DIY Seeds Separator

:rofl: :+1:


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The K.I S.S method… Keep It Simple Stupid… - cleaning-seeds-the-easy-way

What was it he used?


Just that bottle size with the bottom cut off and hole in cap for vacuum hose end… I made one, Works great…


Smart, didn’t think about that

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Cleaning up some old seeds that have been in storage today. Just wanted to keep the grade A’s. It’s a similar set up to what @Pigeonman had posted above.

Here is what I used:

  • Regular vacuum
  • Large plastic cup
  • Small wash basin

You will need a hole saw or some way to cut out the bottom of the cup to attach the vacuum hose. If using a hole saw run it in reverse so it doesn’t crack or grab your cup or hand in the process. It takes a little practice to get the hang of how far away to keep the cup from the seeds but the end results are worth it. When shucking lots of seeds this is a lifesaver!


Goals do come true…

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That’s is bad ass


I just made mine the other day!

Thanks for the post


Nice work! :+1:

Have you ‘taken it out for a test drive’ yet?


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I made one but It did work to hot. I need to trek it

:green_heart: :seedling:


Yeah I used the first test run on some Wheat that I recently harvested in my garden: Wheat berries.


What was the issues you had with it?

Great work! Now you just have to get enough seeds to put it into use :smiley:

nice, Mycology project in your future maybe?

Really nice work on the construction of that separator! Looks like the same plans I followed for the one I built

Hot dang, How big is your printer bed… :smiley:

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Hey there! New to overgrow! curious if you’re still offering these?

Finishing up my Shishkaberry Preservation so I’ll FINALLY be able to use mine….:sunglasses: Bout damn time!! lol



I have several ender 3’s at 235x235 mm, a Bambu P1S at 255x255mm and a pair of Enders that I “Ender Extendered” to make them 400mm x 400mm. Or close to 16" x 16".

I gotta dig up the file, but if your interested, send me a DM… Summer is slow on the print farm, so I have printers available at the moment.

Oh dayum! I sent that to you a WHILE ago! I’ve used mine a few times since then, and I barely consider myself a seed maker LOL… Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!