First grow need some confirmation

Thanks man! Prolly gonna get the blue lab ppm since i already have thier ph meter! And yes i bought the whole kit with the ph it was like 110$ thanks alot! If you notice any thing or feel like throwing in some tips as she progresses dont hesitate lol just learning everything and keeping a journal next to my bed for her

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There should be a sticker on the back of your blue lab ph meter that tells you how to calibrate. It only takes a minute or two. Just get yourself a couple small cups to hold the different solutions 7.0 and 4.0 You’re just putting the meter into the solutions To follow the instructions on the sticker on the back of your PH meter.

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What a cool vision of things !


I use Blue Lab for that, as well :100:

Both meters on the orange towel…

I have Vivosun cheapos as backups, but havent needed since my first grow in April of 23.
Also, havent calibrated since I got it, Probably should at some point, lol.

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Are you growing hydroponicly

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If youre talking to me, then no.

But I do use Octopots which is kind of a hybrid system. Takes much of the burdon off the new and experienced grower alike. No worries of over or under-watering your plants. Highly recommended.


Hmm ill have to check that out

How’s your plant doing?


It just picked up speed since i topped it lol its doing good ill get pics tomarrow bro hows you

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Yours doing good?

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I use EC instead of ppm because it’s not a calculated value. No matter where you are, EC 1.0 is EC 1.0, but the ppm scale has three different measurements. Leads to confusion.


Yeah they’re all doing good. The hardest part about this hobby is the waiting. In a couple weeks I’ll be in trim jail. Can’t wait.

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Ya the waiting sucks its killing me i have very small node spacing is that ok?

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It is ok. A sign that your light intensity is strong. If you have a short tent it’s definitely not a terrible thing. If you want her to stretch out some you can lower your light setting. I usually run about 45% on my saplings


Welcome to OG @Jayrock93
Looks like you are off to a great start. I am no light expert , but i have had great success using this light. It only uses 150W And costs $89 using coupon code on Amazon. I use 2 on each side of a medic Grow fold 8, that is centered in my 4x8 tent. I like that , if needed, i can adjust the height, to dial in each corner to the canopy . Helps out when im running multiple strains in flower. Im no expert, but its a great light for the price, with a lot of features.IMO
Just a FYI, theres a lot of good options, out there.

You are off to a great start, im looking forward to seeing your growing journey and first harvest.

Thanks buddy im prolly gonna top all her tops again later i wanna fill the space in my 2x2

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Im at 50 right now 25 was low as hell to me

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You can raise the light further away and get the same effect as dialing it back some. If you want it to stretch out a little that is.


Hey man couple things I see are small plant in a large container which can be tricky in terms of watering and root development. There are some pretty dry pockets of soil going on and watering directly on the base of small plant is not advised, instead circle the container let those roots search out moisture. Raising the light or dialing back intensity will stretch her out some. Also make sure the environmental conditions are on point or otherwise working up hill