Deathstar crosses

Check with @Berserker7205, above. He might be out atm, but has them.

I wish I could grab one, but gotta go back to work first.



what happened to the cut you had? did you flower it, if so - how was it?

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Im very familiar with her. That looks like her ill keep my eyes on it. I have Strawberry Deathstar currently but i ran the real deal for years

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I still have her. I did flower it out, but she got heavily seeded from some stray pollen. She smelled of hot burnt rubber in flower, and reminds me of when the asphalt crew would lay blacktop at a construction site. Sheā€™s loud and kind of offensive. I canā€™t say for sure whether this is the real deal or not. Iā€™ve never had Deathstar before growing this cut. If it isnā€™t the real cut, itā€™s still a keeping in my book!

Hereā€™s a couple pics of some of the finished flower. Keep in mind that this was heavily seeded, and Iā€™ve gone through & picked out most of the seeds. So the buds are a bit shredded and pulled apart.


Defiantly looks like her. B, when did urs start stinkin up in flower?


I do remember that it wasnā€™t until later in flowering that she started to put out those heavy & pungent scents. I usually donā€™t start going in for smells until the plants are a good bit into flowering, while others will tell you how a plant will taste from a stem rub in early veg. Maybe my nose isnā€™t as good as others, but I canā€™t tell much from a plant until sheā€™s got some good trichome coverage.


I always remember the first time i seen deathstar i was like man this stuff looks like complete bunk, until i got a whiff of her. She defiantly wont win any beauty pageants, defiantly by todays standards, but that stench is wicked!!!


My buddy gets this stuff. Illudium. Says the name its from Marvin the Martian. Its whitish aqua blue colored and has a very chemical berryish but not really unique weird terp. I really enjoyed it. I get it down around outside west Columbus area. Pretty heady and potent. I could get a cut for sure and may do that when my area is completely pest free.


I never got the chance to try the illudium yet, but been searchin for it. Tried dumpster a few times and it was also amazing.

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oh yes, dumpster, deathstar and trinity are all on my list. iā€™ve got a cut of real deal shoreline that iā€™d like to share with OG but itā€™s odd most people havenā€™t really shown interest.


Tbh I had never heard of Shoreline before this post. Sounds awesome though and thereā€™s a disclaimer on Seedfinder which caveats the odor (always a plus).

You mention Trinity. There is someone who just got ahold of some cuts and posted this week. A quick search should lead you to that thread.

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I just read a forum on another site with some peeps raving and looking about shoreline. Might have something special there

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I was looking at some pictures on an old flash drive and found a pic I took of a deathstar nug probably back in 2012 Iā€™d say.


i got a couple packs of @Great_lakes_Genetics deathstar x runaway bride. i might have to run these for a co-op box.


@douggyfresh420 I just returned to OG after a hiatus, and have a bunch of previous projects that I need to see run. I had to shut down the garden and move before I could attempt to run any of them.
One of them was a remake of Deathstar (I was planning on remaking Bio-Diesel but didnt have the time). I used an F3 Sensi Star Male from the Derg Corra Collective ( on AJā€™s Sour Diesel cut. Depending on which cut of sour D was originally used, this is about as close to the original you can get in seed form without it being an S1.

Shoot me a DM if you want to be the first to have a crack at it


Star Chaser (Death Star x Run Away Bride) Gassy grape!!!


Left signs of Dog Begging in PMdthstarg13
This my last pile from a jar two years old. Still sweet and knock out mellow high.


That is very exciting! I thought the ECSD was the diesel used to make Death Star but Iā€™m not sure how AJā€™s SD compares.

I have a cut of Death Star I got from @Berserker7205 that Iā€™m currently in week 5 of flowering for the first time. I know I grew the original cut over a decade ago, so Iā€™m hoping Iā€™ll be able to confirm its legitimacy. If it turns out legit Iā€™d really be interested in hunting through your F1 mix for a solid male to BX to the original cut. I was also considering making Death Star S1 since I donā€™t yet have any experience with reversing.


Its definitely the ECSD.

The 2 cuts are incredibly similar in smell, taste and effect. I like the AJā€™s personally since it is a more vigorous plant with a larger yield.

Back when I was growing commercially, we ran a table with all the different cuts to pick one to keep working with. You can see the similarities and the differences quite clearly. Everything in front of the green line is the AJā€™s.

So itā€™ll be interesting to see what happens with a Sensi Star F3 and a different SD cut. The genetics are all in there, so working it to an F2 you may find something that matches or even better.

This is the way