Fleur du Mal Seeds

[Customer complaint deleted by moderator.]

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Pretty sure @Baudelaire will make it right for you . Not a lot of activity in this post thought it be best to tag him .


[Customer complaint deleted by moderator.]


i always take stories like this with a grain of salt but i doo remember it when its time to purchase things

here i learned from your experience i wish for you that the misunderstanding gets resolved between you and FDM, since here on OG i havent seen much things to sway the positive rep the breeder as gained he is humane after all no one is perfect i believe this is just a result of miss understanding & bad timing


Specific customer order issues cannot be aired here, for reasons of privacy and decorum among many others.

The customer has been offered several options to fix an order mix-up, including 1) keeping the order and receiving a 50% credit; 2) returning the order for exchange with a pre-paid postage label sent to him more than a week ago; 3) returning the order for full refund. The customer has so far chosen to do nothing but post complaints here.

We strive at FDM to make sure every order finds their customer and every customer is satisfied. Some cases are more difficult than others. peace -b420


Not sure what the complaints are of FDM since they’ve been deleted, but I’ll say that I’ve done multiple untracked/cash orders and never had a problem. I hope that my positive anecdote balances out the complaint even just a little. Also, the breeder mixes are a helluva deal for excellent genetics!


FDM done everything right on his part from what I read, that dude was just being salty and didn’t want to cooperate.

I personally would have just took the first deal on keeping the seeds and taking the 50% credit.


That’s a key.
OG is taking care of the sponsors now.
Glad there are still sponsor free options on the www


Sponsors moderate their own threads within this category on OG. You are in the sponsored category.


That guy was just mad because of a simple mistake and he was offered a replacement, refund and or store credit.

What else could FDM do other than that, most other online stores would have the same procedures when handling claims.

U can’t have ur cake and eat it too…


I dunno, obviouly “I” don’t have “all” the facts, as I was making in my previous post. No skin off my back either way.
But, when complaint’s are moderated and praise is not, that throws red flags up for this ole man. Experience taught me that


Experience has taught me there’s nothing people like to do more in online communities than complain, some are warranted, some are just petty.

That guy was being petty.


Consider this specific section as a kind of marketplace, not as a part of the board.
When you see the purple square, hold on ^^ I always check lol

Agree 100%

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[This support question was addressed via email.]

[This support question was addressed via email.]

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Let me reiterate, again, individual order issues cannot and will not be addressed here, if for no other reason than such issues nearly always involve customer information we consider highly private and strive to protect. Please email help@fdmseeds.com with any questions you have about specific orders, we strive to respond with 24 hours.

To sum up our responses to recent posters that had personal order questions that were edited:

  • Seeds do not have to be “striped” to be viable. We test viability by regular germination testing, not by looking at them. A seed is not a gem, it is a protective shell for a plant embryo. It’s only job is produce a healthy seedling when planted. So plant it. If it doesn’t pop, and you still think you are owed a new seed, even though every pack of seeds we ship includes extra seeds, get in touch with us, and we’ll make it right. But for godsakes, don’t ask for your money back because a seed “looks” unviable.

  • Our minimum standard is 90% viability to five days past soil-break when planted directly in soil. Our annual lot tests average consistently in the upper 90s. If you use another of the many methods bandied about on the innernet, YMMV. Some of you have very strongly held and rigid beliefs surrounding germination, most of which involve practices and mediums that are foreign to the cannabis plant’s evolved adaptations to natural germination conditions. Our germination “tek” as it is, is available here.

  • If there is a valid problem with an order you’ve received that is otherwise undamaged and unopened, you will generally be offered three options: 1) return the order for a reship with our pre-paid mailing label in its original or similar packing, 2) return with our label for a refund, or 3) keep the order and get a 50% credit on your next purchase. We ask that returns be made within 30 days of purchase.

  • If the order is damaged in shipment, hey, shit happens, we know:

    Just send us a picture, and we’ll reship immediately.

  • We ship to the address entered into the order form by you. If you entered an address that is not the address you want your order to ship to, it will be sent to that address anyway. Our order process is entirely automated to help prevent addressing errors on our end, but we cannot prevent you from entering a wrong address. If the order is returned to us because of a bad address, we can reship it to you. But if you incorrectly enter an address that is otherwise valid and delivered, you just bought your neighbor a gift. Check your order confirmation to confirm your shipping address prior to shipment, especially for international orders.

Ok, now that’s out of the way, let’s get back to growing and preserving quality genetics. I’ll have some good news on that topic re: Shiskaberry, as well as new restocks and distributors, later this week.

peace -b420


@Baudelaire from a poor brother waiting for the next sale to place an order for some beans. Any clues as to when the next one will be? I signed up for the newsletter but sometimes go a while without checking my emails. Thanks for any insight

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Really just do a couple of sales a year, 4/20 and Black Friday. But there’s always the Overgrow discount: 10% off with code fdm-10.


That might just be enough to push me over the edge. Then I’ll be waiting for Black Friday sale. Thanks