Grape Punch from the man, the legend, BOG ver.2

I like the stickers. Nice tent also.

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How are you liking the new lights so far. I may be looking at an upgrade soon.

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To be honest I cannot say bud. The light set up easy and gave good readings on my Par meter. As for how well it does in the real world I will have to reserve judgement for now until I have used it a while. The plants only went up there under it yesterday. Before that they were under a Mars TS1000. I am pretty confident going by the specs that this will be a great light but I have to see how the plants like it.


It may be several weeks anyways. Is this the grow featuring the new light? So I can see how your plants react for the next couple weeks.

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Yes sir, all moved to the new tent under the new light yesterday so the pic of the tent with all the BOG pics has got the Mars FC6500 lighting the way.


@DougDawson Im looking at retrying LEDs, I had a few of the UFOs long ago but they didn’t produce. Will you be finishing under that as well?

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Yes, the Sour Bubble will finish in this tent with this light. May or may not move the Grape Punch. Hard to say. I want to get some Sour Grape seeds with the Grape Punch x Sour Bubble as well as Sour Bubble seeds. The trick is I want to get some smoke out of this as well. My PPP run was so seeded the smoke was not very good. A few seeds is fine but it was so seeded there was almost more seed than weed, lol. Have not quite figured out how I am going to play musical plants but there will defiantly be plants under that light until the run is done.


:joy::rofl: I actually just found one of them last night as I was cleaning up.


Interesting indeed… I’m excited to see what happeneds.


So the plants seem happy with the new light, just gave the a quick feed.



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Lookin super healthy Doug. What nutrients are you using?


Using the Flora trio with Epsom salt.


Are you hitting them regularly with CalMag?


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No, since I am using tap water I tend to stay away from calmag since tap water has calcium and just add the Epsom salt


I’m about to say screw it with the RO water I’ve been using and just go with tap. My first plant was a monster and it was grown with tap water, no issues. Somewhere I got it in my head that RO would be better, and maybe it would if I was on top of the calmag more. I think I’m going tap or rainwater from now on.


I started with RO and after my first grow went to tap and never looked back. It seems only I cared, the plants didn’t.


You’ll have to get a filter that can handle chloramine if you use tapwater; that’s what they use through our whole area. The plants don’t like it at all… it also makes the water taste like crap, if you drink tap water. If you don’t, you might actually be willing to after getting a good filter. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I wouldn’t drink it if I could avoid it but the plant I grew in it didn’t mind it at all. Sucks they use the chloramine instead of chlorine though cause at least that would off gas after a day.

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Hmm, ok. The plants I grew in it seemed to mind, but they might have had problems with something else I was doing. That was one of my first grows, so I probably screwed up a lot.

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