DIY Seeds Separator

Solid build @firehead ! :hugs:


I second that. Excellent work @firehead
I would have loved something like that a few weeks ago. I dialed my air compressor down to about 20 psi and blew air into a big bowl of seeds. It did the job but I am sure I lost quite a few in the process. This is something I definitely need to delve into. Thanks for sharing with us.


After faffing around for a few months and then getting all the parts together may I present to y’all:

Pigeonman’s OVER-BUILT Cyclone Seed Separator

A motto that always gets me either top of the class OR very fucked:

So I took the original method I use to separate seeds using a vacuum and stepped up my game by building a cyclone dust separator which will catch all the spoils for hash/dry-sift leaving the seeds in the original bowl, and nothing makes it to the vacuum cleaner’s drum!

First off, what I do is this:

But then I built this:

And while the system “should” catch everything I wanted to minimize the suction so I used an extra fan controller i had kicking around to drop the 6amp shop vac from “full tilt on” to “barely running”.

I over dry the flowers, and then wearing gloves I hand crush them to separate the seeds from the “chaff” making it all look like this when I start:

But then when done:

This in addition to an added choke hole to the bottle means I can “pulse” control the level of suction making the cyclone magic happen.

Here’s a video showing the system in action from a pile of crushed dust to nearly clean seeds.

(warning, there’s a high-pitched tone due to the cyclone system, volume DOWN.)

Finally here’s what ends up in the cyclone bucket:

You can see it’s easy to brush into a container to end up dry-sifting later. :+1:

And the beans!



That is frikken awesome!


I like it! :smiley::+1:

Take a look, it’s in a book…Reading Rainbow!


Thanks everyone!!! The cyclone build was super easy and cheap, just follow along that fellow :canada: 's video i posted.


I only do this after I let the seeds dry out on the plant for a week or 2 to firm up! Then it’s all bingo-balls baby! :rofl:


I would love to print this myself. Would you be willing to send the build file?

I’ll have to find the stl… You’ll need a larger printer (I print them on a 400x400 bed)… will look this evening…

just used mine saturday to separate bazooka boss auto seeds actually… love that thing!


Is there anyway you can lead me to the builder of that machine. It’s perfect for my set up

@DankGod look up “Boneyard Seeds Norcal”.

Welcome to overgrow!

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Are they on here ?

No idea. I litterally copied and pasted “FilialFeel” (From Berserker’s post) and found filialfeel aka mr toads Instagram.

I don’t “gram” (rofl) so I just wanted to share with you this info as @Berserker7205 hadn’t gotten back to you yet.


He’s not here. He’s on Instagram as filialfeel .


Thank you both for helping locate this individual 🫡

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I guess he only checks his instagram when he feels like it . I wrote him and friend requested him. So we will see

Who built this one?

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No idea, it was another "ask Lord Google for examples.

All in all I ditched that idea and have been “nailing-it” like this:


That is a brilliant DIY, I bow down before your skill with garbage! Gonna need to do that, right now I’m just using my extra mini shop vac with a new bag to catch the chaff and kif then slitting it open to reprocess for B-grade mixed kif and Mystery Mix seeds


This is amazing! I hope I have a need for one later this year.