Fleur du Mal Seeds

Well, the mixes are mixes, so it’s any telling what any few individuals may be that come out of a pack. There’s plenty of Princess 88, Durban Thai Highflyer, Thaitannic (old Flying Dutchmen Thai I’ve been testing), Malawi, Bubblegum, and few other things in the current mix. I try to keep the Cindy Mix leaning sativa, but the mix components change constantly.


Are all your strains autos are photo’s?


Not speaking for anyone, but I don’t think you can have a true heirloom auto


I did some of the DP mix and a few were autos. Not a big deal. Thanks

We haven’t bred with or released autos at this date. Nor do we offer a “DP mix”, so not sure if you’ve got the right breeder. Our Durban Mix was did not use Durban Poison, but rather the Sensi Durban released in the late '90s. Significant differences in the two lines. If you saw “autos” in our Durban mix it was likely a Durban-Thai cross that was triggered into early flowering by environmental conditions. Thai’s are known to be sensitive to a number of environmental factors that can lead to early flowering - abrupt light cycle shifts, over-fertilization, temperature shifts, etc.


@Baudelaire thanks for this info! I’m still fairly new here but not to growing but it would be very cool to try the Durban Mix now that I know a bit more about it!

I love that you are actively here answering questions about your gear, I gotta give you props man not many breeders care enough to make themselves so available to those growing their gear.

I got your OG mix and Bubblegum mix not too long ago, and I can’t wait to germinate them as soon as I have space in my garden!


Very interesting. I was just asking. Wasn’t very sure. I didn’t tag the plants. I could very easily have some going.
I was just looking at some of your other stuff. I do appreciate the hook up. Very good service.
Merry and Happy 420

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Cindy plays well with others…


If you look close…VERY CLOSELY, you can barely see me in that far right corner. Gonna stick with it 'til the end!!! Continued success, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Some budshots from the tent of my FDM ladies at Day 37 of 12/12, some fill flash on these is making them extra-sparkly, but they’re quite frosty in person, and giving the sort of fruity skunky gym socks smell I was expecting in the oily resin when I rub the buds. It’s been said a million times, but this strain smells like you took a case of mangos, some open cans of Dole pineapple, a skunk carcass, and a bin of dirty late summer football team laundry and put it in a hot, unventilated room for 24 hours then walked in. Fresh, sweet, bright tropical fruit with some fermentation starting, then syrupy stink ass thiols followed by sweat/BO/musk.

I took my last C99 to 9-10 weeks, I can’t remember exactly, but I’ll probably do the same for these, I got extra weight out of the extra weeks past the 8 or so when you could probably take it just fine. Mine is still quite motivating and wakeful but with minimal edginess compared to a lot of Cindy I’ve smoked from others. This time around I think I’m going to take the tallest tops early and let the plant fatten up beneath till the end, that way I can try some zippier early harvest but still get my functional coffee weed for everyday.

Cindy Mix

Cinderella 99


"SHOWOFF!!!" SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


New years resolution “stop buying seeds”, so I just grabbed some Ortega! Wanting some ever since you mentioned it! Thanks for holding on to these beauties for decades and sharing the genetics!


Curious what 2023 has in store at FDM


That’s basically what I said 2 orders ago. Almost ordered the Ortega and Durban-Thai earlier, I’ll sleep on it and decide if I want some of the mix packs too :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


MIX PACKS MIX PACKS you won’t regret it, I’ve had success so far with all three FDM mixed I’ve flowered and if I was gonna spend $150 today to start a seed collection I’d probably grab one of each mix pack C99, Durban, Bubblegum, OG, and Ortega, and double up on one of them. Don’t be fooled by $1 a seed, I’ll be growing these out alongside expensive seeds for years and might just stock up on more, since they change over the years it’s worth labeling when you got yours and maybe getting more down the line, they probably won’t be the same mixes!


True dat! These kinds of packs and tester packs build a big collection fast and you end up with some super unique stuff.


Plans for 2023?

First up will be the drop of our BX3 generation of Indiana Bubblegum. This will complete our preservation and stabilization of this classic American heirloom. Future assessions will be considered IBL. Should be stable as field corn…

Then, a new FDM Original, based off our Ortega work. This will be a cross of our Banana Ortega male with an Malawi-Kush cross from Equilibrium Genetics called African Sherbet. I have high hopes for “Banana Sherbet” becoming the terp and potency prince of the FDM line.

After that, a lot of work on our Durban lines, as we work with a 70s-era line of pure Durban preserved by Mel Frank, the pioneering US-based writer and cultivation expert who, with his friend Ed Rosenthal, literally taught the world how to grow indoors. Very excited to be working with this historically significant line.

Who knows beyond that. Lots of ideas, only so much space and time…

peace and best wishes for a great New Year! -b420


Already hyper fixated on this banana can’t wait!

FDM Cinderella and its children now 2/2 for biggest plants in their flower rounds, this Cindy is forming up nicely with some huge tops coming in, Cindy Mix is looking like a lot of medium rock hard buds, the branching is superb. Both are incredibly frosty and about a week ahead of their tentmates, which are both Apollo hybrids, and all four in flower have significant trichome formation not just on the sugar but up the fan leaves, even the largest ones out on long petioles.


Their frosty DW.