Good news everybody! MORE Act. Will it pass in the Senate?

There aren’t any states I’m aware of that allow you to distill spirits on any level without permits and such. You can make all the wine and beer you want.

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Right, just can’t sell it anywhere without licenses

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Ok so then I guess it would be more similar. We should be able to grow all we want but then making concentrates of any sort would require licenses.
Also the lack of ability to legally sell would still turn away a lot of people who claim to be pro cannabis but really are just pro prohibition/money.


I went that approach, where I am, In NC for many years, no longer. Stay low, mind my own business, but help anyone that needs it. I can send copies of the form letters, sent back to me by each representative. Same form letter, republican, democrat or independent did not matter, same letter they just signed their name, etc… they would let me know if things change in the future? Politicians tell us what we want to hear, ask for our support, money and our vote. If they get either of the last two, chances are you will not hear from them till next election time, except to maybe stick that hand in your pocket a few more times before next election cycle.



I refuse to complain and exercise my right to inaction at the same time. I understand some people want to lay low. My principles don’t allow it. I’m tired of laying low on this stuff. It’s just medicinal herb.

Like I said though. I totally get it, being in prohibition land. I’m fortunate not to be there anymore


Even if it was able to get thru the senate trump will never sign he has enuf $ so he doesnt care about tghe money aspect the way lower level politicians do im moving to maine the woods where i can grow without fear of LEO here in fla alli need is s med card soo i can carry without a hassel from the popo but like has been said in many posts its all about the dam dollar big pharma and big canibis companies tjey dont want itbif they cant gat their cut of thef cash piss on them im tired of having chemicals pushed on me to allevialte a miriad of ailments i just refuse not to mention older folks who thru time and age and no fault of their own need some type of pain relief from this GOD given. Plant instead of shit like any number ofv the pills that pharma produces and pushes on docs to. Perscribe

who have stock in alot of the bigbpharma companies well enuf rambling i guess

Peaceout and stay safe

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Business man+ more taxes= no brainer.


Is McConnell even going to bring it to a vote?

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I highly doubt it, but with him who knows. He may bring this to a vote to avoid voting on another stimulus package.

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I still think Idaho will be in the last 3 states to change.

It’s a damn shame. About 65 percent of Americans want to legalize but our representatives won’t truly represent us. It’s all about the money, pharma, courts and jail system.

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No joke. We need pay cuts and term limits. Take away the lifetime benefits.


Them and the laywers up against thecwall


In handcuffs. Damn theives

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“The first up against the wall when the revolution comes”
I don’t remember where that came from now…
Oh the Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy! Dont forget to bring a towel!


If they discovered today that pot cured ED and baldness that shit would be legal in a week flat.


It’s only a matter of time before they finally submit to legalization after all it took forever for New Jersey to finally jump on board with recreational soon enough you’ll see the East Coast is going to change and then you go to work its way into the minds of the people in Washington it’s almost there it’s just a matter of time


The whole of the ruling class if I’ve got anything to say about it. :man_shrugging:

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Right on peace out and stay aafe

Would like to get a discussion going.

Hopefully, as most of you know, the United States Congress has passed the more act. It still must me ratified by the senate to become law, but the first hurdle is passed.
Now this bill removes ganja from the scheduled drugs list and make business opportunitys available to the ganjasuer (sp). So…in the future how do you all think that the marijuana industry should be organized and what kind of place do you see yourself in it? Further, what is the home grower/breeders place in all this?
After all if 50% of the global population were to smoke a joint a day; there would be a new $25 trillion a year industry.