Example of high priced seeds

Sam or a troll Social media account has been telling people he has inserting junk DNA in Cannabis all over the world that spells out SK1 so when the world finally Goes legal and weed goes Corporate He will Own It all every single bud lol see if you can find that one .There was a guy awhile back on hashchurch that talked about certain genetic markers being released in wild populations of cannabis i wonder if this is what he was talking about?Guy sounded like a real nutjob anyway kind of reminded me of BlueSky Sivenna


Oh that sounds like a fun rabbit hole. Like modify hlvd to crispr ‘sk1’ into the junk DNA? :joy:


I think its bullshit but with todays world and my own Miasma of wierd shit in my life ive seen stranger things and weeds the final frontier for a capital cash grab so i wouldn’t put it past the prick.I sense some very unwholesome future doings with Sam,Robert Clark with Phylos hell even breeder Steve with the whole TrueSinse thing.Makes me grab my bean hoard and keep it a bit closer and refine my stash make even more seeds and distribute to the 4 winds


I heard of that post/account but never seen it myself, sounds a bit trollish. That said the guy been working to corner canna market since the beginning with every parasitic method known to man. These right place right time guys always know the script writers if you can read between the lines.

Reminds me of when Kyle Kushman left Hightimes and that same year wins a cannabis cup With the Cough he never Bred and never found it from a guy who grew it in a strawberry patch never got it from an old hippy who grew it in a paint can and gave a cut to him in a crumpled dixie cup the story changed that many times and he forgot people can screenshot and save this bullshit now Being Chief editor at Hightimes he edited the whole story and fabricated more bullshit.


Someone said (I thunk it was tom hill?) Grapefruit is near the end of the line too, seems like this is crucial to the equation, and super interesting even if it’s not


Those guys are ancient and Sam sounds senile, lol.
They better get to taking over the world in a hurry. :skull:


Just sounds like a bunch of self serving bullshit to me.


It all is Thier all Bullshit artists

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Nahhhh… you mean like when plural of mongoose and gypsy traded wives then Ole gyp got caught gave a wad of cash to Dutch grown and she won the icmag cup the following year? Pure happenstance lmao


The only thing they will take over is the Throne for trying to stay on the fringe of cannabis and make a profit in it as Mith put it a dirt parasite type of way.

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Its a very Dirty Business and Business has been ever so good to them its almost like they sold thier souls


Tin foil hat time.
Sam is an MK Ultra’d secret government agent that brought a strain of cannabis to Europe that would be susceptible to HpLVd.
That strain is now in everybody’s genetics.
It will be left to biotechnology to modify and patent HpLVd resistant cannabis to save the community.
This is how they will own cannabis.


Sounds about right id like to Run this through Alex Jones first after hes had a three day Cocaine and Jack Daniels bender so hes really good and going and is lucid enough to see aliens :alien: butt probing Dan Quayle in retribution for telling humans about global warming.Can never be too sure


Dan Quayle?
Did I miss that episode?
I THOUGHT Al Gore wrote the script for Global Warming right before he invented the inter-webs.

Back in around 90,
High Times had a pretty good article about Dan Quayle’ pot dealer from college, who was framed for bombing a bowling alley to keep him silent.


Total mix up too much Frankie today Had a face mixup

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Totally al gore I remember the bearmanpig southpark more clearly now


Probably the same reptillian and you caught it in a face shift. :dragon_face:

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I want to name a strain David Eick and charge $1000 a seed, but you would have to attend my seminar on reptillian shadow cannabis to pick them up.