DIY Seeds Separator

Ok, I’ve had the opportunity to test this thing a few times now. And not even on a seed run! (thats next week, hoping to separate some SpaceWiz F2’s that are drying). Anyways, my 3x4 smoke tent got some pollen in it, and there’s random seeds. Ugh. It sucks, but ya learn… So I have several jars of seeded bud, some of which I am using to learn how to hot press rosin with, and obviously they need to be deseeded before smoking or pressing.

Last batch I did was Alaskan Purple, 12grams, to show a buddy the process of pressing rosin. I knew there were some seeds, so I just mulched by hand all 12g. I could see seeds here and there but wasn’t gonna bother picking em out by hand. I dump it in the funnel, its so sticky it clogs the funnel. I have begun using a dead stem as a tool in the funnel and even think its an integral part of the experience now, sure seems to work better that way… Ran it thru the separator twice. Took a total of less than 3 minutes (woulda been faster but I was explaining and demonstrating). In packing the micron bag for pressing I found a lone seed that made its way thru. In my seed collection cup there were 43 seeds. And no bud. Hmm… I do think we’re on to something here :smiley: I feel TOTALLY confident offering this design to others now as a result of my testing :smiley:

So, in short, while I don’t plan to make it a regular thing of making them, the print time HURTS (96 hours is a LONG print), I do see the value they have for the community and how they could help others. If any of you are interested in having one printed, reach out to me in a DM to discuss. First come / first served, limited run kinda thing…

All I know is it was worth it to me to make and I don’t make nearly as many seeds as some of you. It performed way better than expected, and I will never separate seeds from bud by hand again. May still have to sort the good from the bad seeds, but thats easy once they are separated from the flower :slight_smile: