Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

Would you believe I had exactly C99 on my mind by the time I was reading your post! @Oldtimerunderground ? LOL Life is weird! Someone said that!! :laughing: :crazy_face: :sweat_smile:


@Baudelaire has the Cinderella 99 and the Princess 88


Yes, it’s an easy one to procure. I haven’t had success yet myself, twice my fault, once the chicken’s fault… but I’m gonna try again. I have some fems from a friend that made them from Joey Weed version. So, at worst, I should have a few. I’ve never grown or had it yet, myself. Just crosses with it as a parent. It’s still a favorite from all I read, and seems to be easily available.


So PWC 3 hit the green waste…balls. I think I have 5 left I’m waiting on. 1 OG, 1 Iced Cube, 1 PWC and 2 garlic… and I think the mutant Kashmir is probably a girl. I throw water at her still for some reason. I cant see any visible sex, so at this point I am assuming it’s a girl. Good plant for the ugly plant thread me thinks. I’ll have to grab a pic of it. lol

Almost forgot, I fed the plants heavily. Completely drenched them. Gonna litfa until Sunday and see how 3 days without watering fares as a test. Really trying to litfa on Dad too. I’ve asked him for so much this season already.


I’m finally sitting down smoking a joint. I’ve been doing so much stuff lately, I have honestly forgot to just sit down relax and burn one for days on end now. Weird, I know. So… AHHHHH! Puffing on my winter volunteer actually. After she cured, she tastes exactly like her Mama, the UFS 18. No resemblance whatsoever to her herm “daddy” OG Kush. She did fresh dried, but now all cured and wonderful, not so much. Doesn’t break my heart a bit. Y’all know how I can’t tolerate the high from kush anyway. I was growing that effen plant last year for the men. So far the only strains I grew that I actually couldn’t tolerate so far were Good Shit (hated it), Kushage and Jungle Spice. The latter were delish but didn’t work for me. Dad and my Man both loved them. Wish I was so Indica tolerant.

It feels nice to be weeded. Like I can finally breathe or something. I’ve been really anxious lately.

EDIT - This spa getaway can’t come soon enough!





The one I gave you would of been Gorilla Slippers by @Howard.Crane. Gorilla Glue x C-99. The year before I grew @paintedfire420 Big Nose Kate. Which is Doc Holiday x C99.
If you’d like either let me know. I’m sure I can get them there by next year.


Hey @Oldtimerunderground check my thread
Floyds tent village
Im looking for opinions on the C99 seed thing


Thanks @Floyd I’ll definitely check it out :slightly_smiling_face:


Okay, I admit it. I feel lazy as hell when it comes to these fkn container plants! I honest to dog thought they would all be planted by now, males trashed and extra females given away. I in absolutely no way wanted to actually have to feed these mofo’s like crazy or even tend much to them. lol These assholes still won’t show me their sex and the OG’s and Iced Cubes are still in containers. They are starting to require a lot of extra work. The suckers are starting to want constant heavy nitrogen feeds and now they want an epsom salt foliar. sigh I fed the hell out of them yesterday, but I’m so annoyed. Think I’m just gonna do a bat guano top dress, epsom these suckers and call it a day. I’m super mean cuz any deficiencies that any females I end up giving away are a their problem not a my problem. Most of this shit can be solved with a badly needed transplant though. :joy: I’m tired of messing with 26 container plants! Okay there are only like 12 now, but still. Thought I would get off easy this year.

The ground is already amended and perfect all I have to do is one special soil drench per month and of course prune, prune, prune!

Picked up some lady bugs today. I have them in the fridge until sundown. Well, here I go to guano the containers. So for a 64 oz sprayer, I will need what like 1/2 Tbsp of Epsoms? So whats that like 1 1/2 tsps? I think that’s right. Alright, I’ll mix that up while my lazy ass is out there for a sundown foliar too.


Did you try the Strawberry Amnesia? :thinking: :zzz: :strawberry: :dizzy_face:

I could smoke a 1/2 oz of that every day. :+1: @MidwestMover Your spores are still working magic for friends. :hugs: :mushroom:



Lookie what I got! It’s a bat flower! Last time I got one of these from bare root, I planted it upside down and killed it. Having said that… Do any of you know with side is the crown? lol. I honest to dog can’t even remember what the wrong side was.

I don’t even know how to google that. Think I tried that last time. Worse comes to worse I plant it sideways and hope for the best.


No strawberry amnesia, but the last amnesia strain my girl in the high desert grew gave me anxiety 3 times in a row. So I haven’t had amnesia since


:laughing: See?! We have such opposing reactions to most varieties! So weird!
Way back when, when I was a dispensary newbie I learned quickly to go for the opposite recommendation of any female budtender. :smirk:

:evergreen_tree: :mens:


So, I did the guano top dress and the sun was past my garage so no direct sun, I was able to do the epsom foliar. Only the containers needed anything the ground plants are all perfect and deep dark green except for a couple transplant leaves on the Sour Dubb I just replaced the herm with.

The most pissy plants are the Orange Goji and Port Wine Cheese. The OG went in the ground sooner last year so I didn’t remember it being a heavy feeder, but it is. However, I remember the GDP I grew last year and remember calling her the finicky bitch lol… Apparently the PWC are heavy feeders like their Daddy and finicky bitches. Of course once they go to ground, they have all the nutes they could possibly want as the PWC I have in the ground is dark green and loving life.

It only took me like 20 mins… I’m the one who sounds like the finicky bitch now :joy: :joy:


Just my guess on the Bat flower, but that looks like the root in the bottom of the pic and it looks like some stalks on the upper part. If it’s a rhizome type of plant, it should look dirty at the root end and maybe a small root or two coming off of it. I never heard of a Bat flower.



I’m glad they still give people a good trip. Been almost 2 years.


holy shit that’s gorgeous !!