Fitzera Does things

Yes! I agree. Especially when the short ones had me feeling like they’re too small to flower out…

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Did my first pollen collection this round. Collected the BFCxNB after all cause he’s putting out decent tops. Much better yielding than the Wedding Cake PacMac. And managed to get a very small dusting from Deep 6ix to start.

Wedding Cakes


Chem4DD f2

And the little Deep 6ix


Time has run short. Nothing new sexed. But the lights flip tonight so the show must go on. Up potted lots. Took guesses. Made mistakes I’m sure lol.

I left out one Wedding Cake x PacMac, one Coastal Blueberry, one Gorilla Zkittlez x Skunkberry and the remaining BFCxNB. Some I suspect as male. Some I’m just giving more time to show female as I’d like more than one wedding cake and coastal blueberry to flower out.
Also transplanted both of the other Deep 6ix, one I think is female and the other no clue but theyre different enough to each other I’d like to give them both a chance.

This C4DD stood out in structure. Another stood out in smell. I transplanted 3 of them with my fingers crossed


Have some cleaning up to do, setting lights where they’re needed, setting up the blumats and res etc. But not tonight, been a busy day! Prepped and cooked 5kg of rye berries and have started pressure cooking jars for my next mycology experiment!


Good mail call today! Renewed license (roughly 8 week turnaround) and multi spore syringes! Time to inoculate some jars with Koh Samui, Albino A+ and Golden Penis Envy.

I’ve been avoiding setting up the blumats lol. Speaking of blumats…the 8mm silicon hose they use. My cats love that stuff. Pin holes, lots of pinholes. So I head on over to sustainable village and add 50’ to my cart of go to check out…they want 3x the cost of the hose just for shipping? Huh? That’s ridiculous.

Found some on Amazon and still paid $115 for 50’ roll. :man_facepalming:


Res and blumats are set up. Will dial them in over the next couple days. Fingers crossed no runaways but I think all is good.
3 of 4 Wedding Cake x PacMac are male. The biggest Gorilla Zkittlez x Skunkberry is also male. So we have one BFCxNB and one Coastal Blueberry still in gals just in case.

Skywalker OG

@SHSC-1 Coastal Blueberry (confirmed female) this is also the one I said stuck out to me due to the long petiols. I’ve also found it has a but of a lime smell in the stem rub.

These are the other two Coastal Blueberry. Very similar to each other but different from the female. I chose what looked to be the nicer one for transplant, it now looks like shit lol. The one of the left in the 1gals is the other. (rough looking BFCxNB to the right)

Sour Kush

Here are the 3 C4DD f2s from @VerdantGreen Slightly different structures and smells and variegation. None of these are confirmed sex.

Wedding Cake x PacMac

Deep 6ix only the first is confirmed female. But I suspect one of the others is as well if not both. They’re pretty rough but still kicking.

And lastly the Gorilla Zkittlez x Skunkberry. The root ball of the first one broke into two during transplant, roots in the top half and bottom half. Just shoved it all in the hole and said you’re on your own. Figure it out lol.

So lots going on over here. Pollen getting collected. Plants are headed into flower. Jars of rye berries are inoculated and gone to a warm dark spot. Couple more days of warm weather to boot…wish I’d left the insurance on the hotrod a little longer this year.


Fiddle-fucking-around with the lights to get them set sort of where I want them. See how the plants react and make further adjustments. I always get myself confused dealing with this and I should probably write down some notes so I don’t have to do this every time lol. Converting lux to ppfd to par/dli :exploding_head: and I like to back check my math which half the time isn’t adding up.
So I have most of the plants reading about 1500 on this lux meter but I’ve got the deep chunks around 1200 to see how they do. I feel one of them is getting worse, I don’t think it likes wet feet from transplant. But the other looks like it’s coming around. :man_shrugging:

Anyhow, here’s proof I haven’t killed anything yet :grin:

And figure I’d throw some more dick and balls up!

Wedding Cake x PacMac 1&2

BFC x NB 1&2 can see these are different phenos, the first more focused and denser to the tops and the other more like it would produce golf ball Buds.

Deep 6ix has tiny flowers. They’re so much smaller than the other strains.

And last but not least the C4DD f2. I’ve got my favorite based on structure and one based on smell and one just cause I like the variegation lol. I sure hope they end up being female!

And great news! My last international seed order just cleared customs and will be in my hands in a couple days! Took less than a week to get to the spot. Then it took a week to get back to LAX (sat in Compton for days) and from there decided to head to Dallas Texas rather than North back the way it came lol. I’m just pumped to have finally made an order from him and will have some killer seeds. @TopShelfTrees1 it wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for you, so thank you!


