Fitzera Does things

Glad I decided to throw the CCH wash material back in with the outdoor material…2 15min washes with 10 min settling time in between.


Just over 3.5 weeksn12/12 and theyre praying!!

What is Skywalkers background? I’m getting incense type smells and she’s getting very thin leaves.

Coastal Blueberry very very very Blueberry

C4DD f2 #1 getting a bit of pepper added to the funk

C4DD f2 #2 the shorter one. Hit her with Medicine Man (white rhino) pollen.

C4DD f2 #3 the really smelly one.

Wedding Cake x PacMac nothing much to say yet, little bit slower than others in smell. A little bit of a sweetness now.

Deep 6ix #3 starting to resin up. Smells identical to #1, pine and incense.

Deep 6ix #2

Deep 6ix #1 :grin:

And here’s some news…no more balls have shown yet and its been fully pollinated with the smelly Wedding Cake x PacMac male…figured it give it a spot back in the tent.


There’s a couple different ones actually.

There’s the Skywalker OG that could be an OG Kush S1 or bagseed

And then there’s just Skywalker that is a Mazar x Blueberry cross.

At least one person then bred the mazar x blueberry plant to OG Kush, making a new Skywalker OG, thus complicating which Skywalker is the “real” one.

The thin leafs and incense smells makes me think of the mazar x blueberry version but idk anything for sure there. I’ve not grown anything Skywalker before.


Interesting. I was trying to figure it out and I kept coming across Dutch Passion and Barneys and I figured they must have just knocked it off…is it possible DP was actually the original breeder?

The next thing I found is alot of reports are talking aboit heavily indica leaning with indica type effects.

I’m even more curious now as to what she’s gonna end up like. She’s definitely the happiest healthiest plant of this run.

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Nice turnaround Fitz… they look happy now.


They sure do! Never had it quite that rough with the same setup. Has to be the soil, either it hadn’t cooked off all the way or maybe it was too hot…I dont know but out of whack for sure. The tea definitely helped, it always does.
Next run I might cut my soil 50/50 with fresh and see how it goes.


:smiley: Archive Cluster Bomb (Bombthreat Bubba x Face Off OG Bx) and some Zkittlez x Agent Orange freebs


Your seed addiction is epic Fitz… I mean that in the best way. Your gonna have to set up a climate controlled C-Can to contain all those soon. (Think about a foam suppression system to contain that all that fire in case it gets loose. Safety first buddy :laughing:)


You may have heard a rumor that there is another Skywalker. There are two more, actually: Skywalker OG’s father, a classic mellow indica known simply as Skywalker, which was crossed with OG Kush to make Skywalker OG, and a sativa-dominant hybrid that is also sometimes referred to as Skywalker. Some cannabis connoisseurs believe this latter, sativa-dominant strain to be the original Skywalker, adding to the family drama.

at first i thought yours looked similar, but can see none of the mazar in yours. definitely take with a grain of salt as they are a company selling a product.


Thanks for that @shade

The Mazar I got from Afghan Selections describes the smells as sweet melon fruit and spice. I’m unsure if that is typical of the area?

The next things that comes to my mind is most Dutch blueberry genetics have been indica varieties…

Really, without asking the breeder directly I may never know exactly what this Skywalker is made up of. Have to wait and see what smells develope, but there is nothing OG Kush about it right now I can say that much.


it looks like the sannie blueberry, like “The One” to me, but maybe take that with an extra grain of salt :grin:

edit: on the mazar i wouldnt know because ive only had it in crosses, i just assume thats where skywalker gets the spicey notes from. what youre describing sounds a lot like skywalker, id imagine somewhere in ripening, drying, curing and getting to my mittens it lost any sweet/fruit it had and the earthy/musk/spice took over? someone here would know for sure.


Haha more like buy a damn house and set up a much larger garden! I was thinking about it last night, with my legal numbers, I couldn’t even pop every CSI seed I have for one grow lol. Cause that would be epic!

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No you’re on the right track I think. I’m gonna hit up DNA and see if they even respond. Curious minds need to know!

I’m going to go get a whiff right now and try to analyze it…alright yes it is changing…she now smells less incensy and more hashy with a touch of sweet fruit…


I should really finish filling out my medical cannabis application I started a while back. I mean I legit use it for ADHD symptoms regularly. Getting nailed with more than 4 plants would be nasty. I am still in the fining range but I remember the fines were high. Oh well. Procrastination is life.


If you treat it like it’s still illegal, cover your ass so noone knows…then does it really even matter? Lol but the peace of mind is very nice.
It changes the game a bit, you’re no longer recreation and now medical. Meaning giving/sharing is illegal because now it’s “medicine” but before it wasn’t :roll_eyes:


Edited up above for smells!

Skywalker Kush x
C4DD f2
Medicine Man
Nevils Haze x C5 Mango Haze
Deep 6ix
Chocolope f2
Wedding Cake x PacMac
Black Fire Chem x Northernberry

Just have to keep in mind every single plant in here could be contaminated by herms :grin:


I am pretty lucky I feel like in that I haven’t really dealt with full on herms yet, everything I have grown has been pretty stable for me. Even some stuff from Vermontman that some have trouble with indoors. No balls just bananas :banana: which I am not sure fully qualifies as a herm. But im not sure.

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was it labelled skywalker kush? thats the old reserva privada which is an arm of DNA right? that was (mazar x blue) x og if im not mistaken.

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Yes that’s the one. No longer a mystery then, thanks again @shade

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Haha everyone who was watching saw how stressed out my shit was. I wasn’t surprised at all to see balls based on the genetic backgrounds. Meh. Least it’s just personal.

Bananas (anthers) are inside the balls…so one in the same sort of.

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