Deathstar crosses

i don’t have that issue too often. i dry my bud before bagging. i can easily see the rh meter in all my bags if i needed to burp since one side of the bag is clear. there are countless reports of people that get mold in their grove bags, so it’s not a catch all as you describe it to be. boveda packs also exist, but i don’t really need them. if there weren’t reports of grovebags going moldy I might concede there is a better, but more costly solution. It just doesn’t have the track record online it needs to claim that.

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Interesting, thanks. I’ve not heard reports of Grove bags going moldy but I’m also not really looking for it, I guess. I’m just going off what friends are talking about. Understandably, you can’t skip the drying first. It wouldn’t be able to displace humidity fast enough. I have a controlled dry tent, and most plants are ready for bags by 14 days. But I can take a 10 day dry and throw it in a Grove and it settles out to perfect humidity without touching it. I couldn’t do that with glass.

For me, a Grove just takes the guesswork out, minus the boveda packs, humidity meters, storing heavy breakable glass. Your mylar bag point is a good one, though. I could save by storing bulk in those bags, after they’ve settled in a Grove lol.

I also like all the different artwork they offer. I’m one to pay extra for that silly stuff. I sound like a shill for Grove. Maybe I should pursue that, but for now, I’m not. They are expensive when buying small amounts. They are boujee, and if you know me…:fireworks: :champagne::star2:


for 25 gallon sized bags, it was 16 bucks with shipping…hard to beat. I need to make to it work for the $$.


Getting back to Deathstar! After smoking on it for weeks now, I’m certain this GMO cut of Deathstar is not the real deal. It’s a great cut, but the growth is way too OG, and the bud has a perfume floral smell in front of the stank that is just not right. I call it, Deathstar OG now. Clearly related, but not it.

So here’s on to the next. I’m running this Deathstar cut from Rarebuyer. It’s supposed to be ‘the one’. Certainly looks much different than GMO’s right from the start.


That looks exactly like the cut im running now.


I really messed up the first round. If you give the Deathstar a nice, long veg. She turns into an absolute beast of a plant. Illudium on the left, deathstar on the right in the back.


Woah where’d you find illudium Q36? I just recently traded Cloney Soprano for it. The Deathstar looks great!


I sent him a DM on Instagram last Friday about his Blackwater cut and I haven’t heard from him yet. Do you by chance have a way to reach him other than Instagram? His website doesn’t have any contact info. Thanks.

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A local buddy i met on heres been holding it for years. I traded him a deathstar cut for it. Its defiantly an awesome and unique plant for sure.


Are you asking about rarebuyer? I know he’s active on a discord.


Im confused. Is gmo, cloney soprano, and rarebuyer the same person?


No. I don’t know who cloney soprano is, but gmo and rarebuyer are two different clone sellers.


No, I though I hit reply to @schmarmpit but I just hit reply. I was looking for Cloney Soprano contact info. I have been looking for Blackwater cuts for a long time and I think he sells one.


Hit him up on discord. His username is You can also likely reach him through his website. He lists everything on there.

Welcome to the word of clones. They are all different, just a handful of the many clone vendors slinging cuts.


death star


she is about to get more room to spread her roots, she should take off real nice after that happens.

peace …


Thanks, I’ll try Discord. I couldn’t find his contact info on his website, just ways to order. I appreciate the help, I need Blackwater in my grow lol.


Lookin good. Im so happy this girl is seeing the light of day again. My first round has been curing for close to a month now. That earthy, skunky funk is permeating through the grove bag. Im really having a hard time not opening it, but going to give it a few months.


Im going to take a look too. Next thing id really like to aquire is the exodus cheese cut.


Wow, looks like all 3 fingered leaves on that. Does she ever grow out of that?


no idea this is my first time having her.

peace …