Deathstar crosses

Lol. Yeah. The petty shit don’t matter… there’s good public defenders( few and far between) and good judges! I got a 20 bucks fine for a sack of bud in a park. The cops were dicks, it was just me and some friends chilling. Anyways I told the judge we weren’t hurting anything and he agreed and told me to have a good day and stay outta trouble. Lol. If you are looking at some real stuff. Get an attorney. The public defenders definitely do get picked by the judge!

A company on seedbay has deathstar cross I purchased . I dont remember who . Here it is I purchased this some time back never grew it out though.


That’s a Cali Connection strain. Nice grab! Being crossed to SFV OG sounds like a lovely match. I’m really excited to be harvesting some Death Stomper plants in the next couple weeks (Death Star x Grape Stomper OG). One or two plants reek just like Death Star; a sour, skunky, diesel stank bomb.


I also have this from scott family farms
Im trying to remember all the crap I have but I know I have a few of these crosses.


Just curious?

You woukd pay $180/ounce of weed or even$100/ounce of weed but you wont pay $1-200 for a proven clone??

Everyone can spend their money how they like but come on, you gotta come up w some logic behind it no??

Ppl pay $1000us for some clones every day.
Uncle jim bobs $10 random clone isnt even in the neighbourhood quality wise.

I donno, just seems like a lot of ppl have mental health issues when they say any amount is too much for a clone but we’ve all bought weed before.


Me ? I just bought 5 elite clones last week . I have about a dozen. I dont buy bud though.
Ill do 50$ 100 2 is a bit pricey for me I can wait untill others have it. I think when I wrote about ten dollars clones I was talking about what they cost 20 years ago. And they did 10 for 100.
No I wrote I woulnt want to sell one for ten.
Clones in La are like 15$ at clubs. Proven elites. One guy I buy from chagres me a flat rate to buy from the med ckub for each strain. I bought 3 slurricane for 140 100 for the first and 20 for every one after . He makes good money he pays 17$ each cut.


Aint no way
Used to have access to anything or anybody desired. ANYTHING for free.
Aint paying no fools for that shit, just as soon roll the beans


Dont really care what its named as long as i get frikkin fried isnt that thevreason to smoke?


Why do so many insist that every one on this site buys n smokes bud. Its a growing site not a smokers site.


That Slurricane is some amazing stuff!


I dont know how much it costs to tell if it has 2 much thc as opposed to beimg hemp but the way things are today im thinking mot to many jurisdivtions are gpimg to put up.the cash to see what thebpercentage is

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Looks bad ass Phinist slurricane. Have you smoked it?

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Love dosi, got some of this from a homie. The run he did was from in house.

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Because quite a few yak about going to the dispo and show pics of product and containers.
Don’t quite understand why but you’re correct this is a hobbiest site.


Now there is definitely some good stuff in those beans!

Just want to say that Ice River Genetics strain Death Stomper is a great cross, and the Death Star mom shines through very well. I just grew 4 of them and they’re fantastic.


lol wish I seen this 5 min ago b4 I ask you lol :laughing: I’m stoned

Greetings…you holding any Death Star or Crosses beans? If so, what would you seek in Trade? Thanks, continued success, do take care, stay EXTRA safe and, yes…be well…mister :honeybee:


Hey there @misterbee. I’m holding on to my remaining half pack of Death Stompers. They’re “cheap” anyways, like $50 for a 12 pack at GLG. However, I do have two 6 packs of Bad Dawg’s (Death Star x Apollo. I was gifted a pack by a member here and then DBJ threw in a pack for me on a recent order. I’d be willing to let one of them go. @Grohio grew out that cross in a small cup competition but didn’t seem to be too enthused by it FWIW.


It yielded very well for being in a solo cup. Lack luster potency and flavors though. I grew one female out of 4 though. I could have picked the wrong female.