Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

To be honest, I don’t understand why such indicators…
I have EC = 1.8 in the soil at maximum feeding
and this despite the fact that 1 time is clean water, and the other is feeding… and so on in a circle.
but it’s not organic farming, it’s salt…
what is the point of organic cultivation if the indicators reach 5+ EC ???

It’s not intentional, it’s hot soil

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spraying with stimulants without fertilizer, maybe on algae, something like cannarizotonik (it seems to be written that way). Perhaps this will smooth out nutritional imbalances… and not give enzymes and bio-additives to the soil, which release elements in the soil and accelerate their consumption by the plant.

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Damn this line up is sick! Blueberry diesel sounds wicked :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: keep us updated!

Did the blueberry diesel make it alive?

Hope you are healing and feeling better brother @leetdood I’ve been away but back now. Hope all is well with the grows too! Cheers.


Gonna pop the 4 left, but not until I’m all caught up

Been extremely careful this past week or so… get sore/tense fast so can’t do much. Barely keeping up with veg / seed tent. Not sure what’s going on with flower as I have been unable to check…


It’s sad but it is what it is. I can only do what I can before my body says it seems like time to stop


Don’t worry you’ll be back in top form tomorrow :rofl::rofl::rofl:


frowny face

gonna try and take some pics of the seed tent when i can. that cheers me up. gonna show @TopShelfTrees1 khalifa mints


You can’t fight it. I’m guessing that this physical setback will help you discover new more efficient ways to do things. That will benefit you down the road.
Silver lining :grin:


I doubt it, I was already pretty lazy haha

I think the silver lining here is I have better coping skills and have good friends that i can lean on for support. Encouraging each other to stay positive about our roadblocks and struggles.

I also was able to stay mostly caught up on the seed run tent… so that’s another positive outcome to focus on.

It’s gonna be sad to see dead or thirsty plants that I worked hard on in the flower tent, but, I can always clone more and try again. My body can’t be cloned yet, lol


I see wilted plants a lot myself and I have no reason besides procrastination :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I hand watered for years. My buddy finally got me over my fear of hydro enough to do ebb and flow. I kicked myself in the ass for being so stuck in my ways. It was awesome knowing that they were getting watered consistently despite me


I actually talked about this a bit on holyangels thread

But essentially

When I’m able to, I want to use my 8x4 flood tray with my easy2go watering kit and brute trashcan reservoir, to do a kinda ebb and flow system, but without the drainage.

That way I can pheno hunt from clone or seed and try and grow em the same with uniform feed etc in high numbers like I can do 1 gallon fabric pots in a 5x10 grid if I want to go that nuts.

Problem is catching up. Plus deciding how many plants is too many that they don’t get to show their traits properly.


Gotta have everything caught up and ready cause anything going to a bottom watering shared system cannot come out because of cross contamination


I want to hunt a lot of work, mine and other people’s, so trying to scale up/out in the limited space I have is essential. I don’t think you need to run 50 of something to find a plant you like, but it certainly helps, statistically


Haha yea it helps to go through more plants to get the pheno type your searching for. Take it easy man, I love the autopots and easy2grow stuff. They are often on sale too which is easy to replace parts or get extras as needed.

Take care buddy. Going out for a smoke of the sour diesel :fuelpump:


Thanks dude, definitely will take it easy. Just so stressful lmao


Curious about why no drainage


Not needed, just let the plants drink it


@Emeraldgreen taproot from bottom watered plant, just kept filling the laundry basket with water to like 1 or 1.5 inches


I myself am no stranger to this as well. Just this week I forgot to water banana OG and gary payton they were flopped over and me and my fiance were looking at each other like ugh how did this happen there was 2 of us tending to it lol. Shit happens man don’t rush into doing a lot and hurt yourself it will only bring regret later and pain now