First grow need some confirmation

Looks great. It seems like our own grows take forever, but everyone else’s runs at light speed.

Yess man lol its killin me but i think shes about to speed up ive noticed a differenc yesterday


Quick question how do i know if something is a supplement or a fertilizer i have some things but scared to mix it up and burn my baby

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Nvm i figured it out lol thanks


Try to follow this schedule … beer3|nullxnull



I would think thats just a bit high for seedling. But if she’s taking it, it must be good. Im usually doing freshly popped seedlings at less than 200 Ppfd. Not really sure how old your gal is…

Looking good!

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She will be 3 weeks friday

Shit i never check ppm should i? Is it important

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You were speaking about fear of burning the plant, yes, it’s quite important, you can have nutrient burn or nutrient lockout…

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Oh damn is there a chart for this ppm at different stages or should you keep same ppm pretty much throughout how does this work

I dont follow shit from google bc its not all true id rather have advice here

Do you recomend a ppm meter that wont break the bank

I’m in Spain, this is another chart, from grow shop pages …

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Thank you now if i add supplements to my nutes water that will change the ppm right? So how does that work since the supplements arnt fertilizer

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You should follow this chart, don’t think plant needs supplements at this early stage, that would increase ppm …

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Ok thank you!!

And as you add nutrients to your mix, the pH will change.
I find when I’m at half strength, I have to add more pH down. More nutes, less PH down needed.
In simpler terms: the higher my PPMs, the lower my pH. Typically when I’m feeding full-strength during Flower, my pH is where it needs to be - 6-6.3 without need for adjustment.


Yes mine gets ph 6.0 i use the blue lab ph tester whats a decent ppm meter?

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@Jayrock93 looks good … Your Blue lab PH tester is top of the line. Keep it stored properly in solution and calibrate it 1 or 2 times a week to keep it accurate. Don’t let the probe dry out on the meter. If you don’t already have storage solution And calibration solution you’ll definitely want to grab those. Hopefully the pen came with them.

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PPM meters are less sensitive than PH meters. There is a lot of options Blue Lab and Hana Are probably two of the more better known. But probably any meter would be accurate enough.

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