Fitzera Does things

Very cool brother. Those all sound fantastic especially that Deep 6ix. Hope I get to watch that run from the start. I love autos just to get stuff in the jars faster but have yet to run into one that rings my bell.

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Yeah I’ve only had one auto that I really liked and it was because the flavour was delicious. Blue Cheese from Dinafem. I bought more of those just because they tasted so good and were surprisingly frosty and closer to a photoperiod in structure and flower. Actually I bought a whole bunch of dinafem autos after that and after they got busted in Spain because I was impressed that much.

My only use for autos though is outdoor cause our season is just too short here. And it’s for fun more than anything, my jars never run out lol I run most of my old stock into hash cause I’ll just never get through it all.

That and my dad can’t smoke bud in his condo due to complaints on smell so I send him lots of hash to get him by. (Lives on his own, severely disabled due to multiple strokes and a bacterial infection on the brain like 14 years ago or some shit)


Good man. I just started sending my dad some salves. He was big time skeptical and just thanked me. Some time passed and he called me because he finally tried it on his foot. Was amazed anything that came from weed would help him. Now he says, “Hell yeah!” whenever I ask him if he wants more.

I’m have to look into Dinafem autos.


Are you in Canada? If so, Hempdepot has 2 for 1 on Dinafem, that’s where I grabbed mine.

That’s awesome! Glad your old man figured it out!

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Afraid not. I’m in Los Angeles. I wish we had something called the Hempdepot! Like a diy for weed

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You know I was thinking of another Canadian site, but i looked again and hempdepot does take international orders.

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I’m looking over the site now. Thanks @Fitzera !

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So I got some feedback on the Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple. The Appalachia very much took over for the most part. There’s some of the congo in the aroma but it’s so skunky. Almost getting a coffee aroma from the jars when burping. Although my smell is all fucked right now from this cold, I can still make out some of the nuances.

So the feedback. Tasty, sticky and smooth smoke with only white ash left over. Munchies until he almost burst. He said he passed out but to be fair he was pretty bagged. But I know when I sampled it, it did bring me down a couple notches into relaxation, so I don’t think there’s much Sativa effect.


Anyone else find random seeds all over the floor? Lol

And check out these roots through the fabric pot from the Thai leaning GT/A5…that plant had so much vigor!!



Damn thats a beautiful sight.

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Wally Ducks Nevils Haze x C5 Mango #1

Wally Ducks Nevils Haze x C5 Mango #2


Golden Tiger x A5 - A5 leaner

Unknown Destroyer - Destroyer pheno

Chocolope f2

Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple - medium size but CCH leaner

Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple - winning pheno


Obviously still waiting on the last GT/A5. But I have to say, I am fucking extatic with this harvest. Jars upon jars full of sticky gooey delicious smelling flowers of different genetics. Stoked is an understatement


Right on @Fitzera . Congrats on a bountiful harvest! I really dig your commitment to the strains you chose to grow. Not your everyday varieties. :grin::+1::canada:

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Thanks man! Truly. I tend to just follow my own little path based on whatever is intriguing me at the time. Sometimes it might be something older, obscure or just less popular. But now I’ve got a real sativa itch I have to scratch haha. And then I’ve got some things planned that were hype/popular at some point that I’ve waited patiently to blow over before I try them for myself (Cookies/OG stuff) haha.

I try to not be swayed by hype and avoid bandwagons. For example, when breaking bad got really popular I stopped watching. Once it was done and everyone had moved onto something else, I started it over again from the beginning.

I donno, if it seems neat to me and I haven’t really seen it grown anywhere…it appeals more to me :grinning:
Biggest issue now though is all these damn seeds I’m making lol, I seriously have no idea what I’m going to do/how I’m going to work through them on top of everything I’ve bought. Good problem to have I suppose but I really want to see what’s in them.


nice grow @Fitzera
took me a bit to catch up but all that flower looks awesome man


Thanks dude! Coming from people who have much more growing experience than myself, I appreciate it!

My next task I think is to sit down and really figure out how to utilize my phone camera to its full potential. Never satisfied with the picture quality compared to others. And i find they all seem to blur out the edges, I think that started happening with this s21. I’ve had a real camera for years too that I never figured out lol I should really work on that.


Great thread, love the buds and good vibe in here! How’s the smoke on the NH x C5 Mango Hz? Always nice to see some of Wally’s seeds getting grown and shown, great guy and great seeds, I smoked some C5 Mango Hz not too long ago and have some eager to get grown too. Thanks for the show!


Wow you’ve been busy with the likes! Thanks man.
I haven’t smoked any since the first sample up above somewhere. I’m cleaning out waiting on a drug test for work. Then I can’t get into it!
Aroma wise though, the first one is a bit more fruityish and the 2nd one is a bit more onion like. But theyre both very similar, just little nuances.
He is a great guy, they’re trying to get him on breeders syndicate which i think will he fun. Add on to what he talked about with Heavy Daze.
He sent me some of the fat mango x z99 and Chem x sssdh x z99 as well that will be alot of fun to dig into.

Thanks for coming by!

And…heres the rest of the story…