Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

Thanks so much for the support guys. It really helps. :heart:


I’m a fan of bottom watering also. I was just curious since you have the table for ebb and flow


Man, it’s so easy to get down if the grow isn’t going well. In the last few years i’ve had massive spider mite, thrips, broadmite infestations around spring time. Then i get so damn bummed out as i battle and watch my pristine garden go half to shit. Sometimes it makes me not even want to go look at them.

Aside from grow related depression, life is fucking hard man. I don’t ever remember it being as hard as it is right now to be an adult. Financially, spiritually, all of it.

Don’t let yourself stay down for too long. That’s my main rule. I will absolutely give myself time to go through shit, but at the end of the day what’s going to help is you pushing yourself. They say fake it til you make it. Do the shit you would normally do even on a bad day. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself etc, and you will eventually bounce back from pretty much anything.

You’ve got loads of dudes here right behind you to help you out if you need anything at all man. Hit me up any time for a good vent sesh.


Would need to raise it to add the drainage pipe and possibly lose clearance I need anyway. So I feel like this works better

Thank you @WoodAndWeedWizard


I absolutely get that. You lose two feet with it set up normal.

@WoodAndWeedWizard well said


Yup and I only have a foot above the tent, plus i run HID even if it’s in air cooled hoods, can’t run plants too close without bombarding them with too much light


End of day 44, I think

Khalifa Mints

MB bx1 male


Wonderful plants and incredible photos!
The impressive boy. How does it smell?

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Thank you so much @Shevchenko !!

Top shelf also asked. My last impression, was that chem d funk, but this was early on. I will try and smell him when I go in the tent. I am lying down right now to rest a bit before making the new feed for that tent. I got a decent amount done yesterday so being extra careful now to make sure I do it safe.

I will try and take a picture of HiRo4 since it is my favorite plant :slight_smile:

Most things, except flower tent, are almost caught up now, watering and so on… but as you all know, it never stops. I see the doctor in about 14 hours to make sure I know what is going on. I’m sure they will tell me what is safe to do.

I’m very happy with the impressive boy. It’s returning the result I was hoping for. I had a feeling / educated guess that this would be good work, because of the parents. But to see it happen is, really, the best!


One thing that is making me happy…

for ice water extraction / bubble hash / washing

it’s important to have this amount of coverage but also the appropriate trichome heads. on this male you can see the heads pretty clearly, in my opinion. It’s not perfect, but you can see a good amount of heads and the fact that they are properly developed. Not sure if I’m saying that the right way. I just see the right shape and that there’s the amount I would want.

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never tried Bubble Hash received from a male plant
It is interesting if there will be a difference … and if it is, what exactly.

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Hm, interesting…

I meant more so that the children made, with the right mother, have a high chance of creating the right heads

But I don’t know enough about this. I just know, the plant is covered and when I zoom in a part like this

I see a LOT of actual, whole heads

I don’t know what the male of a hash making cultivar looks like

I do not see many pictures of the males

So I am unsure how uncommon this is, with the qualities I am looking for, the chem and kush pool etc

I just know I see some pictures, they dont look this frosty

the only frosty males I really see, come from people like you who grow the excellent genetics and do an amazing job

So this is my impression, that this is actually the right thing that I was looking for. But I need to grow the seeds of course


Typically my experience is seeing something like this online


Also, when I talk to hash producers / hunters, like for example @JoeCrowe

What surprised me is when they talk about yield / return or hunting for it

They talk about counting trichome heads… how many in this 3d plane of space. It’s less about “trichome coverage” or “bud to calyx ratio” as a measure. It is recognizing the factors in the ultimate measurement, count of trichome heads in the grow space. So this is why I am looking at this and recognizing that this might have been what I was intensely looking for. Constantly I discuss the benefits of hybridization like with @HolyAngel but my hands on experience is still like a children’s wading pool. I strive to grow this experience and prove out my ideas and theories.


Anybody can have an idea,

What counts is proving it and utilizing it

Edit: ah damn im distracting myself. I’m supposed to do something calm and relaxing so I am calm enough to do the work needed. So I am more likely to do it safely. Micro managing my activity this much is a constant pressure, thank doctors I am getting better every day. lmao



I didn’t calm down and that overactive feeling was the sugar, lol. Looks like my appetite is properly back now. Means I need to feed myself more but fingers crossed its a sign of big improvement.

I went and ate a bit and was able to set up some stuff to make feed and look in the tent. The plants definitely need watering, but not so dry that I can’t take the rest I need. Feeling a bit tense/swollen in one area, going to take a hour or two and then see how bending over to transfer a liter of water at a time goes. I usually pour over 8 liters from the bucket in the shower (that i fill in there) to the one outside, make the feed, and slide it over to the seed tent as I can’t be safely lifting that much water. Usually I’m able to do that, and I’m hoping I’m not pushing it in general. It’s very tricky balancing being active and listening to my body. Have to use it or lose it at some point.

Gonna shoot for around 1.0 to 1.2 EC, let’s see. 6.0 to 6.3 pH feels about right for day 45, mid to late flower.

@DannyTerpintine told me to keep nutes up longer than usual, to sustain the intensive seed production.


upscaled with AI to remove noise. you can see the heads a bit more clearly


Day 45, end of light cycle, HiRo4 (seeded)


Same info, Khalifa mints


End of day 45

Input 6.3 pH 1.25 EC

HiRo5: 6.2 pH 3.9 EC
HiRo7: 6.1 pH 4.1 EC
Pink Kush: 6.2 pH 8.1 EC
Khalifa Mints: 6.2 pH 3.4 EC
GMO: 6.3 pH 2.8 EC
Loompas: 6.2 pH 4.4 EC
HiRo6: 6.2 pH 5.2 EC