Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

Really might just be strain dependent. Try trimming the roots

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Next best friend gonna be Bernie madoff

you can barely get 700 a lb in canada i wish they still went for 2 today lol the only reason to grow in canada is to get the quality you like and know its clean.


For me it’s because nobody grows what I like, specifically, reliably

Also because it’s my special interest lmao it’s always interesting with these plants


Meh that’s the thing I really don’t want to lmfao. I took clones of all the bigger plants and I think those 3 were bigger so they are in the cloner now and will be reset this month so I’m not too worried about trimming roots on the bigger plants but it will be interesting to see if it’s just a rootbound issue. I’m in 1 gallons now and I might go to those small black squares that @leetdood had me get. I have the face off in them now and im liking how small they are for the most part. It’s funny leet will remember my buddy who is a terrible gardener and grower that dude gets 2k a lb for this shit that will make you lose your high. Once he asked me how much I’d tell my stuff for and I gave him that I don’t want to sell my shit but money talks price of $2800. Needless to say I never got a response but that the tasters were awesome

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That’s me retailing it out. 800-1000 whole sale. Banging indoor you will get a bit more but in constant pressure from Oregon/cali/Oklahoma packs


That’s why I keep telling people like

Those prices are gone (I get the caveat that if you build a loyal craft base, you can eat)

But in general you know, people aren’t getting busted anymore

They’re setting up ghost distros, bulk mids, whatever, and the economy is taking all our disposable income

So clones, seeds, flower, even concentrates, it’s all deflating. Future proof your operations or think about how you’re gonna adapt.

I learned a decent amount from a dude who runs deps in okie. He basically said they’d let anybody and their dog grow, so he was barely making ends meet even growing fantastic gear and plants. It was all about cutting costs to the bare minimum possible. Not taking risks.

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It’s like that scene in the wire where stringer bell is like

You and every mofo has a cell phone? That’s when it’s time to get out, it’s oversaturated

Homie was/is a big fan of wedding crasher / cake / icc for outs, sherb, Gary, skunkmaster flex, about as anal as my other homie about the POWER OF SELECTION

Was the one who hyped irene so much to me. And it was actually like, legit worth how hard he hyped it

I feel the same way about that gary payton my buddy sent me from Boston clone Co. It’s a beast of a plant and an amazing high it’s just getting her dialed in

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Definitely want that Gary still lol but I’m gonna focus on my own plants

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Legalization has gotten rid of more black market growers than a 100 years of prohibition.

I personally believe the feds are dragging their feet so the last hold outs give up


Same thing happened to bootleggers and shiners after alcohol prohibition ended

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The two trays of clones I took ages ago, where I’ve seemed to save everything with some casualties (except zoap. Fuck zoap. What a needy bish.)

I put them in the seed run tent after chopping all said plants and cleaning it. Cleaned the ac yesterday and put the other ac (window unit) in and they’re both going now. So i set the 240w led light in the tent (thanks again @DougDawson it’s going to great use) to 18h and about 25% and I’ve been bumping it and checking the clones. I want to get them rooting and growing out so I can transplant and/or spray them as needed. They’ve been through hell and back and need serious ipm.


Great to hear bud, I am sure it will serve you will. :v:


It crushed the seed run 100% pushed my plants much harder than I expected. Very very good for the tent size I think. It’s like, 22 watts per square foot? Just nice.


Some shitty pics of highway robbery #6 I took, drying

Under the leds, and seeded, it came much more purple and like chimera 3 this run.


Yeah, I ran it in my 2x4 before Viparspectra game me two of the XS1500’s so I swapped it out as it was a 50 watt upgrade with better spread. That gives me 37.5 W/Sq foot in there. More than I need.


Very nice. Need to run my plants better then maybe I can get them to send me lights. Lmao

You did post that twice by accident though I think.