Fitzera Does things

Item in top left a heater ? How many weeks in is the rest of the grow?

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Yeah little space heater to keep the temps up. Basement is pretty cool in this house.

They were above soil about 26 days ago. Not sure I’ll have time but I should try to brew up a tea for them for my night off.


The seeds have just cracked finally. I was getting worried


Such great news, very happy to hear that :grinning:, fingers crossed hoping they have the strength to thrive.

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Finally got a night off but I’m still fighting whatever bug I’ve got.
Managed to get the new ro system installed, 2x4 tent is up but I’ll leave it as it sits for now.

Watered the plants. Coming along nicely. And I up potted that mutant godbud cause I have a good feeling about it.


RP Sour Kush seedlings from @Cannasseur had nice long tails this morning and are in soil! Off to bed now


Dang it. Both Sour Kush were through the soil yesterday before work, today one has damped off. But the other looks strong!


Survival of the fittest…happening just as nature intended
Excited that one is looking promising


Starting to get very fragrant in here and the basement. If all goes well I’ll be setting up the scrubber, fan and testing out the new muffler while exhausting out the front window.

Really need to start topping some of these to get them bushing out.

Sour Kush

Hella Cracked

Godbud f3s

GSC x FFC, Catpiss, Jack Skellington


Mail came yesterday…not a fan of not getting original sealed packs…first time for me from attitude.

But grabbed some Sowahh and the “new” Chocolope for shits and giggles.


Really? That’s how attitude has shipped me packs since like 2018. I’ve talked with them quite a bit and no matter what’s selected, shipping to the US, they won’t send the breeder pack at all for stealth shipping, just a snip of it.

They do have the US warehouse/site now though. That might fair better :man_shrugging:

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Yeah, I guess I had a good run of luck? Maybe they’ve had a bunch of canadian orders seized since my last order. It’s always been packs packed into a white envelope inside a t-shirt. This time just baggies loose in the t-shirt


Got the scrubber, exhaust fan and muffler installed and looped back into the tent to keep the humidity and heat for now. The window exhaust is going to take a bit more work which I’ll take care of later. Also swapped out the cobs for the panel and got the bigger better fan up and running.

Topped the plants to get the under growth coming in thicker and give me more snips.

And the lonesome last RP Sour Kush is set up in the 2x4 under the cobs with some added humidity.

I’m eager to pop more seeds having this new tent so empty but my next run is going to be nld and I know they won’t require much veg time…or at least I won’t have the space to flower them if they get too much veg time. That run will consist of Aces Golden Tiger and Malawi, White Buffalos Jamaican Puna and a test of my chuck of Aces Golden Tiger x A5 to Connoisseurs Chocolope f2, hoping to get something similar to the mom but curious to see what the dad added.

Edit: annnnd I dropped a Grapegod, TK x Wedding Cake and two Chocolope f2 x Black Candyland in water lol


One of the Chocolope Candylands and the Grapegod (pretty dang old seed) are already cracked! Won’t be long until the 2x4 has a few friends inside


Still going

RP Sour Kush, Chocolope x Black Candyland, Grapegod, TK x Wedding Cake

5x5 overall

Hella Cracked

RP Sour Kush

Godbud f3

GSC x Frosted Fruit Cake

Maple Ridge Catpiss

Jack Skellington


Instagram took this same update down ffs

It’s back up!



Tea day. Gave the seedlings a tiny splash as well.



Seedlings are doing well. The chocolope x Black Candylands are catching up to the Sour Kush. The Tk x WC is the slowest going with the Grapegod just a bit ahead.

I’ve removed 3 of the Godbuds. 1 100% male, and the 2 mutants, the biggest I believe is also male. No intention on keeping males of these as I have alot more of the seeds. All the plants got a feed yesterday of fish hydrolysate and gypsum.

The top 2 are the Sour Kush, the next row of 4 are, left to right, 2x Hella Cracked and then 2x Godbud. The bottom row (of 5) left to right are 1x male Hella Cracked which I might use to make more of those as I only have 1 or 2 more seeds, Hella Cracked, Jack Skellington, Catpiss and lastly GSC x FFC.
I do have females showing of the Hella Cracked and Godbud. Jack I’m not 100% on yet but I think it is as well.


The 3rd Sour Kush and the 2 Chocolope x Black Candylands are in 1gals. They were getting pale and yellow and needed more room to grow. Those Chocolope Candylands sure have some vigor, hopefully something good comes from em!