Half-assed grow journal

I am always trying new stuff. For instance i grow with a coco coir, peat and aeration mix then tons of dry amendments, rock powders. I even collect worm castings and worms from the woods and oyster shells at the beach. Got to wash those off cause of the salt. i have but using Fox Fams trio. What are you trying for bloom liquids? How do you like Dynasty’s Gear ? Have you grown Professor P’s stuff? I wanted to try Pineapple Fields.

But your going to have a world class selection there.

So here’s some of the liquid nutes I drench with

Love me some Dynasty genetics, don’t love me the prices. They are like $120-160 a pack nowadays - used to get them on sannies few years back for like 30 bucks. Now even that seems expensive after being on this site a few months

I’ve grown between 6-10 of their crosses and a few really stood out in the looks/ smells categories…can’t really comment on the strength cuz I don’t really smoke, I really just grow for all my buddies and they never report back, they just tell me when they need more

I have used all of the Neptune Products. They are excellent . i also like the Fox farm Big Bloom . It’s bacically like an Aact. That one is stellar. Are you in the PNW? Also have you grown the Dynasty gear prior? How about mold? I did use Sulfur and Copper spray but i am 3-4 weeks in right now.

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It was 10:
Caramel Cough
Salmon River OG
Honey Badger Haze
Huckleberry Space Queen
Moose N Lobsta
Ms. Universe

Plus the ones I’ve got going right now

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Sorry i see you said you have grown Dynasty .

You’re all good!
Oddly, I was just replying on my phone and none of your messages in the last hour or so were popping up - I just jumped on my computer and there they were - site’s still adjusting to the new updates.

I didn’t run into mold issues though, probably because I was all indoor. Only started outdoor about two years ago and I had just the Moose n Lobsta and Alpengrow going for those. Again, no mold issues - but I did have to cut early on the Moose because of two weeks of downpours. I’m mid-west, so we get hit pretty good mid October. @freddy-Foo

What plants are you growing there?

Foreground is BC Blueberry. Next Generation seeds. Left side is Bodhi’s Zunga Zeng. Middle but hard to see is Grandmas Hashplant. And the right is Big J/Joe Pure Afghan/Lavender Lemonaid. All from seeds . I have 1 male left. It’s Metal haze f4. So i have pollen from 3 males I kept this year. And the Metal Haze hasn’t opened yet. Had a lemon-candy stem rub that’s ridiculous . very pungent. Minimum 35 gallons some in 50 s. The soil is recycled year after year and amended. Other seeds i have or kept males-707 seeds Lorans Dream, Black Triangle Bodhi, Copas Sunshine Daydream bx1, Humboldt seed company Blueberry Muffin, Black Market Breeeders Sublime, Old Soul Bodhi. Also Tony Greens Tortured Beans Cats Eye. The Ssdd bx1 s are like 4 weeks in and stacking hard. Metal Haze is the slowest in the bunch. Next season more variety and landraces (worked) to cross into modern stuff. Keep us posted . I like outdoor best. Nothing beats fresh outs grown well.

I’ve only recently been lucky enough to get some Bodhi work through this forum - I’m trying to get my friends away from the dispo dominant strains. Everything here just went legal and they are still getting the same old same old.

So I too am looking at some landraces to start working with. I found good motivation from this site, and this guy on YouTube that I really enjoyed - I suggest checking out his vids:


this one specifically caught my attention:


So, over the last couple days, I noticed some mottling on the fan leaves of my Alpenglow plants. I originally thought the leaves were naturally fading (as this strain has done for me in the past). In reality, I just wasn’t paying close enough attention.

Unfortunately, today I realized the actual cause was powdery mildew.

So I went in, taking fan leaves, and only left the ones that didn’t show signs of pm.

Double unfortunately, it was during this defoliation that I also noticed spider mite spots on a few of the leaves of one of these two plants. This led to extra defoliation on that plant.

After defoliation, I sprayed the plants down with H2O2 and H2O for an initial approach. I also have some Grosafe Bio-Pesticide coming, so I’ll give that a whirl.

Surprisingly, there is little to no signs of pm or mites on the other plants. But since they are in such close proximity to one another, I might just have to treat everything - Im not very fond of these little dudes


Sllimenave , I think you’re correct to treat all of them in proximity. IPM is paramount. As a 20 year grower, my early years I hardly ever did, with the learning curve and all. Often these bugs jump to the nearest foliage to escape the caustic sprays and set up shop there. So I think you’re correct. Any favorites now? My favorites usually change throughout the season. The overlooked ones usually become interesting…

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Good call @freddy-Foo - I honestly thought I was doing a much better job with the bugs - granted, I had to see them before I really took action. IPM, as you stated, is PARAMOUNT

…Especially when you have neighbors all around you growing too - it’s one of those things that made me nervous about legalization here

There are three plants that are really sticking out right now:

Ocelot by Dynasty - the structure is just beautiful

Peach Sherbert by Sky Island - wish I had this in a 10gal pot, she’s putting out so much in just a 5

Fruit Collision by @santero - the smell man, the smell

I originally decided to just name 3, but the list should be more like 8 - also those Alpenglow were my favorites up until today

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I’m busy all day tomorrow, but I’ll post pics in two days time - give a better idea of what I’m seeing over here.

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Thanks I keep checking in. You have great genetics and a clean setup. I think you will have a massive stash… the kind where you have no worry about paying for mids. Growers always have the top smoke. I usually keep the best buds and then the whole best plants and gift, off and trade the rest. Post some pics. Don’t you love outdoor shots as they swell, nearing peak ripeness? Do you take your plants cloudy or amber?

Oh it’ll be more than I have any clue what to do with, for sure!
Slightly stressing the dry/cure with this one…I’m getting things lined up, but not sure what to expect when the time comes

But I have to agree, outdoor just has such a different look about it
My indoor grows look like everybody else’s, and the photos have started to kinda bore me in a way

I can’t help but laugh looking out at a 12 footer

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Alright, here’s the dang Alpenglow plants, side-by-side in the garden

Pretty sure this is some light PM mottling on some of the leaves left on the plant