Example of high priced seeds

True but it looks like these seeds will grow into a dragon. Totally worth it.



What is the name of this swindler?

A few years ago, I inquired about some Game Over seeds and dude wanted like $500 per pack of the same
old Sour Diesel x Cookie x OG crosses you can pick up all day for $100.



I have some Forbidden Fruit which is Cherry pie x Tang’e and it isn’t worth 800 a seed. It is nice but i’ve had two phenos and one pheno was shit. These are all Cherry Pie crosses.


I think you won the prize for finding the most overpriced seeds.
I guess it’s a money grab, before the whole seed industry crashes.
I’ve been told that seed sales are down by a couple of breeders.


That’s pre-order too, meaning there’s 4 weeks left on the plants :joy:


I was kinda surprised when I noticed a semi-local cultivator/dispensary had a bunch of Genetic Designer eighths….

I tried one, a bit dry but it was… okay.



Here is a cherry pie kush cross that is only $45 compared to $8,888.


But that lacks the exclusivity of a pack so expensive only an idiot would buy it.


This person you ask of is Michael Fang. I have yet to smoke anything worth $8k for a pack of seeds, and I’ve smoked all over the U.S. (48 states) and abroad in Southeast Asia. I smoked some strains before he broke off from GGG and started Genetic Designer, and to my surprise, wasn’t worth the $500 a pack when $100 a pack strains tasted better, and got me higher.
Now this asshat thinks that everything he puts out is worth $4k-$8k a pack. The strains aren’t worth that by a long shot, especially when no photos of what you’re buying are available, must be some kind of “secret” that nobody can see what they are buying.
He’s gouging the people big time to fund his “designer” lifestyle, $600 tennis shoes, $400 jeans, $150 T-shirt, $1k sunglasses, $100k sports car etc.
And to hear him talk, well, that’s a whole nother ball game, he thinks he’s gods gift to cannabis, he is FAR from it!!!
GGG seeds have dropped 50% in price since Fang left, but, I still don’t see anything special coming out of a $600 pack discounted to $300.


I’ll take three Wafts of Berner, please :rofl::rofl:

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Whoa big spender!

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I use to follow that guy on instagram.
He was always posting about how advanced a human he was.

Last I remember he was going off on the owner of
Cult Classics Seeds, said he was evil and full of demons, something to the affect of who would name a strain Skinwalker. Don’t buy Cult Classic

People were saying that he stole some of his genetics. I think it was the Wet Dream that he uses for a lot of his crosses

I wouldn’t doubt it. When Jake (Omuerta Genetix) left Gage Green, he BOUGHT seeds of High School Sweetheart, talked with Fang and told him I’m doing some crosses with HSS and going into business, Fang said go for it, do whatever. Then after Jake did his 1st release, Fang started spewing that he “stole” the seeds when he left, used his strain to build with, and tried running him thru the mud.
Personally, I don’t like him, his attitude, or his insane prices. In his own mind, Fang thinks he puts out something “special”.


Yeah i saw GLG put this in the sponsors section.
Are there really peeps buying these?


I’ve had a couple of email exchanges with Jake. Nice dude.


Under the radar and killing it, Jake is putting in some work, awesome strains. Fire Creek and Thousand Oaks treated me very well.


Ive seen Hemp, that looked like it would blow your head clean off, and all it would do, is give you a headache. All that matters is the chemical composition, of the good stuff, that gets one high.
You cant tell a book by its cover.


Ditto on the Fire Creek. Can’t wait to run Thousand Oaks and Serroquel.

Seems like a humble breeder to me. That goes a long way.