1500 lux seems a bit low :thinking: 15,000 lux would likely be more accurate, but lux isn’t the best measurement to use. That’s what we see, not necessarily what the plants use.

Do you have an iPhone? Could get an app called photone on the app store if you do. That’ll at least give you an idea on ppfd.

Sometimes, making the root zone warmer can help with the wet feet issues too. Males look nice! I like that first BFC x NB :muscle:


My pleasure @Fitzera cant wait to see those goodies! I was jelly of the wood horse order! Sooo many gems! You’ve been cleaning up lately! Awesome


Sorry forgot to add the (x10). I use the AP-881E lux meter from amazon that migro showed is quite accurate compared to the expensive par meters.


Oh nice! So you’re right on target then! That looks neat too, I hadn’t seen that before :thinking:


It’s because of folks like you, holy, jet, shisk, shsc etc etc etc. You all put up amazing plants, strains I’ve never seen in person let alone puffed on. Add to that, it’s been my best work year financially ever. So I said fuck it, I’m gonna start searching out things I want before they can’t be gotten anymore.
I was still limited though as to where I could easily order from, so that limits selection availability…until that innocent comment you made!!
You might notice as well I tend to grab the oldies more often than new stuff. I’m still trying to find out what the hype was about back in the day lol

Now I just need to find a new house so I can turn this into a year round garden and start working through all these seeds.


It’s super cheap and simple to use. I’ve never even played with any settings because you don’t need them. Take your lux reading, multiply it by the conversion factor (changes based on colour temp) and that gives you your ppfd.
So I like to work backwards, figure out what dli/par I’m aiming for then work it so I know what lux I’m looking for.
I think youre supposed to let it get to temperature before use, I keep mine in the tent pocket to keep it at tent temperature so its more accurate.

Back when I was on IC a guy from Australia that went by … showed me the video and helped understand it all. He was a good dude. Pumped out Fire. Wonder where he’s at these days

*oh, I have a feeling ill be pulling the lights back a bit just based on how all the leaves have been affected this whole grow. They seem super sensitive this run for some reason. Makes me wonder if my upping some of the amendments on a whim has thrown my soil out of whack. I’m thinking about sending out a sample for testing…any of the Canadians in here do this? Good places to use?


I emailed Black Swallow about it a while back and they said:

We would recommend A&L Labs, they are in London Ontario. The tests we would recommend are the “S8B” and “S9B”. There is a form to fill out for soil submissions on their website.

Haven’t sent anything off to them yet though.

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I’ll take a look at that and compare to what I found here.

This one I’m guessing I want an SF8, and it has K/Mag ratio. But sulphate is a seperate test whereas it’s included in the one above.


The A&L form at one spot says (please don’t submit potting soil)…and I think mine would count as potting soil lol


So I inoculated jars of rye berries with 3 types of cubensis. Golden penis envy, Albina A+ and Koh Samui. Seems every single jar with the Koh Samui is contaminated. Not one of the Golden PE are showing any life yet and the Albinos are showing the beginning of something…and I don’t remember mycelium starting like this in the past for me. So hard to say if it was a bad syringe or my lazy half asked work. Hoping I don’t have to start fresh but I wouldn’t be surprised :man_shrugging:

Koh Samui

Albino A+

On a side note, yesterday I re upped my cannabutter stash so I could make more cookies. I’ve been working with this same butter for many years. When there is about half left I remelt it down, add fresh butter and another 6+ oz of bud.
This is headed for its first cool down. It’s full of water under the butter. I remelt it down with fresh water 2 more times before using it which helps removes more contaminates.

From there I melted down 2 cups worth, added about 20g of bubblehash and let it dissolve. That turned into 2x this! (48 total, super potent)

With no tolerance, 1/8 cookie is all more than enough. 1 cookie after dinner has been doing me very well :slight_smile:


Oh that looks super weird :thinking: Can’t say I’ve seen that look before either :face_with_monocle:
Hopefully it’ll kick start soon and look normal. The white color is right at least, but yeah…

Man I bet those cookies are potent with all that going into em! :yum:


I dont like the look of it…I have a pretty good feeling it’s contam too. Fingers crossed. Even on the lower end of temperature. Worst case scenario I’ll try a different supplier and maybe go back to corn as that worked the best for me.

They are very strong! I just wish they weren’t so flavourful. I’m not a fan of the taste of cannabis in my food, and they taste very strong haha.

This was meant to be posted yesterday but let’s just say I had an unexpected case of the hang over yesterday lol.

So I ordered 5 packs - Triangle Kush S1, Wedding Cake S1, GSC S1 ( yeah yeah I know @HolyAngel ), Sour Bubba and Sour D x Triangle Kush.

This is what I got


What a skimpy deal lol