Example of high priced seeds

Dude let me tell you Frankenstein turns into a total different monster in the jar after a couple months it is a Plant thats gears shift and the Buzz gets so goddamn sneaky And it slaps you.I think i may have even seen a temporal Dimensional timeshift In the space Time continuum for a split second after Ripping a couple Taters.Want to go from warp speed to plaid?Take a rip off a Tater in an inversion Chair upside down Hold it for 10 seconds and let the hit out as you recline back to upright position.Almost as good as the Star Trek transporter Just dont fall


Sounds like some good shit!


We just want the damn truth :sweat_smile:

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So… high priced seeds :joy: I’d pay a pretty penny for these


Watermelon tastes like water.


Watermelon is not something I like, but it’s my favorite of the melons. The candy is one of my least favorite as well. I do like the texture, and the ritual, and I will eat it and enjoy it. Other melons, I do not like them. Cantaloupe especially, I consider it repugnant, sane with persimmon, and I still struggle with tomato at times. Like, I can’t eat a bar or underripe one. Yet, I’ll eat and try anything, Uni is my favorite unadulterated “food”, I could eat fruit all day and enjoy most of them. But, can’t eat most melon, it tastes like tainted sugar water to me, then these mofos put it in water! :weary:

Cucumbers = dirty green water

BUT, every watermelon related strain I’ve grown was prwttt phenomenal! Watermelon Z was a joy to grow and smoke, has a great hit you in the eyes kind of head high. I grew Dosi and watermelon z together and they both have that, but dosi is more sedating. Both great for headaches.


That post gave me a good chuckle. Reminded me of how a friend of mine is a “picky” eater… he eats fairly varied but some stuff he just can’t stand and when he describes what he can’t eat it’s a riot lol

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Made edibles? lol (1)

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That guy and Jorge always struck me as phonies.

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Ah Jorge also known as George or his full name George Van Patton.Always liked showing up in a bozo Fake mustache glasses and Fake Rastafari wig to cannabis events ,Same guy that opened up a bunch of grow stores and hung his employees out to dry when he skipped town like a thief in the night when the DEA busted them in Operation Green Merchant they rolled all the stores at the exact same time 4:20pm as a joke.He stayed away for 7 years for statute of limitations.Like Kyle yeah id say thier a tad bit full of Shit.


I always thought George Van Patton was Jorge Cervantes pseudonym, but it makes sense that he would use real name George for his non-Canna grow books and Jorge for the underground content.

He wrote the best indoor gardening guides for the time.


I see there was “high” interest earlier in this topic for Genetic Designer/Gage Green Group and I just saw a NEW DROP is available!!!

ONLY ONE PACK REMAINING!!! :rofl: Produced by Dream Team

At least it is a fairer price than their $8,888 11 seed pack. Unfortunately, they don’t offer their own freebie. :crazy_face:


Oh, these expensive seeds! It is hard to imagine how difficult it is to find the plant with the pods, shake some pollen out, take a paint brush and sprinkle it over the flowers. Then you have to wait for them to mature before you can harvest. All of this physically demanding hard work must take what 3 minutes?

But then if you are selling SOMEONE ELSE’S seeds, you deserve to charge EVEN MORE. After all, it is all about who you can f**k over, right?


We have gotten to the point where the middle men makes the most instead of the farmer or the distributer.
I can understand some POVs people who make seeds have, sometimes the cut they have cost a lot to acquire, sometimes it’s something very rare like your cherished orange tree in your back yard that always was the best around and you wouldn’t let anyone pick from it haha
Problem today everyone is trying to get rich quick, globalization made everyone around the world a target…
The ones who dealt in this industry in the past were wise men mostly, as they went the route most didn’t and had to self educate and exp first hand
Those guys are not easy to scam
Now everyone that seen a bud picture on IG wanna buy the highest priced hype
People always look for shortcuts using money.


And usually from poly-hybrids which to me all taste the same and all have the same high. But they sell pure commercial product to people who don’t know any better.


So is Aficionado p[rice of seeds worth it. Seen many of their satrains I want to run – FYI the breeder give ‘s’ Veterans 20% discount. sure like to run some !!!


I’ve found incredible plants in packs that cost $60 or less. Aficionado produces fine plants, but IMO they aren’t worth 4x the price. If you’ve got the disposable income to sling around I don’t think you’d be disappointed if you picked some up.


If you ask me a lot of these seed boutiques on the web are way too overrated and charge outrages prices, just because it’s legal in most states now…You can get yourself some great strains who create their own homemade strains here on Overgrow and ICMAG, a lot of them will also give them to you for free…I’m just saying.


I cant speak to others experience, but I bought those expensive ass Aficianado seeds, and they were without a doubt some of the worst beans ive had the displeasure of growing. At the time I was growing commercial, and had a booth at all the high times events and all that. I was warning people about them on IG at the time. And that Mene Gene weirdo sent us a bunch of death threats about it. Then saw me from a distance at a HT event, and literally turned and ran away. These dudes are nothing more than shameless scammers and all around bad people. If people ever saw that Aficiando “estate” grown bud in person like I have, youd never buy a single bean from them lol. Straight up hay growers.


What ones did you grow if you don’t mind sharing