Example of high priced seeds

I think people are misunderstanding what is going on with some of these extremely high priced things, I don’t think he is expecting people to buy them.

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The upside of these prices is that only dedicated people who love the plant will continue to work the lines.


Ahhh, so by “selling” 7k packs, that never really sell… he’s really just promoting/building hype for his $250 packs for the masses?


I think they will sell just not for the reasons people are suggesting.who knows what they are thinking but those are beyond expensive , like a few packs would be a down payment on a house


Smart ass ^^

Dammit…I had the Biker Slush all lined up for my next indoor but now I gotta kick it back one, that Booger Bubba sounds like a perfect match for my Phlegmie Fat Bastard.


this makes absolutely no sense at all. first you probably kill your customers, second the amount of fentanyl to make it “weigh more” is defintiley deadly. what is the point of doing that?

i mean i can “understand” why these brix-shit and/ or other shit was applied on buds for like a decade now because it makes it heavier but fentanyl? wtf?

i’d love to see people who are doing something like that in the gravel pit bringing stones from a to b and back all day every day


they don’t make it weigh more, it makes it more potent. mids makes you trip balls, right before you die.

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which makes no sense because the customer is lost then…?

these idiots don’t make much sense with anything. my 20 year old nephew lost his best friend to laced xanax. he had eaten 7 and my nephew had 1. he got 6 shots of narcan and my nephew got 2. we didn’t know that narcan wears off in 2 hours and he died later that night.

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god damn! maybe i’m old but taking benzos as recreational drug is somewhat … i don’t know a word for it.


stupid? idiotic? wasteful? i can think of a lot. i’ve seen way too many friends and kids die from this laced crap and opioids not laced.

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i’m glad that shit haven’t already spread here :expressionless:

Don’t see as where it makes much sense killing your customers. I don’t think it’s people buying laced weed, I think it’s people lacing their weed, and the media is on a “oh no look now” hype because someone died from an OD, or upon autopsy results, they had both in their system, so it gives them some more scare tactics.
Marijuana is more mainstream then it ever has been in US history and all the old codgers in politics are still holding on to this “reefer madness” mentality, and holding on as Marijuana is the “evil” that has been pounded into their heads for too many years.


I went to high school 20 years ago and we all ate/snorted pills. benzos, pain pills, amphetamines, etc. Was really our introduction to drugs, started a lot in middle school. Didnt stink like booze or pot so was compararively easy for being around adults. A lot of kids got high for the first time at school in the middle of the day.

I remember at a party my buddy crushed four percs up and dumped into his vodka water bottle. So dangerous and stupid! But kids love getting loaded, they always have and always will.


i did that too but we only had pep (amphetamines), mdma and/or extacy pills and mushrooms. nobody did benzos and alike… today i don’t hear much that the kids do opiates and such. meth is a thing for a couple years now. last summer a big article in the newspaper said that the high school around the corner has a meth problem. I’m still interested in german rap scene and they tried to implement this lean drinking shit and such but gladly it seems that it didn’t become a thing. but then again I’m older now and out of that game lol

okay back to topic :sweat_smile:

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Let me help with a very arbitrary firestarter.

“Seed’s drop” : I’m hating this next-gen expression. So much. Maybe it’s just me but each time i’m reading that, I’ve the image of someone dropping piece of gamy meats to errants dogs.

I’m remembering like it’s yesterday when Soma was entering in the dance. I can’t lie, first releases was fire. But it was at this time the most expensive seeds of the market, so i’m remembering also this little voice in my head : “Holly sh1t, it’s the most capitalist rasta I’ve ever seen.”. Everything after that is just commercial animation to last longer in the hype, and he tested a lot of ideas. But, somehow it was the signal that the market was ready for that.

