Deathstar crosses

I picked them up in a trade package.


I think im going to chop them this week. I was reading back through the old Deathstar thread on icmag. A guy on there that was real experienced with growing Deathstar back in the day said he always liked chopping his at 60 days. He said if you let it go longer than 60 it starts losing the intense funk so im going to try it. Mine are at day 58 currently.


Can’t beat first hand knowledge from someone who ran it often.


2-3 more days and they are getting chopped.

Despite not having much smell, the first batch smokes extremely smooth and has a pleasant earthy taste. I can honestly say this is some of the strongest weed ive smoked in recent memory. Two hits off a bowl and i am completely wrecked for the day. I dont remember how long i let the first batch go for, but ive got to figure it was close to 75-8]0 days. They were amber’d up pretty good. The buzz is fuckin intense and body numbing, just like i remember the 2012 Deathstar. I smoked a bit yesterday morning and forgot i had some running around to do. It was a rough time lol. This is 100% not daytime weed!!!


63 to 67 days was our sweet spot in the old vert tree mh/hps rooms. Yours looks like its a wrap this round, with those leaves eating themselves up. If you nail it, its one of the strongest diesel/skunk blends there is.


Oh i know dude its there. When i cut some of the lower nugs off to test trichs my entire house reeks of fuel and straight funk. I know that little hiccup with my humidity is what screwed me. Same concept as when I was a young kid sneaking cigs. I lived in town and neighbors were close so i couldn’t risk smoking outside. I learnt a trick from an old timer. If you go into your shower room and turn the shower on full blast, as hot as it’ll go and run the exhaust fan. You can literally smoke an entire cig or joint and there will hardly be any smell left over. Its like the smell attaches to the moisture and the exhaust gets rid of it all. I never got busted with that little trick. Unfortunately i do believe thats what zapped all the smell this past go. Ive made sure that it doesn’t happen again. Besides lack of smell, this stuff is so smooth and potent. When you smoke this stuff its like a mix of xanex and a mild opiate. Im just now coming down from a few hrs ago when i made that last post


Hell yeah man! Deathstar will wreck your day if you start smoking it first thing lol. Like carrying a lead weight around by the end of the day.

I’m glad you got to try the Lemon G recently @douggyfresh420! It’s such a great counter to Deathstar. I can smoke Lemon G all day in comparison.

Here is Deathstar in a crowded tent, 30 days. Not much on smell yet.


so no real skunk to this cut either ??.

humm damn …


we shall see …


might hit this one with some fem wreck pollen but ya not to sure about that.

could happen though …


Whatever skunk there may be easily gets overpowered by the funk!!


arr not what i was wanting to hear, main reason for getting the cut was for the skunk aspect. ahh no real skunk she may be a one and done here with me.

sadly …


This is what i can say about this cut…
Ive studied this one specific plant for over 10 years now. Ive read every comment and looked at every picture of this plant on every forum. From everything ive read and seen, this is 100% the real deal cut. ( frosty grey bud clusters, zigzag stems, veiny like stalk.) I never grew the deathstar back in the day, and im not sure if someone that did @schmarmpit could help verify this, but I was expecting this plant to reek over the top when growing. The smell of the buds while on the stem has a weird asphalt, tennis ball, gym bag smell, but absolutely no skunk, diesel, smell at all, but when i cut a nug off and take it upstairs into the kitchen where ive got my laptop and usb microscope, the entire house reeeeks of skunk and diesel. Its just really weird to me how you dont get any of that while the buds are on the live plant.
Also, like i mentioned, i royally screwed this cure up. My plants were sitting in like 95% humidity for 16 hrs then i completely overdried them. I put all the buds in mason jars with 62% boveda packs and even now the rh% wont go above 56%. I also think letting it go way past 70 days killed a lot of the funk. I was also using grove bags for the first time, and while they are super cool and convenient. There is a learning curve with them. I think you have to put your bud in them with somewhat more moisture than you would with jars. Im still not 100% sold on grove bags.
Im chopping my next deathstar plant today. Its at 59 days and is way frostier and better looking than my first few plants i ran. I have no doubt this is the real deal, but its an old cut thats been passed through a million hands. Id love to look into getting it tissue cultured to compare. To this day, the deathstar i got around 2012 was the loudest, most wicked smelling weed ive ever come across and its not even close.


I really hope this isnt turning into another RKS situation


really not trying to start anything with any one, just wanting to find some very stinky skunk and cheese strains is all. as far as back stories i really dont care i just want the funk, and iff pppl say this strain has it then thats what im growing it for. just like any cheese i grow i want one thing and one thing only the cheese funk. every thing else is second and so on.

if this plant turns out to be loud skunk then all the better if not it will get shown the door. wont be because its not a good plant but because it wont have what im after is all, same deal with the cheese.

not looking for any trouble …


I always found it to be fairly delicate, like if I left a jar in the car during the summer it would lose a lot of that dankness and would take on an almost cedar smell.



Not my test so I won’t post the entire sheet, but here is the terp section for a commonly passed Deathstar.

Top 3 make sense

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Is it normal to have that many different terps?

I get what you’re saying @JAWS

You’re doing a skunk hunt for true predominant skunk terps


I do remember if it wasnt stored correctly, that funk would be gone quick. The funk is defiantly still there. Even if you lightly brush up against the plants your clothes will reek. Im going to do a few in coco this next run and see how far i can push em.