Fitzera Does things

New Potcast with Kevin Jodrey. It’s a pretty good one I think! Part 1 is almost 2.5hrs. Gotta be a patreon subscriber for now.


6 weeks today! (Fat fingers hit 7 :man_facepalming:)

Skywalker Kush

“Coastal Blueberry”

Wedding Cake x PacMac

Sour Kush herm seeded with Wedding Cake x PacMac

C4DD f2 #1

C4DD f2 #2

C4DD f2 #3

Deep 6ix #3

Deep 6ix #1

Happy Holidays OG!


7.5 week update!

Skywalker Kush - Smells are still incense forward with an almost sweetness that used to be the Blueberry smell.

Wedding Cake x PacMac - Smell is still dominant OG with a little less cookies sweetness and a diesel chem type background.

C4DD f2 #1 - smells heavy chem to the diesel side of things. The resin on all 3 C4DDs has gotten very much like adhesive. It’s not greasy and it’s not dry, it’s like trying to rub your thumb against the back of duct tape.

C4DD f2 #2 - this one is like dirty feet and chem.

C4DD f2 #3 - this one has a touch of almost Garlic, but not.


“Coast Blueberry” - need to start checking trichs soon cause I think she’s about done. Resin is now dry and sandy. Blueberry through and through.

Deep 6ix #3 - this one is like lemon pinesol cleaner, im starting to like the smell of this one more than the other.

Deep 6ix #1 - mostly pine but a little less in your face now.


I love having a garden in the winter as it provides humidity in these dry cold days. But at the same time it’s a pain in the ass lol


So last night I revisited the breeders page for the Deep 6ix I’m growing as these don’t really remind me of what I’ve seen for Deep Chunk and well…

“expect clone-like uniformity and all the Indica awesomeness that DC is famous for”

Not very clone like lol and by that I mean #1 is more spread out nodes and golf ball type buds whereas #2 is pretty much bud from top to bottom but has foxtails that remind me of an auto type plant or grinspoon-esque.

“Expect to find beautiful broad-leaf foliage that can grow to jurassic proportions, thick-stemmed structure that requires no staking or support whatsoever, trichome production that borders on insane with resin rails that coat the petioles and foliage, intoxicating aromas of coffee, hashish, skunk, burnt rubber, and pine tar, and an absolutely devastating stone that melts you to the floor and obliterates pain”

I’m getting Lemon pinesol. No coffee, earth, hash, skunk or rubber whatsoever. #1 has a bit of garbage/foot fungus with the lemon pinesol, #3 is straight Lemon pinesol.

#2 which I haven’t been taking pictures of cause it’s pretty lame…hardly any frost, not much for smells, mostly just garbage smell.

Now I’m not knocking the breeder and they are clear they’ve taken it in their own direction and away from the mutants and others that Chunk is known for. But these dont seem to be aligning very well to the writeup. Hoping it’s still fantastic smoke! And I plan on growing out more of their gear, no question.

Anyhow, let’s take a look at the rest!

Skywalker Kush still smells exactly the same, was really hoping she would swell up but doesn’t seem to be headed that way.

“Coastal Blueberry” - not getting much smell anymore but that’s due to the resin becoming very dry and sandy. She’s not gushing with flavour like she was before, but I’m sure once dried and cured and busted up it’s all going to be there! Really looking forward to trying her out!

Here’s the Deep 6ix again with bud shots!




Wedding Cake x PacMac - I’m really digging this one! None of the pictures are doing true justice to any of the plants and this is no exception. It is so sparkly with a heavy frost coating and the smell is so strong. Still OG kush forward with a delicious sweetness but it’s been developing a very heavy dark almost rubbery chemical diesel funk. To be honest I was expecting more of the bakery type smells due to how much Cookies is in it but it’s not that. If she smokes as good as she smells I’d like to do a monocrop and see more of the phenos.

C4DD f2 #1 - this one clearly has the yield going for it compared to the other phenos, colas ate more filled it and getting thicker.

C4DD f2 #2 - smallest in stature but it’s right there in resin content and smell and has similar cola development (granted smaller) to #1.

C4DD f2 #3 - this one has more of an OG type golf ball bud development, but again it’s right there in smell and resin. All three should be wonderful smoke!

Gonna pull the loop out later today and start checking trichs closely as I feel some of these are pretty close to done. EDIT: Lots of cloudy and clear, very little ambers anywhere yet. Skywalker seems to have a most ambers but just on sugar leaves. Really thought the Deep 6ix #1 would have been closer. All good, plenty of time


Looking good. Nice selection of everything. Getting me excited for my coastal blueberry. Mine are still in early flower but the shorter phenos are already smelling very strongly of blueberry syrup. I have some taller ones also that are more hashy/blueberry currently but these ones are less developed currently and will probably take a bit longer to finish.

Look forward to the smoke report. Making me wish mine were weeks ahead now.


Looking good! Have you noticed one of those phenos having extra long petiols compared to the other(s)? That’s what this one was, it was distinct to the other plants in that regard.

I really had a shit start to this run and could have had one of the other pheno right beside but I screwed it all up. Would have been nice to compare to the other. Next time! Also I realized this pack of seeds is slightly different than the Coastal Blueberry, these were the f2, not f3 that became Coastal Blueberry.

Agreed on the smell though! It’s unbelievably delicious


Not that I can notice but also might not be looking hard enough. I’ve been on the search for some old blueberry that I used to smoke almost 20 years ago. The description of the fraser valley bb hashplant kinda seems like a good place to look. I have around 15 females going or something around there. I’ve had many blueberry strains over the years but so far nothing reminds me of the stuff back in the day.


Keep a watch out for @Scallywag blueberry…hes not doing retails sales of seeds anymore now that he’s legal but he mentioned talking to the mods about submitting a bunch of seeds to go towards OG…might find what you’re looking for there! He’s posted a couple pics in his thread here and he’s posted lots on his IG over the years


It’s funny you say that. I saw a pic in the thread like a day or 2 ago and commented that it actually reminded me of what I smoked back in the day (winnie the blue or something?). It’s a shame he isn’t doing sales anymore though I asked about that too. Has a lot of cool stuff that I’d love to get my hands on some day. Some Canadian staples or some stuff made with em.


That’s the one! And yes he has a great stock of Classics and gems! I tried over a year ago to get the list but I think my message fell between the cracks so I just moved along thinking they’d still be available later. Well here we are a year later (and I didn’t jump on his final sales this winter :man_facepalming:) live and learn lol. I spent a small fortune on seeds this year though so I’m feeling just fine!


I’m getting more and more pumped by the day, these things are turning out fan-fucking-tastic!!

Skywalker Kush

“Coastal Blueberry”

Wedding Cake x PacMac

C4DD f2 #1

C4DD f2 #2

C4DD f2 #3

Deep 6ix #1

Deep 6ix #3

Hopefully these pictures are a little better than the past


Update! Calendar says we are 2 days short of 10 weeks.


Skywalker Kush

“Coastal Blueberry” ready to come down any day now. She went hard on the purple this last week and chunked up well.

Wedding Cake x PacMac - Also close to harvest. Smell is put of this world, devine!

Deep 6ix #1 - it’s like lemon pinesol meets onion body odor. You know, like the first time you ever smelled bo on yourself and realized you needed to start using deodorant lol.

Deep 6ix #3 - straight lemon pinesol. The weird foxtail type growth I find odd, but this thing is caked in resin. I wish I could take better pictures to show what I’m seeing in person.

Gonna throw the hermed Sour Kush in here just cause the resin is awesome. Sticks…like og and hot garbage and halitosis. Told my lady to smell my fingers…said it was disgusting lol.

C4DD f2 #1 - Chem, garlic, citrus, fuel, amazing.

C4DD f2 #2 - similar to #1 but no Garlic. Forgot full plant shot.

C4DD f2 #3 - Chem, earth, citrus, pine, very OG reminding.


Chopped a few things, calling it 10 weeks.

Both Deep 6ix (all 3 but fuck that 3rd, should have binned it at the start) and the Coastal Blueberry. Pics aren’t the best cause I was vibrating from an arm workout earlier.

I got frustrated with garbage pictures so that’s all of them for now lol

The green Deep 6ix (#1) is like dirty socks, lemon pinesol, bad breath, maybe a touch of garlic. It’s very complex. Interested in how it smokes…it kind of reminds me of the Zamaldelica I grew in the past, which I didn’t like the terps of haha. Fairly dense but not a big producer.

The purple one is still very lemon pinesol but with the smell of purple (not Grape, but purple…thats the best i can do on that lol) but there is something else there I can’t describe right now. It’s loose, lots of autoflower type foxtail things going on and leafy with floppyish stems. Not my favorite, but the smoke will be the test.

Coastal Blueberry is super dense. Suuuper dense. Pretty simple trimming. Pretty sure it’s gonna be that styrofoam type flower, it had that going on as I trimmed off the easy sugar leaf. Still muted smell compared to earlier but again it’s the dry resin. Will report back once it’s busted up and smoked! I’m looking forward to this one!

Others to follow over the next week or so :grin:


Couple more pulled down. Apologies on the pics, used the wrong setting and again I was shaky. Is what it is for now.

C4DD f2 #3 and she is rank. Heavy on the Skunk terps, coffee, earth, that’s about all I got right now. Smells amazing. Dense dense.

Skywalker Kush looks absolutely nothing like the pictures they use. But it’s just caked in resin so I could care less. It’s still hashy, some funk maybe like a Hindu kush or something but not OG and not overly strong…its just there, and then the sweetness that was Blueberry kind of…its actually strawberry which is neat as I’ve never had that before. See how it cures.


Wedding Cake x Pacmac is down. Smells amazing. Like sweet OG. Very nice.


Just took down the herm Sour Kush that is seeded with Weddong Cake x PacMac. It’s too bad she hermed cause it smells really really good. Not sure if its my head or it does have a touch of sour. I think it’ll be fun popping the seeds though, they can’t all Herm can they lolol. I think it’ll be a really good combo regardless.


I think im gonna take down CFDD f2 #1 later today. I’m surprised there aren’t more people growing these out, they’re fantastic representations of Chem. Smoked a sample of #3 last night and it tasted sooooo good. I havent had smoke that tasted this chemmy good in a long time. :partying_face:
@VerdantGreen FTW


Not getting to the chop tonight, need to go help buddy move a vehicle as his trucks are both down (some mechanic he is lol) and my other buddy lost reverse in his lol (guess his mechanic :joy::joy:).

So anyways, here’s the last chems!




Definitely looking like chem :heart_eyes:
I think I like #2 the best from here ^^