Deathstar crosses

Excellent, I am so stoked to grow this again.


We’ll get her back boys, one way or another


Dug up a few pics of the legit ohio deathstar i grew last time a few years back… enjoy!!


Legit…It was illegal then and still is!!! LOL
That is awesome shots, I love all the crosses it makes goody with.

By the way that color is PMS Blurple 000066…lol

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Wowza that looks incredible


nice !



So interesting. Those do look amazing, but that structure doesn’t remind me very much of the Death Star I remember growing. Were those done outside? Mine had golfball nugs that zig zagged the whole way down. I don’t remember the spears like that. The clone I’m running now seems to be growing how I remember it. Here she is at 5 weeks.

Granted, your plants are much healthier looking. I wonder if it could just be environmental differences making such a different outcome. But I do know people in the scene when DeathStar was being born. There were definitely seeds of it floating around, although very tight lipped about everything. So secretive back then. So maybe there’s a couple different cuts?

My only hope is the stank will bring me back. The nugs smelled so strongly. Oddly enough I’m not really getting much any smells off this cut right now. Fingers crossed the next couple weeks she starts stinking.


We had Deathstar at one of the warehouses for an old employer. Those definitely had space between bud sites and didn’t stack hard. Always was a dark green at harvest, no purps, and never faded at the end. It was on the lower end of the yields from the cultivars that we ran. Great bud, just didn’t return much for the plant count. We typically would run it as a tray filler.



That sounds right. My plant is not a good example of coloring because everything fades hard in this tent of mine. But when I first grew it I was running Fox Farm liquid ferts and they were dark green, no purple.


I think this is a pretty good example of what’s in my memory as far as resemblance goes.


Every time i got a sack of deathstar this is exactly what the nugs looked like. No purpe, ever. Buds were always on the smaller side, not super dense, but no airy, kind of squishy nugs. Dark brown pistils with bright green sugar leafs that folded upward.


That’s more like it. Definitely thinner, Fan leaves lean harder on the Sour side and not fat like the Sensi Star.

Is Death Star gonna be the next OGK? everyone thinks they have the real cut. but its just a bunch of S1’s?

They all look like awesome plants though!

my thoughts


The funniest thing, I got turned onto Deathstar by some old lady that was a receptionist at my work. You would of never even suspected her of smoking, but turns out she had the hookup for the stank. I used to drive a box truck around just blazing deathstar all day. Damn was a young and dumb. I just want her back in my life soo bad.


Yes, that’s the bud. Certainly not pretty at all by today’s standards. But that SMELL. It’s really the main thing that set it apart from others.


Diesel looking bud, light green, some orange hairs, and squishy, not fluffy or dense.


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Nobody really mentions it but as far as smell goes i always got coffee grounds soaked in diesel fuel. I met my dude at a park one time and he was probabaly a good 1/4 mile upwind from me and as soon as he got out of his car i could smell the stench. Ive not smelled anything remotely close since.


Here’s the Death Star from @Berserker7205 at 51 days. She’s really starting to pack on the stank and the crystals now. I’m getting lots of fresh rubber, diesel, earth and skunk. Smells great! I’ll run her in a bigger pot next time and see if I can keep her green, but these buds are filling in nicely and she’ll have a respectable yield it looks like (from a 3 gal water only soil). I’ll giver her another couple weeks if she’ll last that long.


This comes from Leafly Images also, It is Deathstar also.

When you pressit, turns screenbags purple, hi grade parchment too.
Makes Purple Hash. I handled both but prefer the purples.
This image is from one who claims fame of creation at one time, some time ago, I dunno…
Purple was her color on packs.


Strawberry Deathstar


Big thanks to @GrowHard. Started 6 beans from his own deathstar cross. Super pumped to see how these turn out.