My psychological grid of prices for usual ten-bags:

  • up to 30€ : someone have to start somewhere
  • the “sacred” 50€ level : It’s a legit price for me. No matter the strains and the type of seeds sold, if a genpool is maintained and if a background is existing outside the marketing. It’s the start of the Darwinian game. Some last decades like that, others months …
  • 50€-80€ range : the genpool have more to offer than the average ten-bag. Cups winners, reliable restitution of rare lines, rock stable lines. Not marketing sh1t, but what’s going on in the grow spaces.
  • 70€-100€ : I’m buying seeds at this price. But i’m hating that. It’s a fcking rape of monopolistic strategies, no matter what is behind that.
  • 100€ to the sky : The only desire generated by these prices is my instinct to launch a big SOG from seeds, free open pollination on the fly, and sending everywhere the seeds as freebies in all retailers i know.

The most pathetic behavior of the game, from my point of view of course :

Seed’s number. A ten bag is enough restricted to have some stress, and sometimes to have to buy again the line because you have found nothing decent to “motherize”.

A few breeders try to personalize their offer : 10 seeds up to 13 seeds generally. Seriously it’s just a joke and more insulting that just releasing a standardized ten-bag at the right price. Adding three poor seeds just to maintain the price ? Seriously.

Then the most ridiculous and insulting practice for me : seeds by 5, seeds by 3 … even seeds by unit.
Just to cheat the eyes and catch attention. “Oh damn, this line at 30€, i buy it right now.” Yes, because it’s the price you’re supposed to spend brainless, little bag of free datas.

They are just splitting insane prices that are not justified to appear legit. In destroying your experience and your rationality. Yeah, fem seeds that are well made and grow like clones. Yeah this fabulous breeder that is stabilizing his line since 500 BC. Yeah. But a ten bag, as greedy it appear (even for me), is the minimal amount necessary to explore something. It doesn’t matter if you can launch only one seed at a time or dozens, this spectrum is necessary to can even talk about what you have experienced.

My idealism :

  • A reversed offer : ten-bags as standart, but discounts on more. 20, 50 and 100 bags. Publicly, transparent, not picky-on-demand. For seed’s ogres but also for collectives purchases.

  • Millésime as an obligation and batch numbers. When you buy something alive, asking when it’s born is not a luxury or a fcking privilege. It’s normality. They want to play industrial with pics of NASA labs ? Then go full throttle then. Don’t get me started on long term storage, liquid nitrogen or whatever. Seeds as products have a maximum range of twos years in the shelves, just like the weed. Seriously, as a customer investing three digits in something … you don’t want something from the bottom of the drawer. Or a cut from an aging, woody, variegated multiple times, treated motherplants that only want to finally die with honor.

  • The blowback of realism : It’s when you see something growing everywhere that you have legit reasons to hunt something and eventually to speculate (i’ve nothing against that). It’s when the majority of stoner’s are buying the same weed in the street that this lucky motherplant become an “elite”. The weed history is made by waves of specific lines, not by the same pedigrees just renamed to fool the next-gen growers that don’t known their classics or the parental lines. I’ve met too much stoners loving chemotypes available for cheap, but thinking that it’s a “labeled” exception. Put the 30€ seeds in the cone and they realize that someone have fcked them to the bone with hype within twos tokes.

You can throw stones now :smile:


Or you can just get seeds from OG.


I think that OG have now reached a level from where a more structured approach for that is necessary. At least to don’t be the b1atch of other platforms. But also for the dynamic.

I’m reading each day a fews grow log & op. And i’m seeing more each day some profiles that desserve to have the firepower to scale their passion. Even if their kung fu is not in my range of consideration, it’s frustrating to don’t see them helped more. It’s not about money, we are all paying bills come on, but more to let the water flow where there is maybe a real story to write. These potential stories are the nostalgia of tomorrow, marketing after a time is just enough good to wipe our asses.


There are plenty of guys on here doing good work. Most of the time you just have to ask nicely and you’ll get them for free :+1:

Lots of awesome hype-less gear on OG.