Fitzera Does things

I know. I’m feeling a bit left out lol
I think I got a blend of the Thanksgiving and Black Friday sales.
I am kicking myself for not grabbing the twin turbo Diesel. I had forgotten it was a double pack :confused: next time


Can i ask how you paid? Usd or cad in the mail?


So…this is what made the whole thing possible. CAD @TopShelfTrees1 had made a comment that CSI accepts Canadian cash so as soon as I saw that I had money in the mail the next day.

It’s a pain for me to get US cash here, I have to order it and then takes up to a week to arrive. More of a hassle than I want to deal with. If I was in a city maybe different story.


That’s one hell of a deal . Should find some keepers out of all those packs.


One or two I would think


:thinking: Reserva Privada Feminized Sour Kush
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Now I know this run has been less than dialed in and alot of stress for all the plants…but…im only seeing nuts?


Looks like a full blown male to me :face_with_monocle:
There’s talk of them showing up in fems but… I still think it’s pollen contamination :sweat_smile: either way, fem beans counting on a girl and seeing that is sadness :cry:


It sucks but it seems I have more females than I was expecting! I’ll do an update tomorrow but yes, it’s all good!

I’ve seen male plants grown from “fem” seed from a grow that a plant hermed and caused the seeds. I believe that a herm plant can present itself as full blown female, full blown male or intersex. I think that’s why we can find males in fem seed. Probably means the parental plants were not stable themselves, whether they showed it or not. My thoughts anyhow

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I’m considering flowering out this sour kush and collecting the pollen if it doesn’t throw any pistils and appears to be a stable male. Maybe something worthwhile can come of it down the line.


Alright, moved the Sour Kush to the closet with the other boys. Last Wedding Cake has just begun to drop. The C4DD is looking excellent. The BFCxNB is pretty much spent now. Deep 6ix is done and gone.

Skywalker Kush

Coastal Blueberry - this one is completely different than the other two. Different structure, different smell. I like it. The other one is pisssssssed off. No picture lol

Here are the other two, this one just transplanted (showing pistils)

And this is the one that took a turn for the worst, i figure she got too much water. Let her dry out and see what happens.

Wedding Cake x PacMac - Also different than the other 3 in structure and smell. This was the tallest with long node spacing, the others were all compact and short. This one female, those 3 all males. Strange. She’s still a bit pissy about light intensity but were working on it.

C4DD f2s - all three are throwing pistils! This one I like just due to the variegation, but it has the least offensive smell.

This one smells the best and branches grow more in an upward direction.

This one smells almost as good as the last but has a more spread out structure.

Deep 6ix - so all 3 are throwing pistils as well! The new growth is looking so much better than before and I think they’re about to come around.

All the Gorilla Zittlez x Skunberry are males so bye bye.

The last BFCxNB is junk haha I don’t know what changed but it began looking like shit, started stunting its growth. Whatever haha she got transplanted to see what happens.

One last thing to mention…im going to watch very closely in the next 2 weeks for any intersex plants. Based on the amount of stress I’ve put on these and my half assed approach this run, I have some concerns…keeping an eye :wink:


Oh I forgot, my order of Black Dosi Fire from Joti showed up and they sent Apple Sluricane (gods sluricane x apple fritter) as the freebie. Wonder if its stable potent and tasty…


Well shit…I just bought myself a ticket to Florida in February…Daytona 500 I’m coming!! :laughing::sunglasses::cowboy_hat_face::partying_face:


Wow…party on!!


So Fitz and I were finally able to meet up again. It was good seeing him again and we had a great chat.

Of course the rascal comes with a goodie bag for me of four 1/2 ozs and some other goodies. I have been shut down for a bit during a move so all I had to give him was a jar of salsa… At least it is banging homemade salsa haha.

Anyways I thought I would chuck a quick review up for each variety as I try it. I picked this first… I have shit to do today so imma hold off on the GT x A5…

Big nice nugs, still pretty moist… Perfect for a Dynavap imo. Smells of haze and green tea to me. I loaded about .2 into my dyna and ripped it before the pop so I can taste those low temp flavours… It’s a hazy green tea flavour… It reminds me specifically of the green tea I have that comes in little small balls which expand in water… I taste some green cmango and maybe some lemongrass as I heat it up more.

Effects are pretty nice. Nice euphoric wave at first… It’s mellowing out now and sinking a little into my bones now but still very nice.

Really appreciate it Fitz… Can’t wait to send some of mine your way when I can.


Yeah buddy!

I think the NHxC5 has more of a crash, you won’t have any issues getting stuff done on the gtxa5 I don’t think.

And yes like I said, I’d burp them in a jar a few times over a week or two and that will have it perfect for smoking.

My GF stole the salsa lol


Retired most of the males and tidied up a bit.

Last of the Wedding Cake x PacMac

But this Sour Kush…pretty sure I’m seeing pistils develope too now. Fucking hell haha.


Got hairs just to the left of your red circle there too

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Correct early eye! So lame. But I knew it couldn’t be a true male, I didn’t believe it was for a minute, but I hoped.

Some of the other plants budsets have a slight look to me like maybe some balls developing too but I think I’m just being extra paranoid.

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I mean that one definitely has balls so if it’s throwing hairs too, then it’s a herm. Wouldn’t put it past the others to do the same, sadly. I’ve thrown a bunch of whole packs worth of plants into the compost from literally every single one herming in veg or early flower. Hope you get some stable ones :crossed_fingers:

The others have not thrown balls but the budsets have a slight different look that I’m watching closely. In sure hope it’s all in my head. But yeah, fuck that Sour kush

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