Example of high priced seeds

is this strain is a medicine from the all diseases? lol

The packaging is clear enough on the cure aimed ^^

Now in these strange days, it can be the whole unique excuse of a seedbank : Anything X (Berner x Bodhi) male.

The whole seedbank is signed by the cookie monster, and indirectly by one of the most popular and loved breeder i’ve ever seen. I’m sure it can work :grin:

ROI is what, 30 packs sold at decent price for the dry cost. 400 packs for the marketing. 250 packs for the first year. Barely 7 mature females fully seeded, or 35 little clones.

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While a herm risk I’ve also tried some killer weed from his genetics and some beautiful plants hoping for the best on those Gary poppins :crossed_fingers:

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But the fancy wax seal though :joy:


I’ll pay $100 to any and everyone giving away free seeds on here if they have a fancy wax seal on them.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I will accept that challenge. I have a candle and a bag of seeds right in front of me…

The price is per seed though.


Ok, but I want a fancy wax seal, not some milk bag tag.


Its cool it’ll be so melted down you won’t be able to tell.


I’m pretty sure French Touch stared the wax seal thing for seeds. Kind of like a fine bottle of wine.

Hot tip: you can get free wax where your toilet meets your plumbing.


With it’s own terpenes!


Does it come with the ‘Royal Insignia’ stamp in the wax too? :rofl::rofl::rofl::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


For them it’s to keep sealed the crime scene ^^


In regards to the Op

Get fooking real
1500 bucks lol

These people are swine who steal
Money from nubs and dim witts.
Imo of course.

For 1500 bucks it had better
Least give one a reach around.


the best highs in my entire born natural life on earth haven’t cost a penny…and they would stand up with any member on o.g here now or then…now I wonder what that exactly says about high seed prices to me?..it oozes desperation and unwise minds pay foul to the bright pictures and fake stories,then where do you end up.???..getting conned at a seedbank with inferior mass produced stock…and its happening en mass…these seed junkies here desperately grabbing every seed they see are not hunting highs in my mind…or even about preserving work…its become about being a good guy and everyone liking you sharing seeds around with no relevance or validation…its like a fooking heatwave here…lololol…ppl are making dollars tent breeding from closets and bedrooms and to me where’s that all ending but shitshow stories like your seeing everywhere of crap stock being shared around…mods let this go on because its about member counts…Well trust me…you are ruining your own website with this crazy carry on seed shit…its not informative or visionary…its a villains circus and I think you already know this…

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How does OG seed sharing tie into the OP and high priced seeds man? Also if you’re saying OG is full of crap seedstock and its all garbage, you’re just ignoring the good shit to paint your boolsheet narrative. Easy on the Boron and also never go full dna917…


That’s because you mooch off of your “friends.”

This poster sounds familiar :slight_smile:


Yeah he’s suspended right now. What a bitter sounding person. Almost like he doesn’t want to be on this site. Nobody was making him lol


I share seeds and still nobody likes me :joy:


I dont think it is like that. I won over 20 giveaways and decided to give back and not even tell people what the seeds were and they were honestly super rare fire seeds IMO. If you don’t like something, just ignore it. Your standards or interests may not align with others.