Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Hmm I have all these materials sitting around, this might be a worthwhile project, if not for now than later this winter. I would love to have a separator for all the seeds we save from our yard and garden, and all the foraged seed pods we gather in our house from the college botanical garden and other old/cool plants we come across. My partner is very anti-paying for plants instead of seeds, and even would rather find or trade for those, it’s one of her more endearing and weird traits but works for me! When I got Root Riots and cloning gel I was like “honey now we can go steal all the plants that don’t seed or are hard to start!”

Looks like a bunch of folks on here have made this or some similar project, I’d love to hear from @Nagel420 about how the 3D printed version is going, and @Mithridate were you able to make some miniature ones that fit in a flat rate box?

Also curious about how the one @Berserker7205 has from Mr. Toad aka FilialFeel works? If I made one of these I’d be happy to loan it to OGs in the southern NE area for their seed projects and stuff that would be cool to have some sort of growers tool library thing available for some of the weird stuff, the way grow shops (including my local) rent various electric trimmers by the day now.