get no head space. so one bag per plant. it also doesn’t leak at all which is what i want.

Grove bags work! Way better than jars hands down. Idk about plain mylar bags but Grove bags arent mylar. I didn’t believe in the bags when they came out but I bought 2 1 pound bags and 4 1/4 pound bags. Never had to burp, rh stayed consisent and the bud didnt dry out like it would in a jar. 9.5/10 jmo price and they dont last forever like jars is the only downfall. Yes you can reuse them! I use a rag and a little soapy water to wash after use.


grove bags are made of mylar

they just don’t look like they are. They look/feel like they’re just a thick plastic bag. And they specifically state you need to leave ~25% of the bag unfilled and full of air in order for them to work properly. You’re not supposed to suck all the air out of the Grove Bags like you’re talkin on the Mylar bags.

I really have no idea if they are made of mylar or not so wont’ comment there but the more info the better!

what i am talking about looks and feel like thick plastic bags
just like grove bags. they are not vac seal bags. they are lined with aluminum or are super thick to make them smell proof (aka, actually sealed). they look just like grove bags without the 1 way air exchange that is notorious for drying out product. being able to suck out the air makes it fit better if you have a lot of them.



All I’m saying is they don’t feel like a mylar bag to me. More rubbery than plastic feeling. They work plain and simple @splinter7

but money though
and the hole that dries out your bud over the long term
that too.

Everyone has their own opinion on everthing no matter what it comes to/

cheaper isn’t an opinion though.

What is it? Its your opinion

Does anyone have deathstar crosses they are looking to trade?


do you have a difference of opinion?

What I like about Grove bags is you can put the bud in slightly wet and the humidity settles perfectly in the good range without burping. Would the mylar bags do that?


Yea, I really wish i would of chopped mine a day or two earlier. My RH% has been sitting at 55% since i bagged em which is perfect in my opinion. Just worried my humidity is going to drop over time.

My rh% is still holding at 54% in the grove bags. Im starting to get strong earthy / skunky / coffee smell thats permeating through the bag. Its been so hard for me to not open a bag up and take a whiff.