Grape Punch from the man, the legend, BOG ver.2

woowhoo!! nice work!


This is excellent! :heart_eyes: Good work Doug!


You can do it little seedlings!


Ok, I see now… you use it for one or a couple seed type drops. I wouldn’t go any further with this, I’m afraid lol Most folks here will tell you how I drop seeds… literally hundreds at a time. :crazy_face: :wink: :+1:
Good sounding method though, and glad it works for you.

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Ok folks, back on track. I tell you watching the first seeds do what they did was difficult. Not one of the 5 did more than crack and spit a little white out the side. I am happy to report as of now we have 5 new seeds, all popped, all in coco and all have broken the surface. Game on.


yes sir don’t go wasting money or time on my suggestions its just something i’ve started testing nothing in stone with my suggestions but I have a seen a positive acceleration of the germination process

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@DougDawson thats awesome man! God things turned around for you, must’ve been that heating mat no?


That’s what I am thinking. It’s the only change I made and switched back for the second attempt. Got to be the Inkbird controller that it was hooked up too. Maybe the sensor is off. Either way, it’s heading for the trash.


It is an interesting method. But, lol I don’t see much of ANY method being faster than what I do! Go see at


:+1:t2: You can also substitute the popcorn enzymes for coconut water enzymes. I use both in my grows periodically


Right On much like a willow limb having a natural rooting hormone. I play with coconut juice as well. Being the largest seed and having so much endosperm for the seed to feed on it just makes sense.


The speed that a seed germinates is not a big enough deal to me to try new stuff.

I fill a cup with soil, poke finger in top, put seed in and cover. Water. Wait.


My seeds literally fall out of my plant and grow in the soil right there lol a lot of growers germination issues are from too much moisture in my opinion.
I wet my paper towel and put it in a zip lock unsealed and let it dry out almost completely then wet again (not soak I leave some dry spots) and seal it. Next day 100% germ rates

But older seeds those methods could be more helpful with germination rate%


Yes sir I don’t doubt anyone in this circle of knowledge of cannabis. I do though always think there is room for advancement in any topic. My ideas are just that. I learn from smart people with big titles and degrees and see if I could do it one better just as I expect someone to do what bits and pieces or even tid bits if you will but never the less its still a contribution. You seem to think that my idea with the aloe idea would not work for you and your kind of operation growing in volume like you do. Well in my line of work I deal in volume and I think like an engineer/architect and my rebuttal would be not to piss you off but what if you took my idea and did something like their doing with regenerating tissue cultures. Filling test tubes with the blended aloe vera juice in racks of thousands if that’s the number your targeting. I’m in Texas sir one day we will have the greenlight just as you have Im sure to grow in such multitudes. When that day comes and it will I’ll be ready to grow and reproduce whatever and how much I like because I have the mind to mass produce and always keep searching for a better way. Yeah I contribute in tid bits because im not at most of you all’s level in growing pot. I want to contribute to mankind in alot of other ways as well. Food housing and conserving water really sparks my attention. No disrespect im sure your style is just fine and I be honored to learn anything you have to contribute. Its just me brother I’ll get to that finish line just like everybody else.


So I was super busy and skipped yesterday’s update but they are still alive so life is good. Come on little ones.


I’m not trying to disparage your methods or efforts there cuz! Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m just saying the method you outlined wouldn’t work for me in my highish demand. However, to take it a step further… IF you do attempt the ‘tube- n-blended aloe’ then, by all means, please keep us posted. i say this because even though I may be an old fella, that doesn’t mean I’m not always looking to ‘up my game’… to live is to learn, to not learn is to be as dead.


So I took a cutting and shoved it way down the frond of an aloe leaf I removed. I just wedged it up in a pot with some dirt. Gonna see if I can root a cutting in aloe. :crazy_face: I’ll take some photos later.


Hey you Grape Punch fans, another work day complete, back to my time. I moved the plants into a small tent temporarily and turned on a light at a ppfd of around 180 to start just so I don’t shock them. Will turn it up over next couple of days. Man that one is a bit deformed :rofl:


Getting kinda warm for seedlings, ain’t it? I try to keep the temps around 70-75 range. But hey lol do it to it cuz they look good!

OH CRAP! lol My bad cuz… i see now that a light meter, not thermometer lol :rofl:

ok…I’m putting down the joint now, didn’t see it was 181 only saw 81

Honest, i only had 1 joint and maybe a couple bowls of concentrates…