Fitzera Does things

hehe yea I must have missed this thread and had to catch up and had enough likes left for the day to give a few, well earned I might add… hope the test sorts out for you so you can enjoy some of all the great flowers you posted, always nice to get back into it after a break, tolerance down I bet those NH x C5 MHz will have their effect on you…

Yes he’s a great guy for sure, would love to catch him on any podcast as he’s got a wealth of knowledge and also a nice, chill, aussie delivery. I got the C5 Mango Hz F2 from two different females, recognized the ”Fat Mango” tag on one of your bags that’s the only one I have smoked this far and it was really nice. I also got some Z99 F2s which came highly recommended by our favorite Duck, I know he’s got a lot more aces up his sleeve, we should try to get him over here, I know I have tried hehe…

thanks for showing, looks so yummy!


So I called this the Thai leaner, but ove never grown a Thai before in my life so I might be talking out my ass. Part of why I’m now questioning this is this here:

This is a picture by MrFancyPlants of his Killer A5 Haze, and the terp profile from Aces website lines up exactly with what I’m smelling…

So maybe this is really just an A5 Haze and my other one that I call A5 leaner is actually a NL5 leaner? :thinking:

Upon further thinking, this 100% has to be a killer A5 leaner…Malawi x A5 right above…and this is Malawi x Thai x A5 (Golden Tiger x a5). That also explains why the tester I smoked was as incredible as i perceived…ceilingless. fuck yeah!


Yes! We should. Let’s crowd source a plane ticket! Haha

I offered him money but he was having none of that. Honestly I would love to have most of his library. You don’t see too much on the forums but what I have seen makes me drool!


indeed, he’s got a lot of good stuff and more to come I am sure. Great eye and taste and a humble and funny persona. I know exactly what you say about the money, tried the same thing hehe. Maybe in the future everyone would be able to buy some Duck Love, I know I would, like you say, want most of the library he’s got as they all look and sound like winners in my book. I am biased as I love the same type of weed as he does, maybe in the near future the ducks will line up hey…


Hahah I like the duck puns!
Gurt by Seeds on IG is a bank in Australia and they’ve got some Wally Duck listed…hmm


Need a break from trim jail and buddy needs me to do some welding on his exhaust so I’ll be back later with some better pictures! 🫡


I’m starting to get the incense now. It’s very obvious but it’s building as it dries. The cure is going to be amazing. Seriously I don’t think I’ve ever been as excited over flower as I am over this one. This might be my grail. My winner of all winners.


Daaaang bro! Did you create her? Awesome neon green setting off those red hairs. I love that giddy feeling of knowing you’ve got lots of your favorite smoke. Congrats my man.


No these seeds came from Ace, when I made an order last year I had been talking to Dubi and asked if he would throw in something from their R+d section and these are what he sent along with my order and the normal freebies. I’m super pumped, like not making this up at all…as I sit here the incense is coming out and now I’m getting the musty basement as well. Very very happy camper right now if you couldn’t tell lol

Once I get a handle on better pictures I’ll be sure to post. There is so much resin it’s covering so much of the plant material almost completely…(maybe slight exaggeration there haha). So much better in person!


I spoke with Dubi last night and this is what he said about that last GT/A5:

“I’m checking back your GT x A5 pics and structurally your missile looking plant was very much on the Malawi/A5 Haze side of the genetics, but at closer look at bud ripening there’s some influence from Koh Chang Thai as well.”

So that solidifies my conclusion. EDIT: wait…missile looking plant, I may have misunderstood…because the shorter one I would say had missile looking tops…haha fuck I don’t even know anymore! All I know is I’m happy as a pig in shit lol

I wish I could win the lottery and do this full time. I have so much fun exploring genetics and my interest in breeding is immense. There is just so much cool shit out there and even more I haven’t even begun to explore. This has got to be one of the most satisfying hobbies out there.

Everything is trimmed and seeds are shucked. Over 30 jars of goodies to enjoy!


I WILL get there someday.

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Yes you will!

It’s just like work or sports or anything…work hard on getting it right first, the speed will come = focus on quality first, the yields will come!

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Thanks! I’m outta likes but I agree with you about yields. Quality comes first.

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So a couple things I’d like to note as I burp jars and stick my nose in

The CCHxMT is still very skunky, has developed a roasted coffee bean aroma and I’m starting to get hints of like pastrami or corned beef.

The Unknown Destroyer is still Blueberry. Just fucking Blueberry lol

The chocolope jar smells like tart apple, maybe slightly fermented sort of if that makes sense.

The first GT/A5 (now labeled the NL5 leaner lol) is like a tea house. Slight citrus, very herbal and a bit musty. Not incense right now.

The first NHxC5 is citrus, herbal tea, apple, some Mango type smell. Both are still developing of course

The NHxC5 2 is very citrus forward, more like lime than lemon with some sourness and some sort of fruit in the background.

Really early for the other GT/A5 (Killer A5 leaner) but it’s super complex, citrus and musk, musty basement, used oil, pine and menthol. I rolled one up and gave it to a friend to get back to me with their thoughts. Curious to see someone else point of view.



All sound like winners. Just imagine after a long cure. (deep sigh)

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sounds thai-leaning, I had one I called herbal tea.

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Yeah I think it would be smart to vacuum seal a bunch in half ozs or something after it’s cured a good while and freeze it so it’s fresh whenever I want something. I think that’ll be the best way to preserve it rather than let it degrade.
We’ll see. The big congo creek haze I grew last year is still like it was but the potency has dropped off for sure. The smaller one is even lower in potency now. I scoped it last time i had some and it’s all degraded amber. Black candyland didn’t hold very past 6 months. The macxfpog is still very good though, I wasn’t expecting it to be so gassy and OG still.


It could be but the sample was more body than cerebral. Well see, I’m sure my thoughts will change after I can get back into smoking haha


Was this after a vacuum seal and super long cure? I’ve never tried freezing it and I have a vacuum sealer. I’m for sure gonna give it a go this time around. I’ve cured a Banana Punch for 8 months in a jar and an air conditioned tiny room I made just for this. BUT would save a crap load of money if I could just freeze it. I kept the air con on just for my jars. Overkill you think? Would the stuff I want for everyday smoke do just as well like say in a closet?


No I’ve always just kept my bud in jars but I’ve seen others mention vacuum sealing and freezing which makes sense to me. I just don’t want it to dry out, that’s my biggest concern with freezing. Once it’s passed a certain point in dryness it’s never the same, terps are lost, flavour is lost and it burns hotter and faster which can be a little rough. But if I can preserve the freshness longer term then I’m all for it

Hard for me to say if that’s overkill, I tend to keep my jars in the basement which is cooler year round than the rest of the house but still gets pretty warm in the heat of summer. They would roast in the rest of the house though.

I had one guy ask me how I kept my bud so soft after a couple years from harvest and its just using those Mason jars and screwing the lids on tight

I left a couple jars on a table last summer near a frosted window and the bud got roasted on the window side. Looked like it had been grown up against a HID bulb. Just destroyed. I’m pretty sure one of those jars has a ring of resin around the seal and like a drip/run of resin down the inside…its like the terps vaporized and then solidified and ran a bit or something. I’ve never seen that before