Fitzera Does things

damn i was excited for that one too. full blown fem male is that even possible lol sigh

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Supposedly but unproven I think. Got a few more of the seeds for later on, probably find another pack next year so I have more to work with. This has been my roughest go in a very long time. You put in half the effort, you get half the results…if that :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@Fitzera Oh boy that Killer GT x A5 is very very nice Fitz. I can see why you like it. I often wait until at least noon to have a toke… but I woke up today early and said fuck it and had a couple bowls of the dynavap. It pretty mellow smell wise… a green mango, whipped with a pine branch with a touch of menthol and leather. Tastes great in the Dyna… tastes like good sativa you know. Sticky and small but many resin heads.

But yeah I got lifted for about 2.5 hours and I dont feel ANY comedown. Real real nice Fitz… thank you that gonna be saved for special occasions. :v:


Nothing much has been happening with my grain jars since every Koh Samui jar was contaminated. It’s pretty cool in the basement so I stuck a heating pad under things…and today I see life in every jar. Finally!


Yeah man! I stuck some in my volcano today for the first time…really gives depth to the flavours.

It’s my lost grail for sure thus far. At some point I will run a grow of just those seeds to hopefully find another similar to her.


awesome! That’s definitely what we wanna see! Hopefully it keeps up and they all take off for ya ^^


I have faith now! All goes well I should be able to Spawn these to tubs before we take off for a couple days over Xmas.

My favorite part of growing mushrooms is the smell. I love that fresh smell so much. I was surprised at how pungent it is when I first grew, wife came home and was like…what is that smell?! Lol

Fingers crossed for some more chonkers!


oh damn, very nice! I can’t say I know much of the smell :thinking: Haven’t grown them myself but some buddies have. Wanna say like a dank earthy smell? My favorite was picking em fresh and dipping them into some homemade ranch dip :drooling_face:


Yeah you know that earthy, almost sweet smell they have when dry? That smell but much stronger. I don’t know why but I find it refreshing.

Bahahaha ranch dip?!! Can’t say I saw someone eat them like that before lol
We had liberty caps where I grew up, but I couldn’t stand eating them after a while so I just made tea all the time after school. Although chocolate bars worked pretty good too!

Some real good memories!


Buddy that pheno of GT x A5 is actually so good for my ADHD… its so clear, it really helps me especially in the afternoon or morning. I didnt take my Vyvanse the other day and was puffing on the GT x A5 and was able to smoke and focus on a task, which doesnt always happen when I smoke. Ill be doing 5 at once and get none done. Its strong enough and lysergic but near zero burnout. Thank you so much for the smoke… Like I say I am really looking forward to when I can sen you some back.


Glad to hear it! And it gives me confirmation that it is as good as I feel it is without my bias. Very cool!

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So I got off my ass any finally whipped up a tea yesterday for the girls today. 5 gallons of RO water, 2 tbsp molasses, 1 cup of fresh ewc from the worm bin, half cup of Alfalfa, half cup of Kelp and a half cup of a flower top dress that he wife found buried away in the garage this year.

Skywalker Kush

Coastal Blueberry

Wedding Cake x PacMac

C4DD f2 #1 (structure)

C4DD f2 #2 (appealing variegation)

C4DD f2 #3 (Deep Chem smell)

Deep 6ix #3 (twin top)

Deep 6ix #2

Deep 6ix #1 (best thus far)

Need to start cleaning up larf sites but theyre really not too bad this time round. And looks like later this week we should be able to start selective pollination. Now I need to decide which plants are to recieve which pollen from this list:

Medicine Man
Black Candyland
(Sweet Skunk x Haze 2) x Mountain Temple
Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple
NH x C5 Mango
Sweet Berrylope Haze
Deep 6ix
C4DD f2
Wedding Cake x PacMac


Executive decision has been made, no seeds will be purposely produced this round unfortunately. Each Chem, deep 6ix the wedding cake and coastal blueberry have male parts. Originally I was going to segregate to at least grow for smoke but there are more with nuts than not so I’ll let em be. Pulled most but it’s a losing battle so fuck it.


Also, I had given the Sour Kush to the cats to chew on. They didn’t do much with it and it’s still quite alive…and since we’re having a trans-cannabis party…let’s just pull the nuts and throw it under the light in the male space! If it doesn’t ball out too bad maybe I’ll give it a Space in the tent again!

I might still throw a bit of pollen around for fun and keep those to myself. Why not. We’re here.


Skywalker Kush - hard to pick out terps right now

@SHSC-1 Coastal Blueberry - very Blueberry smelling resin now

C4DD f2 #1 - slightly pepper on top of the Chem and the leaflets appear to be thinning somewhat on this one.

C4DD f2 #2

C4DD f2 #3 - dank dank Chem and the most resin of the 3 so far.

Deep 6ix #1 - pine, lemon and slight incense

Deep 6ix #2 - nothing special so far

Deep 6ix #3 - twin tops starting to get resin and beginning to smell similar to #1

Wedding Cake x PacMac - stinky but nothing specific yet.


I did a thing yesterday…

Dank smelling Wedding Cake x PacMac onto the herm Sour Kush lol.


Archive Cluster Bomb (Bombthreat Bubba x Face Of OG BX1) for $135, 2 packs left…fuck me should I pull the trigger?! I’m gonna see what else is on sale :man_facepalming:

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Looking good! Loving the variety! How’s your black candyland? I think I chopped 2 this round due to herms…any issues you’ve seen?


I only flowered out the one female so I can’t really say. I didn’t find any balls on it although I was warned it tends to throw them out internally. I havent grown out anything I’ve crossed with it either whether the female or from the male pollen.

What I can say is the flower had an incredible sugary bakery kind of smell initially but those terps evaporated fairly quickly and left it smelling like pool/hottub chemicals. It wasn’t too potent. I think it will cross really well with a fruity type though. But not berries, more like mango, Melon, Pineapple etc.

Edit to note: I think it would pair very very well with the chocolope as that had the fruitiness I was thinking of.