First grow need some confirmation

Hey man I’ve been growing for a while now and still use mostly cheap Amazon LEDs with good results. Some people think you have to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on lights but definitely not true


@Jayrock93 the HLG lights are top quality with adjustable dimming control. Really help you dial in your light for different phases of growth. I would recommend the HLG FR adjustable light. They have kit options that are very affordable. Far red is great for flowering. They have full warranty no worries.

They sell out frequently but if you contact them they will get you one at that price point. I have many of the same lights and recommend them often.


Anyone know a good seed bank i used northatlantic seed co.


@JohnnyPotseed on here, has beans for a really affordable price and he ships quickly try to give him a holler. There are others as well. I try to support OGers. There is also a thread on seed banks you can check out, hope this helps


Multiverse north atlantic and strainly for me.

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I second the @JohnnyPotseed suggestion. I’ve gotten a ton of packs from him during his sales. The genetics are solid and you can trust the strain names to be what they are advertised.

That being said I’ve grown and have friends that grow seeds from Nirvana they are in France I think but I had no issues with my purchase from them.

What kind of smoke are you looking for?

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Some exotic stuff high thc idk whats the best bean for high thc and yeild

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Well, hmmm. I’m probably not the one for that question. As far as I know the girl scout cookies and it’s many many crosses are good for high THC, but many people have the same complaint that it’s a soaring high that lasts almost no time at all.

Maybe looking for effects would be the better way to find some good beans for you. Do you prefer upbeat or sedated type highs?

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Sedative for sure i have chronic anxiety so i stick to indica

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I have a pack I can send you. DM me a safe address for you and I’ll mail them out.


Whats a good sativa?

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In your case I would avoid them … beer3|nullxnull


Welcome @Jayrock93 !!! You made a great choice becoming a member here on OG!!!

My first grow was with DNA Genetics White Cholope that is a Sativa Hybrid. I have really enjoyed that one and was lucky to be able to get a clone of her.

My only advice as I am wrapping up my first-year of growing is to keep it simple and don’t try every trick in the book or what the more advanced growers are doing. Keep a log of your progress and note what works for you and what doesn’t. Stick with Feminized till you feel confident and them dabble into the regular seeds. In my personal opinion and am terrible with them is growing autoflowers. I don’t understand them and they are finicky.

I look forward to watching your first grow and know you have a community of helpful people to back you up!



2 weeks is it ok to pull the humidity dome off my leaves are touchin it

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I would yes. Looks ready to go.

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Im so excited lol i want her to grow faster🤣


Remember to water her slightly according to the size of the plant, not the pot. You can also water in circle far from the stem to promote horizontal grow of the roots looking for humidity… beer3|nullxnull


interesting never seen this advice before Id love if you had it if youd share some more deets on this


Humidity range from 50 to 38 through night and day

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Thanks, I remember reading it from a lady grower in another forum, roots will grow through the soil looking for water, if you keep doing this they will not go down but just grow horizontally against border of the pot. Excuse my poor English but hope you understood the purpose of this … beer3|nullxnull