Exodus Cheese (UK)?

The yield was in between but it was easy to grow for sure no issues that I ran into anyways

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This is the true uk cheese, a cut many claim to have but dont. This is the cut that the actual finders of the plant have. C.F. cut, picture credit to cf.

If people remember the first picture claimed to be cheese that circulated the forums, one were a guy was holding some trimmed colas with a fern tree in the background, the picture many people thought had been enhanced as they were all silver looking an no plant claiming to be cheese really looked like it since. Well if you trim the leaves from the plants in the picture i put up, this is that clone. The original uk cheese, direct by the actual finders of the plant.


Very cool

Im sure you can settle this,
Ive read that it came from an early 80’s pack of seeds.
But Ive also heard that it came from Sam as he jumped from Cali to Europe - that he sent it to U.K. to be held until he established himself in Europe.
Do you know which story is true?


Nah, Sam didn’t pop that seed.
It’s rumored to be from a skunk1 pack. Some think it’s a cross…


nope, the exodus cheese clone ist not sam’s find.
if he claims that then someone should call him out asap, imho.


i heard it was a pheno of skunk #1 popped by Mr brightside and given to the exodus collective where it was grown and handed out, never heard anything about sam havin anything ta do with it i used ta go to the parties


:point_up: This right here is my understanding as well.

Not ever seen Sam have anything to do with that cut at all in at least 20+ years of research.


Yes no problem. It came out of a pack of seeds bought in 88/89 from what was then know as the sensi smile shop. Nevil was the one supplying them at the time with quite a few strains including the skunk#1. Nevil did aquire the unworked raw USA version of skunk#1 from sam (as well as other worked versions later like 1.8), so could be ancestral skunk or a a similar version he got an Nevil did his own work with these which is what the cheese came from. There are other well know clones from a similar time that come out of probably the same batches such as blues an phycosis. Nevils skunk#1 lines back then were worked more towards the more afghan darker stinkier side of the skunk, there were lots of skunk#1 plants around that time coming out of Nevils work that were all on the danker darker side of the skunk, i even seen ones that would almost have rank chem diesely tones. Its probably why similar types can no longer be found because later batches were worked further an Nevil never really made skunk#1 again after about 1993/94 when he left sensi seeds.


Thanks buddy


ha, … that’s why in my book the chemdog/dogbud-genetics are skunk-based :wink:


I would be surprised if the skunk1 was from SSB , as at the time in the UK SSB was mail order only and cash upfront . Considering many good skunks hit the UK within very short time it’s much more likely these skunks came from the only seeds available over the counter and these were from positronic who later became neptune I think . I can testify that I grew the skunk 1 from Neptune back then and it could leave you unable to lift your arms or move your legs after one joint and while those plants didn’t have cheeses nose they were pretty close .


did posi used nevils stock to make repros for their lines at the time (like everybody else)?

if so, then it still is nevils work on the skunk “merely” reproduced by positronic, no? :thinking:

i am asking, i am not telling …


The first cut I ever got was a Skunk 1 that came from Positronics seeds smuggled back from the the Dam sometime between 91-93. I was told by an individual who worked at Positronics around this time that Wernard got his Skunk 1 from Sam.

I just shake my head when I see Skunk 1 get the hate. It’s still one of my all time favorites.



Anyone noticed cheese crosses being tough to germ? I’m trying to germ some cheese x OFP from csi and they are taking much longer to germ than all others I’ve tried. The first one finally popped a root, planted and it died. The two I have going now are on day 3 with no taproots yet.


It was actualy the sensi smile shop. Sensi hadnt even taken on the name ssb yet. The seeds were bought over the counter from their shop. Not posi. There are photos that exist proving the shop was around in 1988/89


I am not questioning the existence of that shop just it or SSB do not make any sense as a source at the time . If they were bought over the counter in Holland then at least 3 people from the UK purchased them from there and found keepers but no one on the continent who will have bought many more packets of them found anything worthwhile? .


There was lots of similar type around that time. Those types of smels an flavours similar to it were well known in skunk around then. It would depend on who kept clones. I seen another one about ten years back that was almost like cheese, only slightly more spicy. That was a privately kept one a stunk just as bad as cheese but was probably more to the side of most plants that would come out, an not a well known clone. Anyway the guys who found the seed have already said it came from the sensi smile shop. Their are pictures of sams skunk#1 direction on early posi packs an you can see he was taking a different direction in breeding. The plants looked different to what we knew as the dank side of the skunk. If some one can put up a picture of a very early posi seed pack with a picture of the skunk#1 or skunk red hair you can see the difference. Tod put out some mel had kept of sams an again you can see the different direction


:popcorn: :nerd_face:


I thought that the collective got it from cheese farmer and the brightside was slightly different also there was the suicide cheese , my memory may be wrong though . If you didn’t get it from the manor how you know

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Steel city being Sheffield blues. I’ve seen more kilos of that stuff in my time than you could shake a stick at. But not any more. The commercial croppers ended up swapping out their blues and cheese cuts for ammo (amnesia haze) and stardawg. I’ve just took in a Manchester cut of the dawg that needed a new home. And a skittles.

I’m Manchester born and raised btw :sunglasses: