Fitzera Does things

Thanks man! I’m sore a hell from days of moving.

Haha yeah it’s a bit different. Right next to it is the hallway with the stairs going up which has a archway. Different.

I’m not sure if having the panel in the room is going to be helpful or a hindrance…lol


Everyone is happy still.

This one GodBud f3 has alot of variagation going on…

This weekend I’ll work on the room. Pull the ceiling fan and replace it with a low profile led. Hook up the RO system in the laundry room. And start getting tents in and situated. Woohoo


Gym is nearly complete!


ah i wish i had that in my house. making it to the gym is a chore these days. and the arthritis is getting worse the less i move

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Wow man! Is that in your house? Let me know if you want a workout routine I have a good one. It’s hard to know what to do what days. Back when we had time, I loved pumping iron.

The main gym in my town closed over covid…don’t know how he couldn’t survive with how much he was charging every year. That was enough for me to start investing in my own.

Yeah my basement. It’s much nicer than the last place in the unfinished basement!


Working on it. It’s going to be frustratingly tight but I’ll make due. Might be able to add on the height attachment on the Gorilla for the first time!


Annnnnd…its not going to work. Way too small of a space for both tents. I’ll lose my cool everytime I’m in there like I already am. Guess I’m going to have to order something else


Maybe get some 2x2 and frame the back wall into a 5x5 and keep veg tent where gorilla tent is now? Some panda film and voila

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Go old school, knock some walls out and make some room for your grow op. :grin:


I really like the idea of being able to get to the plants from all sides. I can only get to mine from the front. Kinda sucks. How come you even want tents in the room?

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I do have panda film but I like how the tents have vent holes built it that are pretty supportive.

Believe me it crossed my mind…the fuck do I need a closet for…well storage i guess…

Same, I want access from both side to save my back. I think I’m going to move the table to the window end. Just put up the Gorilla and then get a 2x4 for veg at some point.

So the reason I want tents is so it contains the humidity and I can vent it outside the house. Don’t want to deal with humidity issues in the room


Store stuff under your plants


Did some rearranging. And watered the plants so they’re a bit droopy.


Well first time in 20 years I called in sick to work. Like I was hit by a freight train. Made it half way to work the next morning and couldn’t do it. 3 days in bed. I mustered up enough energy yesterday to get the plants into 1gals. Mix of fresh bagged soil on the bottom and slightly amended (Gaia green all purpose) used soil.

When I grabbed soil the other day I went with the gaia green living soil as they didn’t have what I normally grab. It says it has perlite…I didn’t see any perlite. And it didn’t label rocks and I found a bunch. Weird. Is gaia not a quality product these days? I’ve never had 3/4-1" rocks in my soil.

Some damage to a few of the plants, especially the gsc x ffc…humidity or lack of I should say. I didn’t taper off the humidity by cracking open the dome…just pulled it off and let em be. They’ll survive though, they always do!

One still in the solo is a deformed godbud, trying to decide if I toss it or let it go…it has the most sparkles on the leaves so I feel it might be a resinous one…decisions decisions.

Might grab a 2x4 tent today and move everything over to it and then set up the Gorilla with the rest of the lights and equipment so I can get rid of these boxes taking up space in the basement.

Bottom 2 on the left are Sour Kush. The 4 above those are the godbud. L-R on the top are gsc x ffc, catpiss and jack skellington. Four on the right are Hella Cracked.


Lol local store sold their last 2x4 a couple days ago. Guess Amazon is getting the business and saving me some bucks at the same time.

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Keep on keeping on


Don’t have an update picture of the plants as the lights are off right now…

…but 2 more RP Sour Kush seeds arrived care of @Cannasseur and are in water!


Go little beans Go, hope they grow into strong plants for your new projects


Thank man. Haven’t cracked yet but hopefully soon.

And the rest are still doing their thing.