Fitzera Does things

are those some old school packs or a newer production? im pretty sure their OG#18 is what the largest group of people consider “OG Kush”, at least outside of cali. ive had plenty of the fancy OG cuts that didnt match up to the power it had.

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Skywalker was a recent purchase. Then I had picked up OG18 and Sour Kush probably around 2015. Maybe earlier but I don’t think so. I picked up a new OG18 recently.

The first OG18s I ever grew were very nice. Really liked it. The LA Chocolat has one pheno that was amazing as well.

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Ah the banana is the anthers part of the flower… that makes total sense now! and I feel silly thinking it was a whole different type of pollen producing structure vs a ‘ball’.

I guess I often think of balls more of a pre flower structure along the stem and bananas a later stage structure but now as I think about it it makes much more sense for the rest of the male flower to be hidden inside the bud. I should probably get around to reading the cannabis botany book by Robert Clark at some point.

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I gotcha bro!

Once the male flower opens the anthers hang and release pollen


Got a response back from DNA as to their Skywalker Kush…
“Skywalker is another select pheno of og kush”


not trying to put words in their mouth but sounds like theyre saying its this one? remembered this convo from the other day.


It just seems to add confusion based on what they said and what I’m seeing/smelling. The Mazar Blueberry made sense, a different OG cut doesn’t make sense to me.
Guess I’m gonna start digging into info on the g cut


Definitely looks like there’s blueberry in there to me :face_with_monocle:
idk anything that G cut tho

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Yeah I’m having a hard time finding much, I just sent that IG account a message seeing if they know background on the G cut

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A day over 4 weeks 12/12. Try to give an idea on structure on these this time round.

Skywalker Kush - still incense and hashy and a bit of Berry.

Wedding Cake x PacMac - she’s starting to smell more like an OG, and much more like OG then the Skywalker :joy:

Coastal Blueberry - still very sweet blueberry. I like!

C4DD f2 #1 (preferable structure imo)

C4DD f2 #2 (smaller more compact hence hitting her with stretchy medicine man pollen)

C4DD f2 #3 (more upward vertical aimed growth, small footprint)

Deep 6ix #3 (twin tops, catching up to #1 in smell and resin content.

Deep 6ix #2 (just meh. Was slower growing, less development, less resin, less smell…)

Deep 6ix #1 (plenty of resin development, lots of pine and incense, and I like the structure alot. Good breeding candidate)


Freeze dried and ready to press!



Sampled some of the hash today, chose the 73 micron of the congo creek haze. Very nice. And when I went back in the garage you could smell the hazyness.

And thankfully the jars are still moving along…its taken a while but still moving forward!


Rolling rolling rolling…get these joints a rollin…
Preparing a package for the old man. He can’t roll for himself these days and mostly consumes hash so I’ll be sending him prd’s of Wallys NH x C5 Mango #2 and Aces Golden Tiger x A5 (my favorite one) and most of the hash I’ve got. That and the gift certificate I got him to his favorite winery and restaurant…should keep him happy for a little anyway lol.


So they got back to me and from my description they feel it’s the fake cut used in Skywalker kush (Mazar x blueberry). Said “Skywalker is straight pine earth, chemical gas with a bit of sweetness on the back end…”

I’ll hold final judgement until harvest but I know where I’m leaning. It’s a fantastic plant regardless, the only one that didn’t throw any balls from all my stress. So seems pretty solid to me.

Now if only I wasn’t getting random pollinations from somewhere :face_with_monocle:


I guess the only reason the lineage really matters is it you’re breeding with it, even then probably would only create problems if you’re selling the beans.

I miss some of the OGs real bad and I think I’d be real happy with mazar. If pops wants something like old school mellow it seems better than an OG too.

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I just like to know the building blocks behind what I’m growing and the traits they’re responsible for.

That’s one of the reasons I grabbed some this year. That and Hindu kush! Hopefully something cool in them.


A quick pre Xmas update at just over 5 weeks of 12/12. Something has been releasing pollen, the Coastal Blueberry had a single banana in 4 tops and did create a seed beside each one but I can’t say it’s the cause of the rest. The meh deep 6ix seems to be fully seeded so im gonna guess its the problem. But seeing how it was already a compromised grow, it shall finish lol.

I should add, my Coastal Blueberry isn’t actually that…its an early version denoted as Fraser Valley Blueberry Hashplant x Dr Atomic Blueberry NL BX1 f2

Skywalker Kush - same smells but maybe a little added funk now. Doesn’t have an OG smell yet.

Coastal Blueberry - still very sweet blueberry and something new I can’t quite describe yet

Wedding Cake x PacMac - still a very OG smell with a little added sweetness coming in

Here is the Sour Kush that hermed, fully seeded with Wedding Cake x PacMac lol. Balls were stripped and I haven’t seen any since.

C4DD f2 #1 - she stinks…but when I rub the resin I can’t smell anything lol :man_shrugging:

C4DD f2 - she stinks even more and it’s getting nice and frosty.

C4DD f2 #3 - I think this one stinks the most and seems to he the most resinous.

Deep 6ix #3 - still piney little bit of citrus.

Deep 6ix #2 - the seeded one. I havent dug much but a brief scan didn’t see balls or bananas but pretty sure this is the one responsible.

Deep 6ix #1 - winner of the 3, very piney and citrus. Seems to have a little more yield than the deep chunks I’ve seen, wondering is he’s gonna develope rails.


Sadness on the herms :see_no_evil:
Girls look good tho !


Is what it is. Thanks bro. At least I’ll still have some tasty smoke!

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