Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

I understood the necessity to use the set, i just pointed the thermodynamic rules to be compliant with the filtering function.

Now maybe you should shoot me in PM a more global context to see if an easier solution isn’t available.

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Two things I always heard more experienced people (old heads) say

Pollen chucking can create really bland and mediocre results


Just cause it look good don’t mean it’s good

These two things converged here…

I find that this mystery skunk bagseed looked amazing, but the high is pretty bland and demotivational. Good weed makes me feel better, this stuff is just… mediocre actually.

My cousin with ms says it works hella for him, but I keep encouraging him to try the Corey and others i gave him to see what works of the plants I kept.


This stuff is so lame-o I haven’t bothered to take it down or trim it. It’s that uninspiring.


That’s a shame cause it really does look nice. I’ve got some Corey and the CH2 going rn. I’m pretty stoked on how they turn out.


I really liked Corey for daytime smoke in general.


I like to hear that, some solid daytime smoke is what I’m lacking most.


Just keep in mind I smoke a lot, so most stuff doesn’t put me to sleep.


Motorbreath bx1 male

Pink Kush


Seed run day 36

Input 6.3 pH 1.0 EC

Pink kush: 6.3 pH 10 EC
Hiro7: 6.0 pH 5.7 EC
Hiro5: 6.0 pH 5.3 EC
Hiro4: 6.5 pH 4.7 EC

Seems between 1.0 and 1.6 EC is the sweet spot for now. More consistent watering to runoff seems to provide more accurate numbers. Will continue to observe and adjust.


Male finally showing the frost I wanted, my faith is rewarded


More HiRo4 glamour shots, day 36


Input 6.0 pH 1.05 EC

GMO: 6.4 pH 2.25 EC
Khalifa Mints: 6.1 pH 5.0 EC
Danny Sour: 6.4 pH 5.7 EC

6.1 pH 1.05 EC

Loompas: 6.2 pH 3.9 EC
HiRo6: 6.2 pH 5.9 EC
Irene: 6.1 pH 4.5 EC
HiRo4: 6.5 pH 3.2 EC

Been on lots of bed rest… REALLY behind. Gmo was limp when I watered yesterday. It’s fine now, albeit with damaged leaves.

Seems like GMO and HiRo4 do need more than 1.0 EC of food. Consistently high pH on hiro4, I wonder why.

Does seem to be on track in general though with not overfeeding or underfeeding too much.

Edit to add: feels like hiro5 and hiro6 show most signs of stress from recent lights on waterings during dark period.


I lost my shit and one detail i think ^^
Hiro6 @ 5.9 EC ! I need to understand, i was used to fry plants in hydro @ 3.0 EC with AN ^^


Problem is, as I mentioned, I don’t know what the EC is from

Could be captain jacks dead bug, hot compost, old salt build up, Gypsum, previous amendments

That’s why I started off not feeding, then started feeding as needed based on what I saw on the plant and what I see coming out

I don’t know what causes the hot soil, only that it’s not in the right ratio


Also, some plants are definitely burnt or hungry

Irene was the worst, it’s starting to look better but very poor shape to start


Very interresting buddy, because the plants are not that bad considering the EC. At 3.0 mentionned, they were really fried full of dry necrosis and all … just good to throw. You don’t even have plastic leaves, rust, hard necrosis … it’s weird lol

I think that you double checked your EC calibration, i will try on one plant a light shot of fulvic acid during maybe 2 to 4 days (micro watering, just enough to be watered the next day). You will know fast at the colors you get who is fucking your soil ^^

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I can double check for sure. Seems correct to me though. Mixing salts, tap water, Going in, etc… plus the runoff is that rust pee color… gets lighter with more watering


One guy on discord did warn me

He had issues with captain jacks dead bug throwing his plants off. Yellowing leaves, etc

Not sure if this is an issue with saturation of medium (EC) or pH lockout from spraying very acidic solution.

But i noticed an effect.


I’m not on site of course, but the PH look like more a consequence. If you pay attention on the K uptake (on last pics i saw), you can see that the plants (over the disorder) are streamlined on it. The green is a bit military on washed leaves but overall you don’t have PH burn traces and the uptake don’t look unbalanced in favor of one range.

update : sorry, K because it’s more resilient compound to any PH abuse ^^

Not joking one nanosecond on the fulvic shot on one plant. This shit, with its humic degradation alt are very practical to unlock this kind of situation.

More immediately, you can prepare a sprayer of base and start a foliar feed on one plant … it will not fix anything but the enigma will end as well.

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I will say some people say soil can buffer extremely high EC as long as pH isn’t locked out and container isn’t too small. I don’t know if that’s true but I know a dude I talked to, at his facility they had mother plants they were flushing and he said it was coming out at 25 EC

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EC was < 2.0 ^^, 12.5 times lighter. The weed of this one was rating two digits a gram.
Not sure you want to smoke a weed coming from a EC25 mother too, but it’s always complicated over internet to demonstrate the big gap, buds in hands.