Discussion: Veg. plant maturity

I find reveg is only a good choice if you’ve flowered a pheno you like and want to make seeds :+1:

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Indeed it is. But when you’re 4 days into flower, honestly the cutting often could care less so as long as you’re not a week into flowering yet, I’d always say go for it!

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You can always make your own seeds.
A pack of mystery seeds and off you go, creating your own cultivars.
You can get them for free here: Mystery Seeds Give Away Thread

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I’ve reveged a female seeds C99 from a bud I accidentally snapped from the stem. It was about 5 weeks into bloom. Took about 3 weeks but it eventually put roots out the sides of a root riot cube. Didn’t do anything with it. I just did it to see if it would reveg :+1:

The problem is not rooting it. The issues are often that the leaves contort or put out onesies and never reach their normal shape anymore, and yields become oddly shaped and light in weight. Smell and potency might not be there anymore either.

I see the reveg in late flower as good tool to stress the girl / clone out ( a Reveg from late flower being one of the most stressfull things to do ) , to test her stability and therefor the mums befor breeding , that’s all I would do it for : )


I make a lot of feminised seeds. Got literally thousands. I’m just saying in most cases growing 10 seeds under 12/12 will yield as much as a single seed grown under a proper light schedule and scrogged :rofl:
I mean no disrespect or offence. You’ve got to find the happy medium when growing that covers your own personal needs.


What has happened with this thread?

Can’t we all just get on topic… :sweat_smile::ok_hand:


Veg till the plant is a 1/3 of the grow height then flip. :+1:


I often do a quick grow where I put the seedplant under 12/12 after just a month of growing just to test it’s genetic potential in that type of growing. It’s usually my first test of a cross, and I’ll usually have a second one germinated around the same time that I grow for longer and take cuttings from to put to a proper testing.

Both give an interesting view into the capabilities of the plant because it will hopefully find it’s way into many different stables with many different growing styles. This won’t be true for most lines though and most won’t perform great on this short cycle, but that is what makes it all the more interesting as a preliminary test, as an outstanding performance in such short time could speak volumes.

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Have you ever seen a bunch of stoned ppl stay on topic? Ever???


I have actually. The topic was weed of course but… :joy:


This part right here. :v:

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I’ve had an auto that threw pistils after 10 days from breaking the surface that grew into a big plant. I’d not say 10 days old is mature if I’m honest

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I find that one cannot manipulate nature indoors and so, we have effectively added many stressors to the epigenetics of cannabis, outdoors, is where she was created and meant to dwell, but due to human need…

So for me the question of when is a plant ready to flower, I will never believe indoors their is a good decision, as for outdoors, if one manipulates the sun and shade, then again interference has occurred and no basis for the plant to express naturally occurs.


That is very true. A lot of growers that are doing it small time hobby wise, simply are not interested in growing plants in veg long. Some can’t, they’re tents don’t have the room for it. So we do specific testing looking to create things that can be flipped early and quickly. I find if the genetics pass that test, they shine when taken longer and grown properly.


I meant this thread that I created. Autos don’t belong as they aren’t part of the topic.



Get off your high auto horse…

Veg time doesn’t apply

I’m not sure why I deserved any of that but I apologize to any of those I clearly offended. I simply wanted this thread to be somewhat on topic.


I respected your wishes and deleted the post brother. I was simply sharing auto knowledge. I wasn’t promoting autos or photos.
There is no high horse brother. I don’t pass out seeds.