DIY Seeds Separator

Totally tubular bro!!


Awesome bro! Thanks for sharing🤙🏽
Btw did you just sneak a phish song into my house??:rofl:


Just found my next project! :green_heart:


Very nice job :clap:

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Ok, I’ve had the opportunity to test this thing a few times now. And not even on a seed run! (thats next week, hoping to separate some SpaceWiz F2’s that are drying). Anyways, my 3x4 smoke tent got some pollen in it, and there’s random seeds. Ugh. It sucks, but ya learn… So I have several jars of seeded bud, some of which I am using to learn how to hot press rosin with, and obviously they need to be deseeded before smoking or pressing.

Last batch I did was Alaskan Purple, 12grams, to show a buddy the process of pressing rosin. I knew there were some seeds, so I just mulched by hand all 12g. I could see seeds here and there but wasn’t gonna bother picking em out by hand. I dump it in the funnel, its so sticky it clogs the funnel. I have begun using a dead stem as a tool in the funnel and even think its an integral part of the experience now, sure seems to work better that way… Ran it thru the separator twice. Took a total of less than 3 minutes (woulda been faster but I was explaining and demonstrating). In packing the micron bag for pressing I found a lone seed that made its way thru. In my seed collection cup there were 43 seeds. And no bud. Hmm… I do think we’re on to something here :smiley: I feel TOTALLY confident offering this design to others now as a result of my testing :smiley:

So, in short, while I don’t plan to make it a regular thing of making them, the print time HURTS (96 hours is a LONG print), I do see the value they have for the community and how they could help others. If any of you are interested in having one printed, reach out to me in a DM to discuss. First come / first served, limited run kinda thing…

All I know is it was worth it to me to make and I don’t make nearly as many seeds as some of you. It performed way better than expected, and I will never separate seeds from bud by hand again. May still have to sort the good from the bad seeds, but thats easy once they are separated from the flower :slight_smile:


If you’re having immature seeds in the collection bin then the suction needs to increase in the separator…


What are the measurements on that thing if you don’t mind me asking. I’d love to see a proper side view to to see how all the pieces are positioned, I just watched a video on a version of a small winnower made out of cardboard that looks similar to this design, seems like something that’s be fun to try to build

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So…about the DIY Seed Separator…

To say I’ve been busy these last few months would be a understatement! Lol

And when it comes down to it I couldn’t afford to build this thing myself…time, materials…just couldn’t dedicate the time and resources…so, I contracted the job out to @Nagel420 and his skills with a 3D printer!

I’d possibly change a few thing’s in the machining process but this is basically a prototype…and a very good one at that! Very excited to use on the upcoming Dynasty Spider Bite V2(C99/WW x SSH F3) F2 project

Here she is in all her glory!!


Found a little somethin taped to the collect tray…


What ever Brain/Brian lol Looks sweet and futuristic…

I dig that skunk can lol


She’s a beaut! What’d the tag on something like that run @Nagel420 i know you said it’s a bit of a pig to print


I have been asking $150 + shipping, and it all fits in a large priority mail flat rate box :smiley: over 100 total print hours, (1.5 rolls of filament), and the acrylic panel, and I’m just about breaking even. I thought it was a little pricey till I saw some others for sale, and realized its nowhere near pricey! The model RR houses help pay this bills, I want this thing to pay it forward and help others produce mad quantities of seeds to overgrow the world with :wink:

And last night was GOOD ($230 order on ebay for some houses. That really puts a smile on my face in the morning :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: )


You still doing them for folks? And if not could you send me your blueprints for it? I got a buddy who does 3d printing though I’m not sure if his would be large enough


Thanks for the reminder everyone! I need to get on this soon.


This guy took an interesting approach. I was wondering about using a fan instead of a shopvac. Up here in Maine we have what are known as Fiddlehead Ferns. Some consider them a delicacy. They’re harvested in the spring time along brooks. People that cut a lot of them use a “cleaner”, basically an open box with screen on the bottom
Oand a fan underneath. The Fiddleheads have a thin, brown, papery thing attached to them. They dump them in the box, turn the fan underneath on, and gently shake the box,. All the brown stuff gets blown out.

Obviously that won’t work for us, but it’s the use of the fan that I was thinking about.

This guy has a great approach that could maybe be adapted to our purpose:



This is what I need to build here, already got the computer fan

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Hey man just wanted to say I’m damn proud of you and what you are doing for this community

We joined about the same time and you have done a fuck ton more then I can every imagine doing for this community !

My hats off to you brother !


I am still offering it, but send me your email in a message and I’ll share the files with ya. It does require a larger print bed, the standard Ender 3 is too small. My goal wasn’t to make money on it, but offer it to those who dont have access to a printer. Or a big enough printer…

I’ve seen that and I like it, just havent gotten around to designing my own version :rofl:
Bonus is that with the fan pushing air, any remnant trichs would get pushed to the flower / chaff side to be used later. I use a piece of pantyhose in the shop vac and didnt see much get sucked up in there, but I can imagine some does.

Appreciate the kind words man, but really I’m just giving back / paying it forward. OG has treated me well, and I return the favor in kind :smiley: I just enjoy this wonderful plant, and all the aspects surrounding it from growing to the different ways to process and consume it. Not to mention, this IS a pretty kick ass community where most people actually enjoy helping each other…

We each bring our strengths to the table, and let that rising tide float all ships :slight_smile:


I started making a seed sorter today

Hopefully it will work as expected


Yours looks much nicer that mine. I hope you works good for you


The plexiglass panel came in and I finally finished putting together my seed sorter.

I hooked the shop vac in, and ran about 1/2 oz of seeded bud through it and it took about 5 seconds to process. And it was about 95% successful! About 200 seeds landed in the catcher!

Very few seeds ended up in the chaff bin (maybe 10-12?).
And only a few heavy twigs made it into the seed catcher.

Fucking amazing!!

I ran my MSxLRUV bud through it, which has very large seeds.
For plants with tiny seeds, it might not be as successful. I might need to drill an extra vent port to adjust the suction for that. Maybe plug it with a cork, and just remove the cork when dealing with tiny seeds? That needs a little more testing…

But it now hangs on the wall in my grow room, waiting for the next big seed run!
This is going to make life soooooo much easier!